A message to the New Civilization Network
>From The Creators
A Virtual Creative Continuum
Happy Birthday New Civilization Network!
On this day of celebration and recognition I step forward to offer those of
you who can hear this message an opportunity to participate in a creative
process that could be a doorway to fulfilling your personal dreams and
provide an opportunity for others to fulfill theirs.
Let me begin by asking you
-Are you the kind of person who feels compassion for the state of Human
-Are you motivated by desire to participate in Humanities awakening?
-Do you have a sense that a major change in the world we live is upon us
and that within our lifetime a new world will be born out of the creative
vision of an awakened Humanity?
-Have you had desires to be part of a world of peace and beauty whose main
desire is the discovery of an ever unfolding process of creative expression
and love?
-Do you ever wonder why we work so hard to just be here and why the price
for living in the condition we do are so high?
-Are you the kind of person who desires to be in a fully creative work
space but have had to sacrifice this dream for the practicality of having
to provide for your living?
-Have you ever had the desire to be part of a creative team whose process
is an open exploration of the creative synergy of the group creativity
focused on a desired goal?
-Do you thrive in a creative environment where the challenges you meet are
part of your personal interpersonal exploration?
-Have you often wished that you could be part of a creative group that
succeeds both in it's ability to create amazing production as well as
provide a healthy compensation for your part in the creative process?
If your answer is yes to the question above then I invite you to consider
how you might participate in "The Creators Domain."
The Creators Domain is a Virtual Creative Continuum whose Main Goals are
-To be a Creative Hub that will specialize in producing Media associated
with our clients and our own creative desires
-To be a Revenue Engine that provides for the members of the Continuum and
for the funding of the Continuums personal forms of expression
-To birth a creative team, whose process is an open exploration of the
creative synergy of the group creativity, focused on a desired goal
-To foster a thriving creative environment, where the challenges met are
part of a personal, interpersonal exploration, revolving around the desired
creative goal
-To fully enjoy the personal freedoms brought forth by this process and to
completely explore the potential of a creative environment set free
-To be a part of the creative new vision of Humanity, being born out of
Humanities Awakening
The Continuum Environment
The Creators
Those who are members of the Creators Domain are called The Creators. The
domain exist within Cyberspace and of course in the place you are
The Continuum has 3 branches:
The Q
The Q are the core directors of The Creators. They are the main decision
making body and are the main creative producers of the Continuum.
The Associates
The Associates are those who produce in association with the Q or
those who bring forward projects that are to be produced within the
The Participants are those who would desire to petition the Q for
contracts associated with Creators projects.
The Creative Process
Projects would be brought forward to the Q for consideration of the project
based on it's merit.
Projects granted expression would be headed by a Q or an Associate (who
birthed the project) as project director. The project director would then
assemble a team of Creators from the Q and The Associate/Participant pool.
The Team would coordinate and produce its creative goal through the venue
of the Virtual Office.
The Virtual Office
-is a way of coordinating on a cooperative project through the medium of
web media and telecommunications.
-This is a pure form of the Global Village's arrival. The ability for each
of the members to be and create where ever they like. To create at
home. To create while traveling. Live where you want. Work where you want
and be connected through the web.
-Through the venue of the Virtual Office the entire Creators process will
be played.
The Virtual Continuum
The Continuum exists where ever the web can be accessed. Therefore The
Creators is an International Terran Association designed to be a World
Creativity Organization. Open to people around the globe who hear this
message. Diversity within the Continuum is a desired factor.
Join the Continuum
All who have read these words and feel inspired by the message they contain
are encouraged to please fill out the questionnaire at the bottom
and return it to Orya Matrix
We are looking for people who come from all career backgrounds from
anywhere on the Earth.
Including but not limited to: Artists, Web Developers, Programmers,
Musicians, Accountants, Administrators, Fabricators, Heads of State,
Technicians, Lawyers, Moms Dads & Kids, Teachers, Healers, Marketing
Execs, Bankers, Guardians and World Travelers.
A time of great opportunity is at hand. We can explore this world through
Web Media and the opportunities it presents by utilizing our combined
creativity as a synergetic group vehicle.
In our recent Techno Past Pioneers have come through the timeline and
created groups such as Apple, Microsoft and Netscape. The unwritten future
is waiting for a new breed of Techno Pioneers. Ones who have come to
produce content of a creative nature. Not necessarily Hardware. Not
necessarily Software. But the amalgamation of these tools fueled by the
creative passion that longs to be expressed through us.
On this day of celebrating the 1st yr. Anniversary of the New Civilization
Network we honor you all by offering this opportunity. Come and play. Be
creative. Be a Creator.
Thank you all
Namaste' We salute the God within you.
On Behalf of the Creators
------------------------------ Cut & Paste ----------------------------------
The Creators
Tell us about yourself
What do you like to do?
What kind of music do you like?
How many hrs a week are you on a computer?
What are your Passions?
How do you feel about
How would you like to participate with the Creators?
Which of these categories does that fit best in?
Q Member : Directing Member and Project Leader
Associate Member : Potential Project Leaders and Supporting staff
Participant : Supporting Staff
How many hours a week are you available to work on projects?
What do you require as compensation for you efforts.
Please give a US Dollar per Hr Figure or a request of Mutually Beneficial
Please reply to
Thank you! : { )
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