Several people are sending in introductions to the main list here about
what they are doing or want to do, and so far I think that works very well.
However, as I'm also concerned with the level of traffic on this list, let
me just give a couple of notes.
This list is primarily for updates on activities, invitations to join in
projects, for administrative stuff, and a few motivational or big picture
So, as far as that goes, any of you are very welcome to send in messages
about activities you are engaged in, particularly if they are group
activities that others have opportunity for linking up with and assisting
But I also know that some people on this list get overwhelmed if there are
several messages per day on it, and it might mean that they wouldn't want
to be on it. That is why the list is moderated and why I always am
concerned about keeping a good balance of relevant content on it.
We have more than 550 members and around 4 people joining every day. Having
introductions from everybody might be too much for this list. The issue
came up earlier and the outcome at that time was to suggest bios to go to
the list where bandwidth is not an issue.
I don't really want to act as a censor or to stop the flow of introductions
from all you wonderful people. So, send in all you feel like. But the
general guideline I will suggest at this point is that items involving
projects, action or proposed action, invitations of cooperation, are
welcome on ncnmain-l, and items that are bios or resumees fit better on
ncndiscuss-l, or any of the other lists you might feel a particular
belonging to.
- Flemming
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/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch ------------------/ \
/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
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