>Date: Mon, 03 Apr 1995 12:17:06 +0100
>To: ffunch@netcom.com
>From: Keith Hudson <k.hudson@bbcnc.org.uk>
>Subject: NCN
>I'm principally involved (on FUTUREWORK lIST ON Internet) with employment
>structure, etc. However, you mentioned the possibility of separate
>specialised groups within NCN. What I might like to try is a "Creativity"
>group. I have for a long time been fascinated by Arthur's Koestler's book
>"The Act of Creation" which puts forwards a "Bisociation" Theory of
>creativity (and humour, and much else besides).
>Essentially, what it means is to "force-fit" two entirely separate ideas.
>I've tried this out many times and it works. It can produce a very great
>number of new ideas. Most of them are nonsensical, of course, but a
>proportion are worth investigating further. It needs a lot of concentration,
>I've developed some practical working methods of using Koestler's method and
>I wouldn't mind exploring this further with a small group. I tried it some
>years ago at Coventry University with some redundant senior executives who'd
>been on several business courses but were still looking for new business
>ideas. A couple of small businesses actually got started. However, they
>weren't of the intellectual fire-power of members of this group and I
>wouldn't mind trying a small creativity group, if anybody wants to take part.
>If so, I will introduce the matter with two short pieces. The first
>introduces something that puzzled for many years. If early man (from about
>50,000 BC) and his immediate predecessors were as intelligent as they were,
>why the very slow procession of innovations? Since then, why has the
>production of innovations accelerated?
>(The implication of the above is that the Internet ought to enable us to
>produce an even higher rate of new ideas.)
>The second piece would be the method itself.
>Best wishes,
>Keith Hudson,
>The Job Society, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX England
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