NCN: Server and lists

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Tue May 16 1995 - 01:00:19 PDT

*** The server at is now operational. ***

Joachim Steingrubner <> has been working around the clock to
get it going, and it is also his generosity that finances it at this point.
Very much appreciated, Joachim!

A web area for new civilization and some of the teams can now be accessed at:

Several new mailing lists have been created: will be the replacement for the botbody-l list. Send
announcements on team activities and administrative matters that concerns
everybody to this address. It will be moderated to keep the traffic low and
pertinent to everybody. You will automatically be on this list if you are
on botbody-l currently. Please don't post to botbody-l directly any more. is a new list for general discussion of new
civilization network subjects. Join this list if you want to comment on
anything on the main list, if you want to discuss new civilization in
general, if you have questions, if you are confused about what is going on,
to post your bios, to get to know each other, and more. Nobody will be put
on this automatically, so join the list to be part of it. is for the existing ethics/legal/social laws team.
Current members of the team will be signed up automatically. is for the existing team on spirituality in a new
civilization. Current members of the team will be signed up automatically. is for a new Local Community Team. It is for
working on establishing local communities, for liason with existing
intentional communities, and more. Join if you are interested in that. is for a new New Civilization Culture Team. It is
to work on meta-issues of a new civilization, the 30,000 ft view of the
whole thing, and issues of how a new civilization culture might develop.
Join if that appeals to you.

For any of the lists above you can join by sending a message to:

with a message of the format:

subscribe listname

E.g. 'subscribe ncndiscuss-l'. Notice that it is an L at the end of the
list names, not a One. If you want to know which functions are available
from the list server, send it a message with 'help' in the message body.

A number of active lists already exist, generously provided by Paul
Stephens <>. is for New Civilization Model One. is for the TeamWork Team. is for the Creativity Group. is for the Alternative Money System Team. is for the Alternative Energy Team.

Join any of these by sending a message to:

with a message of the format:

subscribe listname

E.g. 'subscribe creativity'. Each of these lists also has a corresponding
digest mode list that summarizes messages and sends them every day or two,
if one wishes to avoid a high volume of messages. To subscribe to any of
these one would use the list names ncmo-l-digest, teamwork-digest,
creativity-digest, money-digest, or energy-digest.

Also, Del Wilson <> runs a list for the World Knowledge
Network. You join by sending a message to:

with the message body:

subscribe wknet

There are other activities. In this message I concentrated on mailing lists.

If all of this is confusing, don't despair. You are not obliged to join
anything, but you have the opportunity for joining any of the teams that
have your interest.

Work is under way for creating a more unified overview of NCN activities
including ways of accessing past messages.

- Flemming

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   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
  / * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
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