Hi Everyone! Alt.future.millennium is a new Usenet newsgroup I sponsored in
alt.config and which was recently newgrouped by Jonathon Grobe. In addition
to being fairly obsessed with millennium topics and co-creator of "The
Millennium Matters..." website on Server 1, I am also a member of NCN-Main
and The New Civilization Network. One of the areas we have in common is new
community -- finding new ways to live and be with each other. Our "Vision
of Sanctuary" topic area especially was designed to segue neatly into the
resources of The New Civilization Network.
So, I would like to cordially invite all of you to visit
alt.future.millennium and consider it an online, Usenet home for The New
Civilization Network. We have invited another New Community group to join
us as well -- NewHeavenNewEarth. I hope alt.future.millennium will be a
place we can all meet and share experiences, ideas, and expertise. We
invite your input and discussion....
(Posted weekly. Q&As will be added as necessary)
You are invited to enter alt.future.millennium, a repository
for all things millennial; for information on, sources
regarding, and personal revelations about the coming millennium
period.... to help shape a vision of our Earth as we move into
the third millennium.....
Alt.future.millennium is where individuals from varying
backgrounds, who are interested in the many millennium
topic-areas, share their knowledge and experiences with
others who have similar interests in a friendly, supportive
environment. Alt.future.millennium is for individuals from
ALL religious belief systems, as well as scientists and
nonbelievers. Discussion of religious and spiritual beliefs
as they relate to the millennium is welcome.
We are attempting to present the broadest tableau of millennial
information to those who read and post here; from the strictly
scientific to the orthodox religious to the farthest-out New
Age. We believe that "for those who have faith in (...), no proof
is necessary; and for those who have no faith in (...), no proof
is possible."
The seven major topic-areas we cover are: Matters of SPIRIT,
The SPHINX Group, GAIA Alert, UFOrmation: SPACE Matters
for the Millennium, The New World ORACLE, and VISION
of Sanctuary. These topic-areas are described in detail below.
and submission information see the bottom of our pages (should you
wish to become involved with the website). We're interested in
copyright clean, topical articles, book reviews, etc. Our URL is:
subscribe to the mailing list, send email to: <>. In
the body of the message write: subscribe mmlist-l (that's the letter,
"l" -- as in "L"ist), your name, and email address. In addition,
indicate whether you want the full list or the MMDigest. If no
preference is indicated, you will be subscribed to the full mailing
AFM CHAT ON IRC -- alt.future.millennium chat is coming!
Those interested in chatting will meet on #AFM on IRC. If you
have thoughts about a good time/day for this chat, guest speakers,
etc., please post.We have found that Sunday evenings on IRC is
VERY crowded (i.e., slow). Contact for additional information is:
The six topic-areas we discuss in alt.future.millennium are:
Matters of SPIRIT, The SPHINX Group, GAIA Alert, UFOrmation,
New World ORACLE, and VISION of Sanctuary. Each is described
in detail below...
Many people feel a quickening of Spirit. They see the
millennium as primarily a spiritual event that will have a
dramatic impact in every area of their lives; touching everyone
-- everything -- on this planet. In "Matters of SPIRIT," we
look at information about the millennium with a wide spiritual
focus. We examine spiritual sources, ancient and modern, to
prepare our minds for the immensity of changes to come. We
discuss prophecy... from Nostradamus to Native American
elders to the Gulf Breeze 6..., from OBEs to waking visions
from a crystal sphere; and divination... from astrology to Tarot
to ouija boards to see what is said about the coming millennial
period. [A note here: there are excellent newsgroups discussing
the various techniques and methodologies of divination
(alt.divination), astrology (alt.astrology), and tarot (alt.tarot)
and we refer you to those newsgroups for questions about
divinatory techniques.]
