I am forwarding most responses to my posts on ncnmain-l to ncndiscuss-l.
For example, several people sent in stories in response to my New Civ
Culture post. So, thank you very much for the posts, and I am not ignoring
If you don't want to miss anything, subscribe to that list by sending a
message to:
with the message:
subscribe ncndiscuss-l
Recent activity has mostly been in the Ethics/Social Law team, and some in
the TeamWork Team and the Creativity list and the Model One list. Otherwise
everything has been pretty quiet recently. My impression from a few
responses is that a lot of people have been mysteriously busy with life and
work and so forth.
A face-to-face gettogether is planned for June 24th in the San Francisco
Bay area. If any of you will be in the area at that time and don't already
know the details, let me know. And hopefully we can follow it with meetings
in more areas.
- Flemming
o o
/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o ---------http://newciv.org/worldtrans/----------o-------o
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