NCN: Member Directory

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Mon Apr 03 1995 - 01:25:30 PDT

This is an alphabetical list of members of the New Civilization Network,
with an abbreviated summary for each of what I know about your interests,
skills, organizations, etc.

I am sure I haven't condensed it very perfectly, so let me know where I've
made mistakes, or presented you in a misleading way, or if you want it to
say something else.

Some of you I don't know enough about to know what to write, or I haven't
been paying attention.

- Flemming
        Broome Community College, Binghamton, NY, USA

Nicholas Albery <>
        Collecting world changing ideas.
        The Institute for Social Inventions.
        London, England.

Mike Apgar <>
        Starting an electronic cafe in Seattle.

Jim Armstrong <>
        Baha'i Faith, unity of mankind, world civilization.

Doug Babkirk <>
        Education, inner knowing, inner wisdom, intuition.
        Group process, community development, leadership.
        University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Kim Baker <>
        International politics, religious freedom, women's groups, education,
        art, environment.
        Revitalizing Africa, combining old wisdom with new.
        Cape Town, South Africa.

Randy Bear <>
        Information technology.

Gene Bellinger <>
        Mathematical physics, human resources, strategic marketing,
        project management, software engineering, systems integration,
        system dynamics.

Pete Berardo <>
        Particle physics, data analysis, radiobiology, strategic defense,
        artificial intelligence, robotics.
        New optimization methods to study sizes and functions of governement.
        Palo Alto, California.

Deanna Berg <>
        Atlanta, Georgia.

Lawry de Bivort <>
        Education, leadership, systemic change tools, linguistics.

Jim Bonaparte <>
        Editor of Harvest Magazine. Society of Independent Learners.
        Self education , liberation of the mind, environment, teaching.
        Biological science, education, social studies.
        College of Synthallogical Management and Omnicomprehensive Studies.
        Brockton, Massachusetts.

Willem Bouman <>
        New forms of organizing.
        University of Amsterdam, Holland.

Monthian Buntan <>
        Philosphy, Music theory/composition, political and social issues.

Brian Carr <>

        Health care, psychiatry, developmental disabilities, psychology,
        systems thinking, quantum nature of all things, music, pianist, films,
        quality improvement, caring.
        Madison, Wisconsin.

Margot Dale <>
        Healing, medicinal herbs, flora, fauna, herbal body care,
        alternative medicine.
        Exeter, Maine.

Tim Dalmau <>
        Queensland, Australia.

Michele Delehanty <>
        Chula Vista, California.

Bob Dick <>
        Managing change, processes for improvement,
        structures and relationships, action research.

Nancy Dixon <>
        Action Learning.

Michelle Dolan <>
        Gardening, pets, cooking, wine making, sailing.
        Group work, self-suficiency.
        Everett, Washington.

Jan Duniewicz <>
        Industrial management. People development,
        bringing out talents, passions, aspirations, and contribution
        to humanity. Team development.
        Montreal, Canada.

Larry K Eisenberg <>
        Academia, wall street, modeling of the economy.
        New York, New York.

Gideon Elad <>
        Kibbutz Chatzerim, Negev,Israel

Larry Emlich <>
        Software engineer.
        Technology leading us to meet the needs for everyone.
        San Jose, California.

Mark Feenstra <>
        Win Win Group, Team Learning Network.
        Organizational learning, Peer Partnerships.
        Auckland, New Zealand.

Ernie Foss <>
        Communications aspects, metaphysics, healing, counseling.
        San Francisco, California.

Jacque Fresco & Roxanne Meadows <>
        The Venus Project, a vision of a future society dedicated to human
        concern and environmental reclamation. Design, new social structures.
        Venus, Florida.

Birgit Funch <>
        Gardening, health, local community, astrology, science fiction.
        Los Angeles, California.

Flemming Funch <>
        Whole systems, world transformation,
        counseling, acting, metaphysics,
        communication, systems design, diplomacy.
        Los Angeles, California.

Bob Gebelein <>
        Author of "Re-educating myself - an introduction to a new civilization",
        the new civilization person, psychotherapy.

Bob Gregory <>
        New Zealand.

Curt Griesel <>
        University of Minnesota, Minneapols, Minnesota.

Budd Hall <>
        Transformative Learning Centre.
        Toronto, Ontario

Ned Hamson <>
        Quality, teamwork, coalition building, community development.
        Government, neighborhood development, politics, animal rights,
        peace promoter, teamwork.
        Editor: The Journal for Quality and Participation
        Association for Quality and Participation.
        Cincinnati, Ohio.

