The salon we did here in Los Angeles last month went very well.
About 25 people showed up, which I think is great with only one week's notice.
I am trying to do this for now without setting a theme for the salon, but
that might change depending on how things go. I personally enjoy that it is
a celebration of the diversity of life and that pretty much anything can
happen. And this first time it worked very well and there was a high energy
level. But if it turns out later that there is too little content that way,
we can start pre-planning it more.
I started out by saying a few words about salons and new civilization. And
then I had asked all participants to put a word on their name tag which
represented what they wanted in the future, and we then went around the
room to hear what everybody picked and what it meant to them. It seems to
provide a good group focus to set up little games like that. We later had
some musical entertainment, exquisitely performed by Richard Stillwell, one
of the participants. We ate good food and otherwise networked a lot, and
some enjoyable group discussions developed spontaneously. Max Sandor had
brought some interesting alternative health devices that he was
demonstrating, as well as a computer showing the New Civilization CD-ROM,
with the contents of the web server.
One thing I realized is that it seems to be easier to get together people
who already are inclined to show up in the flesh to events than it is to
get e-mail contacts together. At least that is how it seems to work here in
L.A. Despite there being quite a few NCN members here, I have earlier found
it somewhat difficult to get very many of them together at the same time.
So for the salon we focus more on personal contacts, many of which aren't
even on e-mail or aren't very much into it. Somebody one is talking with in
person or on the phone is somewhat easier to get to show up. But when we
did a meeting in San Francisco last year there was no problem getting
together people based on e-mail, so I suppose it varies from area to area.
There is now a mailing list set up called, which
will be for any of you who are interested in starting salons, or who are
already doing something like it, to share ideas and to develop successful
actions together. I subscribed a number of you who expressed interest
already. Anybody else, just send a message to with the
message 'subscribe ncnsalons-L'.
There is also a mailing list for announcing salons and other events just in
the greater Los Angeles area, called If you want
to be on it and you don't seem to be on it already, send a message to with the message 'subscribe ncnsalons-la-l'.
Next salon here in L.A. is this Saturday, October 26th, 4 o'clock at my
house. Let me know if any of you are able to come and you're not already on
the list. 818/774-1462.
- Flemming
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/ * \ World Transformation/New Civilization/Whole Systems / * \
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