June 13, 1995 System Cross Section of New Civ Model One

From: Leon Vickman (ao479@lafn.org)
Date: Tue Jun 13 1995 - 23:11:50 PDT

Hello dear friends on the NCN main list and the NCMO list!
(again, please excuse duplicate messages if you are on both lists)

This is the system cross section of New Civilization Model One
for June 13, 1995. This system cross section is a look at the
operation of the Model One New Civilization that has been running
since early 1994. Each cross section sees different things, since
this Model One Civilization is very complex and has a lot going on,
no matter what slice you take to look inside. (for more information
on Model One, please inquire at the e mail address above.)

Today we look at how the wants and offerings of Model One are
beginning to manifest themselves in a Trading Board that is also
a reflection of the on going projects of the civilization.

Some interest has been shown in the notion of establishing an
e-mail based trading board (want ads) that would list all the
things that Model One is offering for sale for Time Money credits,
and also would list all the things (goods and services) that
Model One needs to carry out its mission of running a very intelligent,
much more loving and highly advanced civilization.

This trading board is actually a subset of a larger concept...
how to keep track of all the things that need to get done to make
and continue to run this advanced civilization. We have tried
conventional methods like PERT charting, and project management
software, with mixed results. The trading board seems more promising,
since it is more understandable to the average person, who is very
familiar with the notion of want ads in a newspaper. The trading board
will also, ideally, tie in to the "banking" system of Model One...
which uses Time Money credits to promote trade (one hour worked
earns one Time Money credit). Some trades may involve state money for
out-of-pocket expenses such as postage, phone, shipping, and

>From what we have experienced since we began work on new civ
in the early 1980's, it seems likely that the way the trading board's
want ads will be categorized will be much like in a newspaper: items
wanted and items for sale (available). The categories might be:

Jobs, goods, services, loans, real estate, equipment, miscellaneous.

More to come. Thanks for your interest!

New Civilization Model One
Nova Civilizacio Modelo Unu (Esperanto)
ThinkCo Division

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