I'd like to put up a web page listing books written, published or edited by
NCN members, as well as magazines, newsletters and zines.
I probably don't know about all you've written, or haven't paid attention.
Below is an initial list. So, give me feedback on what you would like me to
list. Or not list for that matter.
Doesn't have to be stuff that is formally published. Main thing is, I
guess, that it is written and is somehow available. Could also include
dissertations and the like, for that matter.
- Flemming
Patti Normandy Greenwood <spirit@freenet.ufl.edu>:
"Metaphysical Florida: A Spiritual Traveler's Directory"
Roger Langrick <langrick@netshop.net>
"Barter Systems"
Jacque Fresco:
"The Venus Project - the redesign of a culture"
Bob Gebelein <bobgeb@pasiphae.coat.com>:
"Re-educating Myself - an introduction to a new civilization"
Melissa Giovagnoli <DSGL06A@prodigy.com>:
"The Chicago Entrepreneurs Source Book"
"Make Your Connections Count - the six step system to building
your MegaNetwork"
Bruce Eisner <bruce@mindmedia.com>:
"Ecstacy: The MDMA Story"
Geoffrey Keyte <100347.2724@compuserve.com>
"The Healing Crystal"
"The Mystical Crystal"
"Crystal Healing Configurations"
Nicholas Albery <rhino@bbcnc.org.uk>
"Book of Visions"
"Best Ideas - A compendium of Social Innovations"
"Social Innovations"
"Re-invention Society"
"The Natural Death Handbook"
"Before and After"
Joseph O'Connor <Joseph@lambent.demon.co.uk>:
C. B. Willis <cbwillis@netcom.com>:
Flemming Funch <ffunch@newciv.org>
"Transformational Dialogues"
"Transformational Paths"
The Journal for Quality and Participation
Ned Hamson <ParetoKid@aol.com>
Harvest Magazine
Jim Bonaparte <JamesB7801@aol.com>
Positive Projections
Diana Makes <positive@pobox.com>
The Federation Flash
Aldin <jal_kae@gate.net>
Update magazine
Frank Davis <fdavis@walnut.holli.com>
Free Spirit Journal
Hank Levin <fspirited@aol.com>
The Share Guide Magazine
Janice Hughes <share@pop.sonic.net>
The Share Guide is a holistic health magazine and resource directory.
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o------- http://www.newciv.org/worldtrans/ -------o-------o
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