Sorry to bother you with a less than pleasant item that I nevertheless feel
I have to mention so that you can decide for yourself.
Sandi Brockway <> of Macronet seems to have seen
herself mad at me and is apparently waging some kind of covert campaign
against me, after looking at my web site and concluding that I must be some
kind of fascist who needs to be stopped at all costs.
I have a bit of a hard time fathoming that. And those of you who know me
will probably be just as puzzled. However, I thought you'd better know
about it, as she might be contacting some of you, or might try to position
the New Civilization Network in an unfavourable light.
Macronet is a BBS that stores a database of ecological organizations. That
sounded positive and worthwhile to me at first glance, and since Greg
Wright who is part of NCN and New Civilization Encino, but didn't yet have
e-mail, also works occasionally with Sandi, I listed him in the NCN member
list with 'Macronet' next to his name. Sandi got very mad about that after
looking around on my web site and following some links that lead to stuff
she didn't like.
What she objects to is the section under my World Transformation web area
that deals with 'Sovereignty'. The sovereignty movement in the U.S. is
roughly about canceling one's contract with the federal government and
instead becoming a 'state citizen'. That is, replacing centralized control
with more local control and self-responsibility. Because of the unique
circumstances of the creation and growth of the federal united states this
is something one can do legally and openly.
- Flemming
>zthis site was authored by Funch:
>this is the truth about the Sovereigty movement:
>there are also 2 other articles on the militia at that area too.
>i would prefer to stay as anonymous as possible. i have already been the
>victim of attempted murder and two arsons (one arson was the attempted
>i am doing this as a public service, and because i would want someone to
>tell me if i was unwittingly associated with Funch.
>then again, if you read papers like The Spotlight, Perceptions, or associate
>with many of the groups he recommends on that page who have had a long
>history of fascist philosophy, then you don't care and i take the risk of
>being victimized again.
>Findhorn and others are being alerted about Funch.
>if you would like me to forward you the notice I sent Findhorn due to the
>recommendation of someone, please let me know. i had a long dialog via email
>with Funch and i am well-awere of where he stands of various sensitive
>i think any long-term association with Funch could be very detrimental to
>well-meaning groups who are sincere and usually broke, like us.
>he is trying to give his and others names, and New Age credibility to the
>Patriot movement. the Patriots have also been on a strong PR campaign to
>change their image. they welcome the New Age interest, and there is a strain
>of the New Age that is very fascist in orientation unfortunately.
>lines are getting drawn... chose carefully
o o
/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
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