Community Quality Initiatives

From: by way of (
Date: Sat Feb 03 1996 - 21:57:51 PST

            --Community Quality initiative news--

The Association for Quality and Participation and the World Center for
Community Excellence are combining forces to better serve our communities.
The integration of the two organizations is expected to be made final by July

The World Center for Community Excellence (WCCE), founded in 1991, has helped
to launch, support and network community-wide quality initiatives to
accelerate the adoption of quality and participation approaches for the
improvement of organizations, sectors and the whole community. WCCE was based
in Erie, Pennsylvania.

How will it work - Upon becoming a part of AQP, some of the proposed
functions of the World Center for Community Excellence will be to:

1. Provide vision, models, resources and methodologies to those interested in
creating and/or renewing community-based and focused initiatives which apply
and promote the use of quality and partic-
 ipation processes, principles and values in their decision making and

2. Foster practical and inspirational networking and dialogue between and
among community initiatives.

3. Conduct and disseminate action research on community-building theories and

4. Continually develop the partnership of the AQP with community initiatives;
sustain and maintain the system; reevaluate the need and learn.

5. Create awareness among AQP chapters and community quality initiatives
(CQIs) of one another's focus, organizations, operations, etc.

6. Assist in reframing the conceptual framework of AQP chapters: to help
interested chapters become catalysts and/or resources for new CQIs.

7. Seek out other organizations with interest in community.
---How/Why the AQP and WCCE combined forces---
"The vision of the World Center for Community Excellence has been to change
the world, community-by-community. The planned integration with AQP adds
vitality, resources, structure and effectiveness to this transformation
process," says William DeCrease, of WCCE.

* Since 1980 over 200 communities have organized community-wide quality
initiatives to accelerate the adoption of quality and participation
approaches for the improvement of organizations, sectors and the whole

* In 1991, the World Center for Community Excellence (WCCE) was created in
Erie, PA to help launch, support and network among these quality initiatives.

* Also in 1991, representatives of the AQP began meeting with an ad hoc group
made up of representatives of community quality initiatives, the AQP, ASQC,
QPMA, NIST, the Center for Quality Management (MIT), the Federal Quality
Institute and other interested individuals to discuss ways all could foster
and support the use of quality and participation processes in communities.

* Early in 1995, representatives of the AQP and WCCE began a dialogue on how
the two organizations might collaborate to both support existing community
quality and participation initiatives and to foster the creation of new
initiatives. These discussions made clear that the two organizations shared
philosophies and a common purpose of "accelerating and amplifying the
creation of participative quality communities."

* In the summer of 1995, the AQP Board of Directors chose to include local
quality and participation initiatives as a key strategy to supporting
existing quality and participation processes in organizations, to furthering
their use in all organizations and as a means of enhancing the functioning of
its 65 chapters.

* During July 1995, the board members of WCCE agreed that its mission, roles
and responsibilities would be assumed by the AQP and its operations
integrated into the AQP's national and international structure and mission.
WCCE's Carole Schwinn says "This merger of AQP and WCCE marries the vision
and passion of those of us who have been involved in community quality
initiatives with the resources, knowledge, and considerable experience of AQP
so that we can jointly promote and expand all the good work that's going on
in communities."

---Revised AQP Vision, Mission and Values---

Association for Quality and Participation - AQP
Revised Vision, Mission and Values Statements - January, 1996

Vision - AQP is the advocate for the involvement of all people, and the
integration of quality and participation practices in all workplaces and

Mission -AQP motivates and teaches individuals, teams, organizations and
communities to design, implement, and sustain quality and participation
processes for high performance.


We believe the blending of quality and participation is the foundation for a
successful workplace or community.

We believe sustained quality cannot happen without total participation.

We value and create opportunities for networking, learning, sharing and

We believe teamwork, involvement, empowerment, and equity are key to
organizational and community success.

The AQP, other oganizations and individuals continue to collaberate in making
the Community Quality Electronic Network available to the internet and BBS

For further information about community quality initiatives and the AQP,
please contact Fredricka Joiner or JoAnn Jones at the AQP 1-800-733-3310

Uploaded by:
Ned Hamson, editor: The Journal for Quality and Participation
Association for Quality and Participation, 801-B W. 8th St., Suite 501,
Cincinnati, OH 45203
Tel: 513-381-1979 Fax: 513-381-0070
"This is the time... We are the people... Let's work together... Now!"
European representative: Peter Beerten, Belgium Consultancy Group: Tel:
011-32-02-569-0222/Fax: 011-32-02-569-7480
03, Feb 1996

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