personco request for review

Date: Wed Apr 05 1995 - 05:54:28 PDT

     hello, i have written a somewhat large e-mail text regarding the
             usage of gender and writing in the usage of understanding
             the public writer/reades and also a private writer/reader.
             the intention was to analyse a usage of translating words
             in terms of gender/sex, and see if this equalization does
             allow for some equality for the readers and writer in the
             interpretation of ideas. basically, the phenomena of the
             words such as he, male, man, were matched with s, fe, wo,
             as follows..

                       she said s/he he said
                    female said fe/male male said
                     woman said wo/man woman said

             and the middle category was looked at in terms of allowing
             an unbiased and equal interpretation of the text and ideas.
             somehow in this translation an anomoly appeared and it was
             the case of being of both sexes, or neither, hermaphrodite.
             i tried thinking this through, as well as i could, and now
             have concluded the hermaphrodite would not find a basis in
             being any more wo/man, rather between plant, animal, human.
             such that, if an idea were to be of the gender perspective
             the hermaphrodite (also the fe/male) would have no grounds
             for equality in terms of being anymore a man/woman than as
             a plant/animal/human. thus, in terms of equality, i found
             reason to believe this gender-vantage private, and unequal
             and for the hermaphrodite to be equal in questioning ideas
             would need to write/read from terms of being a human being.
             this then became cause for looking at public writer/reader
             in non-gender based terms and how this writing might start
             from differentiating between the public and the private he.
             it is a start to a longer look at the same idea, regarding
             ways of using language to write in a unbiased way for many,
             in terms of being a public human. it has been some of the
             first writing in any formal sense, and it is more as being
             a struggle with writing/reading itself which this might be
             but it is a start to an idea i hope to rationalize on list,
             the other ideas rest on this public/private difference and
             so, i hoped to get some feedback on the piece and see what
             more i should consider before getting into the larger idea,
             so, if anyone has interest in reviewing the text i will be
             happy to send it, and if there is some interest in it as a
             public discussion, i could be set up a discussion list, as
             personco might not be suitable for the discussion of texts.
             anyhow, thank you for reading, any feedback is appreciated,

             brian carroll

       sub: rebis
             i will reply to requests after 1 day from sending, so that
             the e-mail is sent at one time on a temporary, mockup-list

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