NCN Business

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Sun May 26 1996 - 21:42:36 PDT

Thanks to all who answered my recent request on feedback about commercially
oriented messages on this list.

There was an assortment of different answers, but most of you said you'd
rather not have commercial messages here. Well, some of you put it a bit
stronger, actually. Others of you said it was OK, but maybe should be
managed or that messages should be screened for their relevance to new

Anyway, the outcome as of now is that this list is not for commercial
messages. It is, however, for keeping others informed about projects or
activities you are taking part in that somehow fits under the category of
developing a new civilization. It is also for inviting others to come
together for projects you might have in mind.

For presenting products or services you offer for sale, I will create a web
page for that purpose. Most likely I would include a rating and feedback
system, so that users of your service can leave a brief note about how they
liked them.

Also, Joachim has created a new mailing list on the server,
called ncnbiz-l, which is for the purpose of developing business relations
between NCN members, or generally for discussing how to implement a new
civilization way of doing business. Still, that list is not for commercials
either, but it is for communication and co-operation concerning business.

To subscribe, send a message to:

with the message:

subscribe ncnbiz-L

- Flemming

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   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
  / * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
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