Celestine/newciv travel network

From: Sandy Shaw (shaw@koa.ifa.hawaii.edu)
Date: Tue Sep 19 1995 - 22:25:31 PDT


A network of people is being created to help facilitate travel of like-minded
people involved in the newciv and/or people interested in ideas and concepts
in "The Celestine Prophecy". The idea is to have a group of people who can
help with either lodging, meals, transportation, or people who are willing to
negotiate the providing of these services for newciv/CP travelers. The intial
contact information for all participants will be by e-mail only, after that it
will be up to the traveler/provider to exchange further information. We would
like to begin to build a database of providers toward getting more detailed
information at some later date (services that could be provided, payment,
exchange criteria, etc.). Please send your e-mail address and name to:

Help us in sharing the Light and working for world transformation face to face!

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