NCN: Member directory

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Fri Sep 08 1995 - 23:00:15 PDT

        Kiev, Ukraine.

Joshua Jacobs <George@VAX2.Winona.MSUS.EDU>
        Alternative energy, self-sufficiency.

Amos Jessup <>
        Psychology, organization methods.
        Jessup Communications.
        San Diego, California.

Michael Johnson <>

        Computers, communication.
        Los Angeles, California.

John Labadie <>
        Artist, educator. Interested in win-win situations.
        North Carolina.

Roger Langrick <>
        Monetary systems, barter systems, self-sustaining communities,
        acupuncturist, alternative medicine, homoeopathy, bio energetics,
        British Columbia, Canada.

David Leland <rrlelnd@cc.UManitoba.CA>
        Organizational development, cooperatives, credit unions,
        adult education, vermiculture (waste disposal w. earth worms).
        Manitoba, Canada.

Arnie Lerma <>
        Political Organizer, Anti-Corruption research, Reform Lobbyist liason.
        Ex-Skydiver, self employed, Lerma Electronic Systems,
        purveyor of Audio/Video/Multimedia/Computer/Network hardware.
        Interested in forming a self-sufficient secluded community.
        Likes alternative energy, fish farms, and electronic gadgets...
        Arlington Virginia.

Hank Levin <>
        Clearing technology, paranormal abilities, channeling, healing,
        connection with divinity, individual and cummulative responsibility,
        ethnic music, writing and publishing, galvanic skin-response technology
        for healing and mental therapy.
        Editor: Free Spirit.
        San Rafael, California.

Robert Longley <longleyr@Crocker.COM>
        Global networker, Author, and futurist. Interests include new
        communities, spiritual development, networking, Using Internet to
        value for others, and sustainable development.
        Granby, Connecticut. Your On-Line Cruise Travel Source Net Consulting, and WWW Production

Jan J. Loubser <>
        Sociology, international development, people-centered sustainable
        development, human values, ethics.

Bernd Luebeck <>
        Counseling, new civilizations.
        Munich, Germany.

Geraldine MacDonald <>
        Health and work, teaching.
        Ontario, Canada.

Bill Maier <>
        clearing technology, spiritual freedom, Idenics,
        computer software, computer graphics
        Fort Worth, Texas.

Diana Makes <>
        Positive aspects of life.
        Publishes zine called "Positive Projections".
        Sacramento, California

Jim Marcum <>
        Lifelong learning for entire community, teaching,
        role of information in transforming organizations, society, etc.

David Marsters <>
        Education, community, culture.
        Lincoln, Vermont.

Helen McCarthy <>
        administrator, coordinator of consultant teams for business, medicine,
        education, government; any and all sectors requesting help.
        Chicago Illinois.

Al McGlinsky <>
        Energy saving schemes, alternative energy sources,
        energy efficient building, environmental education.
        Former nuclear physicist.

Hugh McGuire <>
        Public policy and industrial market analyst.
        Workshops in new career directions, business opportunities,
        teamwork, children's reading programs, and more.
        West Hartford, Connecticut.

Melanie Milanich <>
        Changing our values away from materialism and consumerism
        toward caring, empathy altruism and acceptance of diversity.
        Active with the World Federalists, Women Plan Toronto,
        the Sierra Club, Amnesty International and is a host for
        Servas International (worldwide travellers).
        LETS (barter) systems, food co-op, the elderly and palliative care.
        Toronto, Ontario, Canada
        Ethics of allocation systems for "essential resources" and their role
        in the development of public policy.
        Information services for industry and government.
        Alexandria, Virginia.

Emily Myers <>
        Boundryless learning environments,
        collaboration of schools, businesses,
        Mobius Project.

Albert Nanomius <>
        Cyberspatial governing systems.

Tom Nawrocki <>
        Illuminet. New Frontier Initiative.
        Miami, Florida.

Emily Noble <>
        Social change, leading edge thought on healthy alternatives to current
        ways of living, thinking, observing our past and planning the survival
        of humanity and fellow species into the Future.

Virgilio Ochoa <>
        New age, new paradigms, new economics, holistic living,
        environment, quality of life, air pollution, creativity.
        Mexico City, Mexico.

John Ohliger <>
        Adult education, working toward a better society, books.
        Basic Choices - A Midwest Center for Clarifying Political
        and Social Options.
        Madison, Wisconsin.

Mitch Olson <>
        Computer applications, teams, organizational learning,
        Understanding the universe, healthy living, being happy.
        Santa Barbara, California

Mario Ordonez <>
        Is from Guatemala, Central America.
        Botany (Tropical Rain Forests and Taxonomy).
        Philosophy, History,Biology, Art.
        Miami, Florida.

Robert D. Padgett <>
                Photojournalist, visionary, designer of Digital Command Post.
                Interested in developing sustainable habitats for the new
        Charlotte, North Carolina.

Malcolm S D Palle <>

Tom Parker <>
        Large scale systems, impact of technology,
        expanding technological benefits to the so-called 'have-nots'.
        in the areas of computing, housing, food, skill-building.
        Making complex systems understandable in plain language,
        e.g. in computing, medicine, science, law, and others.
        Grant proposal writing
        Santa Cruz, California.

Nan Patch <>
        Attorney, public interest, legislative reform, children's rights.

Wayne Pendley <>
        Environment, wilderness, wildlife, native peoples.
        Austin, Texas.

Antony Phillips <>
        Development of enhanced mental abilities, leadership skills, and ethics.
        Copenhagen, Denmark.

