Important of universal secondary Language and World Community,is for
the better understandings and communications,and for the Peace and harmony.
Esperanto is very much neutral language ,very easy ,less confusing,
and more appealing to the world community.I do call up on all world Citizens
of the Globe to learn and promote universal language of New Civilization.
I do call up on UN to abolish language barrier and officially recognize
the Esperanto as their official United Language of UN.I do call up on
All presidents and Prime Ministers use Esperanto as their second Official
to their Mother Languages. Following Religions has approved and supported
Esperanto are Buddhist,Bahai faith,Jewish,Quakers,catholics,Muslims,Hindus,
Zorastrians and It is officially adopted language of Oomoto religion in Japan.
for more information please contact your local or National Esperanto office
for free lessons and supporting groups.Please -mail me and say your views
about peace,harmony ,and use of Esperanto .in USA you can call
Mi amas Esperanton Multe.
Love and Peace
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