I am one of the many dis-gruntled employees of the United States Navy.
more specificly - the nuclear power program within the navy. I along with
many others fell victim to the lies and false promises now we are contantly
bombarded with propaganda about military life and many people are forced to
re-enlist against their wishes due to financial reasons or even because
they hate their current duty station so much that the navy promises to move
them somewhere else "for only 4 more yeas of your life".
So . .Why am I writing this to new CIV ?
Simple - We started a small action group "Anti Retention Team" or ART for
short. We try to provide information on educationa and employment
oppurtunities to others So they can see that they do have other options. We
publish information on obtaining non-traditional degress so that people are
more equipped for the commercial world upon discharge as well as points of
contacts with business that hire ex-miitary and "head hunters". Our goal is
to see people who dont like the navy - GET OUT. and move on with their
lives in a postitive direction.
As you can imagine, We get ZERO support from our command or the navy in general.
So - All I am asking you for is information ?
If your company or one you know of would be interested in hearing from
soldiers/sailors who are near their discharge date ? or you know of a
company like that ? Just let me know - Any and all ideas will be greatly
appreciated. thankyou.
Dedicated to developing the full potential of the EX-Sailor
Get Smart - Get a Degree - Get Out
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