Bruce Hanna <>
        Local collaborative and cooperative ventures.
        Human engineering at the smallest group levels, enabling the
        collaborative taking of action, going from idea to practice.
        Paradigm innovation associates.
        Santa Barbara, California.

Bob Hiltner <>
        Computer programming, technical editing, graphics.
        Generalist, education, energy, resource based economy, kids.
        Seattle, Washington.

Keith Hudson <>
        Founder-secretary of The Job Society, changing employment structures.
        Environment, technology, economics, community development, education.
        Consumers' Alliance, political power relationships.
        Bath, England.

Tom Hurley <>

Dmitry Ivakhnenko <>
        Personal development, clearing, freedom.
        Ukraine Clearing Institute.
        Kiev, Ukraine.

Joshua Jacobs <George@VAX2.Winona.MSUS.EDU>
        Alternative energy, self-sufficiency.

Amos Jessup <>
        Psychology, organization methods.
        Jessup Communications.
        San Diego, California.

        Computers, communication.
        Los Angeles, California.

Roger Langrick <>
        Monetary systems, barter systems, self-sustaining communities,
        acupuncturist, alternative medicine, homoeopathy, bio energetics,
        British Columbia, Canada.

David Leland <rrlelnd@cc.UManitoba.CA>
        Organizational development, cooperatives, credit unions,
        adult education, vermiculture (waste disposal w. earth worms).
        Manitoba, Canada.

Geraldine MacDonald <>
        Health and work, teaching.
        Ontario, Canada.

Jim Marcum <>
        Lifelong learning for entire community, teaching,
        role of information in transforming organizations, society, etc.
        Ethics of allocation systems for "essential resources" and their role
        in the development of public policy.
        Information services for industry and government.
        Alexandria, Virginia.

John Ohliger <>
        Adult education, working toward a better society, books.
        Basic Choices - A Midwest Center for Clarifying Political and
Social Options.
        Madison, Wisconsin.

Mitch Olson <>
        Computer applications, teams, organizational learning,
        Understanding the universe, healthy living, being happy.
        Santa Barbara, California

Malcolm S D Palle <>

Tom Parker <>
        Large scale systems, impact of technology,
        expanding technological benefits to the so-called 'have-nots'.
                in the areas of computing, housing, food, skill-building.
        Making complex systems understandable in plain language,
        e.g. in computing, medicine, science, law, and others.
        Grant proposal writing
        Santa Cruz, California.

Wayne Pendley <>
        Environment, wilderness, wildlife, native peoples.
        select topic "Environmental Activism" to get "PlanetKeepers" page

"Allen L. Ramsier" <>
        Re-evaluation Counseling, grass roots therapy.
        Taos, New Mexico.

        Quality improvement, STOL, creating a new workplace,
        providing environment for change in the workplace.
        Center for Continuous Quality Improvement.
        Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

        Ecclesia Gnostica Alba.
        Beograd, Yugoslavia.

Lena Rotenberg <>
        Education, children.

Sheila Ryan <>

Barry Savage <>
        Institutional research in higher education, social change, technology,
        cultural transformation, sociology, statistics, general systems theory,
        linguistics, music, photography, cooking.
        Director, Institutional Research, College of the Redwoods
        Eureka, California.

Patrick G. Salsbury <>
        Maintains GEODESIC mailing list on the works of Buckminster Fuller.
        San Francisco, California.

Tom Short <>
        Emergent design, learning organizations.
        Elizabeth Bay New South Wales, Australia.

Ramona Mercedes Straube Shukovski <>
        Global issues, personal growth.
        Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Aaron Smith <>
        Organizational transformation, the arts, communication, education.
        Sacramento, California.

Joachim Steingrubner <jhs@PrimeNet.Com>
        Engineering, robotics, computer science, linguistics, philosophy.
        Los Angeles, California.

Anthony Tan <>
        Learning organizations, teamwork, networking.

Clive Tristram <>
        Management consulting, information technology,
        re-engineering healthcare, computing, telecommunications,
        systems thinking, learning organizations.
        European Healthcare Consultancy
        Birmingham, England.

Kirby Urner <>
        Maintains Synergetics mailing list.
        Portland (PDX), Oregon

Leon Vickman <>
        Secretary of New Civilization, non profit organization.
        Attorney at law.
        Encino, California.

Steve Weinberg <>
        Community planning & development, communications.
        Community Action Services
        Cyberspace Planning & Development
        New Jersey.

C. B. Willis <>
        Values, ethics, education in the home, schools, churches,
        companies, other organizations, the community.
        San Jose, California.

Richard Winter <>
        Management theory, organisational change, strategic management,
        mental models, alternative frameworks for work,collective learning.
        Victoria, Australia.

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