NCN: InsureCo update

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Sat Mar 25 1995 - 18:25:15 PST

At 11:29 AM 3/25/95 -0500, Leon Vickman wrote:
>To the New Civ Model One e-mail crew, the New Civilization Network, and
>Flemming's Web Site:
>InsureCo announces that it is preparing to launch a unique form of New Civ
>"insurance" in the coming months that will "cover" all members of New
>Civilization Model One and the New Civilization Network.
>This plan will provide self-help-group care and assistance to all members
>through the collective efforts of the members who are covered. Here is how it
>works. If a member is in trouble she informs InsurCo. InsurCo then reviews
>members' abilities and resources and puts out a request for help to those best
>qualified to help in terms of knowledge, geography and availability. This is
>facilitated by a compilation of skills and resources that each member will be
>asked to provide to InsureCo.
>This is expected to work much like an extended family works today. If someone
>needs help, the family finds a way to give the help.
>The nature and duration of the help will depend on the cooperation of all
>members, and the success of the program will be directly proportional to the
>involvement of each and every member.
>Thus, there are no promises or contracts or preconceived expectations. But
>there are strong moral, ethical and philosophical dictates to make the program
>work. The more members we have, the richer will be the resources of the pool
>talent in the "extended family" that can be applied to help in an individual
>Thus, there are no boundaries of any type to what we can provide... it depends
>on all members to help each other, and from this will grow the comfort of
>knowing that there is going to be a team out there that will help you if you
>need it.
>Comments are invited and persons are needed to help administer the program...
>even a few minutes a month will be fine.
>InsureCo Division of New Civ Model One
>March 25, 1995

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