Spiritual Economy

From: by way of ncnmain-l@newciv.org (space@primenet.com)
Date: Sat Jul 29 1995 - 11:37:30 PDT

   The Spiritual Economy
   By Steve Moyer

   Notes on a new economic system
   Last updated on July 25, 1995.

   Everyone has some idea of what the "spiritual economy" is before I
   even describe it. Many people think it is karma. Others think it is
   just sharing freely without any expectation of return, trusting the
   universe to provide.

   The interesting thing is we all realize that the existing economy is
   lacking in spirituality. Some people try and justify it, yet in their
   hearts they know the truth; it falls far short of a spiritual ideal.
   Ideally, we probably wouldn't even need an accounting system. We would
   all share appropriately according to need and ability.

   Some say that human nature changes slowly, if at all.

   But perhaps we don't need to change human nature at all. Perhaps the
   existing economic system is itself trying to change human nature and
   all we need to do is create an economic system that is better matched.

   What would such a system be like?

   Well, it seems that our nature is abundant love and caring. What
   mother would not give her life for the life of her child? That's love
   and caring. That's abundance. Firemen, police, and soldiers are
   willing to "give all" for their families, friends and people they
   don't even know. We have abundance, we just have an economic system
   that creates scarcity.

   Something like 90 percent of the assets are owned by 5 percent of the
   people. Why such disparity? Are these people really that concerned
   with their future well being? Perhaps, but perhaps the economic system
   allows and in fact encourages greed. It's not the quality of your
   relationships that counts, but the quantity of money you possess.

   Yes, money is what matters and people come second. Profits for the
   corporation, rather than prosperity for the individual. That what the
   existing economic system preaches to us.

   Isn't it natural for us to care for each other? Isn't there more joy
   in making someone else happy rather than piling up storehouses of
   wealth? Isn't this what Jesus talked about when he mentioned the
   "rewards in heaven?"

   The concept of karma comes around again. So we shall call the "money"
   of the spiritual economy "karma credits." And just like in real life,
   each person's karma is individual and owned by them.

   The spiritual economy is an economic system that does it all. Barter,
   currency, credit, stock exchange, and a relationship-building network.
   In some sense, it is the relationships we make that matter the most.
   This is the what we are remembered for, the things we have done for
   and with others. These are the stories that live on in the hearts and
   minds of our children; stories of courage, valor, caring and

   How does it work?

   Each participant in the Spiritual Economy has their own currency. They
   can create it at will, as much as they want, and give it to anyone,
   even to someone who does not participate. They give it through the
   World Wide Web, using a form that sends an email message to the
   recipient as well as a public domain archive. It is ironic that the
   Internet provides the means for us to create a spiritual economy and
   each have our own currency. The Internet is the triumph of

   What can someone do with your credits once they receive them? They can
   trade them for goods or services with anyone who honors the credits.
   They can always go back to the person who gave them and ask for
   something in return. It could be services (time), or products
   (software, computers, tv's) or it could be someone else's credits.

   This is where it gets interesting. You might "collect" credits from
   lots of different people so that you always have a place to stay when
   you are travelling around the world. You might just want someone's
   credits because you see that there are many other people who want that
   person's credits.

   There is no obligation to honor the credits by doing anything or
   giving anything in return to them. It is all cooperation based,
   because that is the nature of humanity. We survive because of our
   cooperation; otherwise we would have blown ourselves off the face of
   Planet Earth long ago.

   Rather than striving for wealth in terms of numbers, people will work
   for a good "credit rating." That means that you should try and get the
   good graces of many different people, especially those who have a high
   "integrity" rating. Whenever you rate someone on how satisfied you are
   with their credits, they get to rate your "rating" in terms of how
   fair they think it is. If you don't judge them, they can't judge you.

   There is therefore an incentive not to judge, or at least not to judge
   badly, unless it is really necessary. If you continually judge people
   badly, people will not want to deal with you (just like in life).

   The people who do well in the spiritual economy will be those who do
   lots of things for others and accept credits in return, then either
   trade the credits with others or simply hold them. When you hold
   someone else's credits, you are in demand and people will do things
   for you to get some of the others' credits.

   Because it is computer-based you will be able to search for who holds
   whoever's credits you are looking for. It will be a good way for
   making "first contact" with someone you like. Acquire their credits
   from someone else and then make contact. Another reason why everyone
   needs an email address.

   You can extend yourself credit by giving credits in exchange for
   something of value. You can use credits as currencies, either for
   yourself or others. You must maintain personal accountability for your
   credits, because if you issue too many, you currency will get
   inflated. (Nobody will want it.) It that case you will have to "earn
   back" your credits from whoever holds them in order to repair your
   credit. through right action.

   You will "sign" an agreement on the WWW when you join, specifying that
   you "understand and accept" that the credits have no inherent value
   and that you cannot force anyone to do anything for you. The Spiritual
   Economy operates outside the legal system of all governments and
   relies on individual integrity for its success. It operates on
   cooperation of free people.

   There will be "spiritual economy angels" who go around and do things
   for people who they see are doing lots of good things for others.

   The Spiritual Economy gives people a way of getting the recognition
   they deserve and a way of fulfilling their karma and resolving
   personal issues they have with others. People will have an incentive
   to "work it out" because it reflects poorly on both the giver and the
   receiver if there is no satisfaction in the relationship. Trust and
   "right action" are reinforced and dishonesty and greed are

   It's so beautiful. The Spiritual Economy enhances cooperation,
   sharing, trust, faith in yourself and others, and personal
   responsibility. Everything is in the open so it makes it honest and
   clear who is doing what for whom.

   Those of us who are old enough will remember when the U.S. had money
   that was backed by silver. The notes were called "Silver Certificates"
   and stated on the front of each bill "One Dollar in silver payable to
   the bearer on demand." Now our money is not backed by any physical
   substance, only the faith in our government. It is better to have
   faith in people than in government; government rise and fall but
   people and the love they share last forever.

   We don't need government to have money; we can have our own money. The
   ninth amendment of the Constitution, part of the "Bill of Rights"
   declares that "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights
   shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the
   people." Simple and elegant. We have always had the right to have our
   own currency. Now, with the help of computers and the Internet, we can
   actually make that right meaningful.

   It's a great concept because it gives you the freedom to recognize
   people. You can earn an account by making 30 relationships. For
   instructions on how to earn a scholarship, or to make a scholarship
   application for an open scholarship, send email to:



   A comparison of the existing MONEY system and the Spiritual Economy.



   Love-based Fear-based

   Enlightened altruism Ignorant greed

   Abundance Scarcity

   Bottom-up (people first) Top-down (governments)

   Resolves personal problems Creates personal problems

   Openness Secrecy

   Honesty Dishonesty

   Trust Dis-trust

   Honor Dis-honor

   Freedom Bondage

   Individual Responsibility Insurance (FDIC)

   Identity Anonymous

   Builds positive relationships Destroys positive relationships

   Personal Impersonal

   Credit Debt

   Quality matters Quantity matters


   An embryonic version of The Spiritual Economy exists on The World Wide
   Web at the following address:

   The Spiritual Economy is copyrighted (c) 1995 because it will someday
   soon be a book by Steven Moyer.

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