New Civilization as a TeamNet

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Thu May 11 1995 - 22:01:14 PDT


The New Civilization Network fits the definition of a "TeamNet" as
described in the book "The Age of the Network" by Jessica Lipnack and
Jeffrey Stamps. The TeamNet principles are the main elements needed to make
a network work well.

Historically speaking we could say that networking is the natural
organizing method for the information age. It is kind of the 4th major
method of organization in recent human history.

First there were nomadic societies, where small groups hunted and gathered

Then there were agricultural societies that were hierarchical. Somebody
would own the land and have people working for them, and so forth.

Then there were industrial societies, represented by bureaucracy.
Compartmentalized organizations where people in one section don't know what
the people in the neighbouring section are doing.

But now in the information society and beyond, the trend is more towards
networks, or networks of teams. Things are happening too quickly for
hierarchical or bureaucratic organizations to cope well. Adaptability and
quick response is important. It is more valuable who you are linked up with
than what position or title you have.

A TeamNet represents the best principles from the organization methods that
preceded it, and creates a new format dynamic enough to work well into the

A TeamNet is a network of teams working according to these five principles:

UNIFYING PURPOSE - TeamNets achieve success by being clear on their
purpose. The purpose needs to be simple, and everyone involved needs to
understand it and, if possible, participate in its development. Each team
is clear on what they are trying to do, and the network of teams are clear
on what they are trying to do amongst each other.

INDEPENDENT MEMBERS - Joining a network doesn't mean one has to give up
independence. Individuals in teams, or teams amongst other teams, all
retain and usually enhance their independence. The activities in a TeamNet
do not depend on a central authority.

VOLUNTARY LINKS - A network has many links, connections and relationships.
The links cross boundaries and are not hierarchical or regulated. The links
are voluntary, based on personal choice and interest. One is not forced to
have them, but is free to create them, maintain them, or terminate them.

MULTIPLE LEADERS - Everyone is a leader at the time when his or her unique
experience and knowledge adds to the group's intelligence. Leadership in a
network is not a matter of acquired status or ownership. Those who are able
or motivated lead in the areas they are able or motivated in. Natural
networkers are coordinators and catalysts who constantly develop matches
between people's needs and resources.

INTEGRATED LEVELS - Networks aren't just 2-dimensional and homogenous. They
clump into sub-groups and interest groups and teams of different sizes and
make-ups, continuously forming or re-forming. Different teams will choose
different foci of attention. Together they form a structure which could be
likened to a hierachy, but which isn't based on authority of command, but
on interest. Groups naturally gather into groups of groups, or sub-divide
into smaller groups.

Nowhere do these principles become more pertinent than in the creation of a
whole new civilization. You can't create a new cilization by telling
everybody what to do. Different people and groups of people have different
interests and norms. But by networking freely together and by coming
together when we have shared purposes, by taking action when we are able
and inspired, and by remaining aware of how our activies relate to other
activities, thus we can achieve a synergy, a unity based on diversity.

- Flemming

Jessica Lipnack & Jeffrey Stamps: "The Age of the Network",
ISBN 0-939246-71-6, Oliver Wight Publications.

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