Most academicians begin the study of human civilization
with the culture of ancient Sumer, which rose to datable
prominence beginning ~3000 B.C.E. with that culture's
use of writing. But when we look further back into the
mists of ancient times, we hear whispers of other worlds
-- mysterious worlds like Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu.... Did these
civilizations ever exist? Many believe so, but how, where...
do we find indications convincing enough to cause a serious
reexamination of Earth's prehistory...?
The Sphinx Group began as an Internet discussion about
the true age of the Egyptian Sphinx at Giza. As the discussion
continued, the subjects under consideration broadened as we
searched for evidence that might take us beyond conjecture
and legend. "Ancient Readings," searches for clues to our
prehistory in history, literature, mythology, astronomy,
geology, and archaeology; "Ancient Monument... Modern
Enigma," looks at ancient Egyptian monuments specifically;
"Methods to Monolith," looks at ancient building methods
(and the 20th century's Leedskalnin) as well as the physical,
acoustical, and astronomical properties of ancient
monuments; and "Ancient Visitor or Sky God," looks for
indications of off-world influence on Earth's prehistory....
It's the nature of Gaia, our living planet, to be active.
Rumbling with earthquakes, swept by storms, the Earth has
always been a busy place. But now, scientists are studying
disturbing new trends and wondering what it all means. What's
causing "storms of the century" to devastate terrain worldwide?
Is El Nino responsible for all the weird weather? If Antarctic
ice shelves break up, how will global coastlines be affected?
For millennia, prophets and sages have envisioned cataclysmic
earth changes in some distant future. Modern seers have
predicted pole shifts, devastating earthquakes and floods, even
collisions with asteroids and comets. Are we in fact entering
apocalyptic times? Is there hard evidence for any of the
current doomsday scenarios? And can the prophetic warnings
serve to remind us of our roles as planetary caretakers as we
face the spectres of global warming, the greenhouse effect, and
eradication of entire species? "Gaia Alert" discusses geology,
weather, environment, the oceans, our celestial environment,
and disaster preparedness.
Since the time of Ezekiel and the first, flying "chariots of
fire," man has been intrigued and fascinated by the idea of our
planet being visited by off-world intelligences piloting
strange flying machines. In the historical and cultural records
of numerous civilizations, in numerous Biblical references,
through art from ancient Sumer and Egypt, to the recent
discoveries in Mayan and Native American architecture and
archives; man's relationship with whoever "they" are, appears
to be long and ongoing. When taken as a whole, the picture is
astonishing... and, more than a little... unsettling.
Since the 1947 Roswell incident, two things have become
increasingly clear: UFO reports have steadily increased and
they have become increasingly exotic and strange.... Our
discussion of UFOs includes talk about artifacts allegedly left
by aliens and found everywhere from the human brain... to the
corn and wheat fields of England; human abductions; and the
"monuments" photographed by NASA on the surfaces of Mars and
the Moon. We do not seek to prove a single point-of-view, but
to discuss all of them in a non-combative way.
Here we deal with emerging sociopolitical trends and discuss
the governments of the world and how they will deal with
the many crises that seem to approaching all at once. Included
in this area are topics such as the possibility of a one world
government, Tesla technologies, individual liberties in a fast
changing world, effects of massive diasters on our earth's
governments, etc.
What are the possibilities for intentional communities arising
from what is or from what will be after earth changes? What
technologies will we need? What preparations should we make?
What are some of the alternative healing methodologies that
might be useful to know or learn. Everything about intentional
communities and how to build them, alternative healing, and
steps that have already been taken by groups such as "The New
Civilization Network," "NewHeavenNewEarth," "The House of
David Teaching Center," "Findhorn," "The Farm" etc., will be
discussed. All such communities are invited to make this their
Usenet newsgroup home.
May your road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
May the rain fall soft upon all that you plant
And until we meet again,
May your God cradle you in the palm of his hand...
* alt.future.millennium
* The Millennium Matters... Web Site:
* The Millennium Matters... Mailing List
Info/Subcribe: email to:
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