ArtCo project

Date: Wed May 10 1995 - 00:18:05 PDT

Thanks to everyone who responded to the ArtCo announcement - it was very
encouraging to see the interest in this group and very interesting to hear
from specific people.

The 2 main projects of ArtCo right now are:

1. To complete a "movie" which would serve as an introduction to Model

I am using Macromedia's Director program as the main engine for this. I am
in the learning stages of this application - but I think it should work out
really well. I should have access to a color scanner anytime now - so we
will be able to use images of photographs and other documents. If anyone is
interested in being involved in this PLEASE let me know. I could use help
with drawing the graphics and coming up with some music to add to it. I
would love for this to be a project which involved several of NCN and Model
One members.

2. To gather everyone's interests and artistic talents.

To this end could everyone please email me - with
your interests and/or skills. And if you have *skills* (please understand I
feel we all have skills but I need to distinguish people who might be able
to help others in a more traditional sense - for now) - could you please
indicate if you would be willing to train/teach or otherwise assist other
members in your particular skill (i.e. playing an instrument, painting,

Thank you!


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