Re: NCN: The Venus Project

From: Bob Gebelein (
Date: Fri Mar 31 1995 - 03:49:25 PST

= The Myth of the Self-Made Individual

That's all I have read. I'll read the rest later.

I am having some discussion with Flemming Funch and others on how we are
going to relate, with our diverse opinions, without going to chaos in about
3 moves. I think I can say with certainty that words like "myth" in the
derogatory sense (and "erroneous" and "simplistic" and "irrational") are
going to detract from our ability to share knowledge and lead us instantly
into internal warfare.

Your opinions are noted. My evidence indicates a different opinion of
reality. Is there some way we can just share our different knowledge,
without getting into an adversarial relationship?

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