Re: New Civ as a Learning Org...

Date: Sun Apr 30 1995 - 05:55:24 PDT

Great response on systems applications. I chuckled at the "Low Ohs." The way
we're going, it WILL probably be pretty low by then.
And I've sent a request for "The Systems Thinker."
Being a child of the Sensitive Sixties, I sometimes feel like I'm out in
left field with the Nano-Nineties. i.e. I'm expecting a fly ball and
everybody's bunting.
However, years ago Marshall McLuhan came up with something that seems
relevant here.
He said that cultural thought or attitudes are so much a part of the way we
think, that we cannot hope to extricate ourselves from them and become a
truly detached observer of our times.
If, indeed, we correctly analyse a period, then it's because that period is
over and we're coming from a different direction.

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