Linda Eklof Read <>
        Acute care, cardiac nurse.
        Adult education, health, wellness, community.
        Self-awareness, self-esteem, self-care, self-responsibility.
        Rhode Island.

Bonnie Richardson <>
        Psychology, spiritual growth, zen-buddhism, choice, freedom,
        nature, creativity, honesty, the power of love.
        Huntsville, Alabama.

James B. Rieley <>
        Quality improvement, STOL, creating a new workplace,
        providing environment for change in the workplace.
        Center for Continuous Quality Improvement.
        Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

        Practice and development of Spiritual technologies
        based on Neognosticism. Spiritual training.
        Ecclesia Gnostica Alba.
        Beograd, Yugoslavia.

Lena Rotenberg <>
        Education, children.

Steve Rowe <>
        Survival of myself, my family, my friends, and mankind.
        Awareness of our spiritual selves. Also into transport management,
        business management, homeschooling, surfing and waterpolo.
        Blue Mountains - Sydney, Australia

Sheila Ryan <>
        Financial consulting, personal independence and wellness, teamwork,
        computing technology and networks, economics, music, and sports.
        Trenton, Michigan

Arash Sadati <>
        Educational organizatons, personal and societal change,
        development of less developed countries,
        empowerment of individuals.
        System Manager, MBA Student.

Barry Savage <>
        Institutional research in higher education, social change, technology,
        cultural transformation, sociology, statistics, general systems theory,
        linguistics, music, photography, cooking.
        Director, Institutional Research, College of the Redwoods
        Eureka, California.

Patrick G. Salsbury <>
        Maintains GEODESIC mailing list on the works of Buckminster Fuller.
        San Francisco, California.

Steve Schmitz <>
        Change management, collaboration, creative decision-making.
        Boise, Idaho.

Sandy Shaw <shaw@koa.IFA.Hawaii.Edu>
        Software engineering, HoloDynamics,
        Celestine Prophecy, dream analysis.
        Maui, Hawaii.

Tom Short <>
        Emergent design, learning organizations.
        Elizabeth Bay New South Wales, Australia.

Robert Steele <>
        Virtual intelligence communities, citizen's intelligence agency.
        Open Source Solutions, Inc.
        For automatic info, send message to

Ramona Mercedes Straube Shukovski <>
        Electronics engineer, computer vision, cognitive sciences.
        Global issues, personal growth, teaching math,
        art, painting, bicycling, traveling, other civilizations.
        Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Bhupinder Singh <>
        Computer software.
        Impact of information tech on society,
        left, socialist politics, history.
        New Delhi, India.

Aaron Smith <>
        Organizational transformation, the arts, communication, education.
        Sacramento, California.

Barbara Stagg <>
        Tai chi teacher, psychotherapist in training.
        British Columbia, Canada.

Joachim Steingrubner <>
        Engineering, robotics, computer science, linguistics, philosophy.
        Sysop of server.
        Los Angeles, California.

Guido A.J. Stevens <>
        Public sector economist. Environmental economics,
        benefit/cost analysis, decision theory, decision support systems,
        housing cooperatives.

Anthony Tan <>
        Learning organizations, teamwork, networking.

Renie Taylor <>
        High school teacher, co-op coordinator.
        Clothing design and construction,
        health, alternative and herbal medicine.
        Milford, Connecticut.

Clive Tristram <>
        Management consulting, information technology,
        re-engineering healthcare, computing, telecommunications,
        systems thinking, learning organizations.
        European Healthcare Consultancy
        Birmingham, England.

Gerardus Everardus Tros <>
        1927/12/25. Metaphysics, poetry, intuitive perspectives.
        May the Light of Creation enlighten our World.
        Trying to help others with Light... Love... and Laughter!
        Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Kirby Urner <>
        Maintains Synergetics mailing list.
        Portland (PDX), Oregon

Leon Vickman <>
        Secretary of New Civilization Model One.
        Attorney at law.
        Encino, California.

Wahyd <>
        Ancient history, etymology, astronomy, politics.

Ben Wardlaw <>
        Computers, software, KU-band satellite systems.
        Orem, Utah.

Steve Weinberg <>
        Community planning & development, communications.
        Community Action Services
        Cyberspace Planning & Development
        New Jersey.

Scott Whitcomb <>
        World Constitution & Parliament Association.
        Sustainable Development, Personal/spiritual growth,
        Truly Global communications, Appropriate Technology.
        Denver, Colorado

Martha White <>
        Creative, collaborative environments and learning cultures,
        natural systems, masterful organizations, strategic gaming.
        Institute for Business and Social Architecture International, Ltd."

David Wilcox <>
        Creating sustainable communities, community participation,
        local non-profits, national programs to support local action,
        journalism, the role of electronic networking.
        Brighton, England.

C. B. Willis <>
        Values and ethics education in the home, schools, churches,
        companies, other organizations, communities.
        Founder, Executive Inquiry, Sunnyvale, California.
        Executive coaching, philosophy in business.

Del Wilson <>
        Organizational Learning, Collaborative systems, Virtual Communities,
        Virtual Organizations and related changes to society and industry.
        Director of Business Development and Consultant for EDS in the world of
        Internet and Virtual Organizations/Extended Enterprises. Host for World
        Knowledge Network development.
        Plano, Texas

Richard Winter <>
        Management theory, organisational change, strategic management,
        mental models, alternative frameworks for work,collective learning.
        Victoria, Australia.

Cavit E. Yantac <>
        Management, better civilization in developing countries.

Kenneth Young <>
        Personal growth, education, social sciences.
        Children with emotional/behavioral difficulties.

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