One possible direction for NCN is to associate more with other existing or
developing networks. Some of that seems to be materializing.
For example, I discussed this a bit with Tom Nawrocki <>
who is the director of Illuminet and who is also an NCN member here. They
have a member directory very much like NCN's and work along similar lines.
This is an excerpt from the Illuminet home page at
ILLUMINET: Strength Through Unity
Welcome to Illuminet, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing
together positive people and organizations across the globe to create a
better world today. Illuminet is founded upon a wholistic philosophy , in
which all people and life are interconnected and interdependent. We seek to
help positive people network with each other, so that through the
collaboration of many different
individuals from diverse backgrounds, resources can be combined, ideas can
be supported, and meaningful change can occur.
If you would like to connect with others like yourself who share a
wholistic perspective, we invite you to join The Illuminet Directory ,
which lists names, biographical and contact information.
Illuminet is proposing a project called the New Frontier Initiative . It
involves the development of cooperatively owned and operated enterprises,
giving people an opportunity to escape a life of economic hardship to enjoy
a meaningful position of empowerment and cooperation.
Illuminet is still in its infancy, but with the help of others dedicated to
making a difference, we will be growing rapidly. If you would like to get
involved, drop us a line at Together, we can create
a better tomorrow today!
And then I've been talking with Bruce Schuman <> of INTERREL
(Interreligious Dialogue Network). They are working on establishing a
common ground in various areas, particularly in the field of religion.
Also they are hoping to develop schemes to better facilitate constructive
networking, electronic democracy, web databases, etc. Some of which we
could possibly cooperate on.
This is from their "Origin" home page at
ORIGIN, The "Meeting Place of Religions"
Welcome, Networker.
This web-site is a central focal-point in an expanding and multi-faceted
network project intended to build linkage between otherwise highly diverse
cultural and intellectual communities.
We are happy that you have arrived at our site, and we hope that you will
return, with your creative imagination fired by the ambitions and dreams
which we are bringing together here. Please consider joining us on one of
our mailing lists, and bring your log to lay upon our fire. This is an age
of highly informed electronic community, and we look forward to your
creative insights.
Thanks for being here.
Bruce Schuman
Santa Barbara, California, USA
And then, here is an excerpt from a snailmail letter I got today from
Thomas Powell of The Psycanic Science Association in Oaxaca, Mexico:
"Than you for taking us into consideration by sending us the packet on NCN.
Fascinating. Your writings show some very deep thought.
We are a group of about 200 people working throughout Mexico for a
Transformation of Consciousness which comes out to be almost identical with
New Civilization. About 30 of us are full time and toally committed. We
have no financial resources, living from moment to moment, but have been in
operation over 7 years and expanding.
We are very interested in the Demonstration Center technologies ((refers to
New Civilization Model One project, Encino. -FF)). One of our main projects
is to set up a New Civilization university, which will include heavy
emphasis on personal/spiritual development, community living and NC values,
as well as being a showcase for conservation, environmental protection and
restoration, low and mid tech devices, food production, low cost housing,
etc. We have just gotten government approval to start with a high school
The World Knowledge Network sounds fascinating.
Again, thanks for the invitation, and count us in. What's the next step?"
Personally I see it as rings spreading in the water in different places.
Many individuals and groups are doing good things. The effects of that sort
of spreads in concentric circles around them. Then we run into each other,
find that we are covering some of the same areas, and we can start letting
more synergy and cooperation develop.
Making a new civilization doesn't necessarily take a master plan. It just
takes many people doing something in the spheres they operate in, spreading
certain values, putting in elements they see are needed. The spheres will
get bigger and they will overlap more and more. And sooner or later we
realize that this is taking place everywhere.
- Flemming
For discussion of this, send to the NCN discussion list. To join, send
message to with the message subscribe "ncndiscuss-l"
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