NCN: A few items

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Sat Nov 09 1996 - 15:01:44 PST

A few items from NCN members:


                      LOCAL INFORMATION BANKS
                from Harold <>

Based on the London Information Bank, anyone in the world that is on the
Internet can collect information about groups or activities in their local
area. Their local area could be the neighbourhood, city or region. The
advantage of local information banks is that it would give publicity to
local groups that are not on the Internet, as well as links to those groups
that have web pages.

Each local information Bank could give a URL link to other local
information Banks. It would be better if the information Banks stated what
region & country they are in. The local information Bank could be the first
step in establishing a local community network that would link local people
& groups together to find solutions to the problems in their area.

I would suggest that only information that is of a positive nature should
be put into the bank. There are people in the world that advocate
conflict,violence, hatred to advance their goals. Also,those who believe
in physical & sexual abuse of children. The problem of putting positive
information into the bank, is who said what positive, & what negative?

Maybe the answer is a `Local Information Banks' charter drawn up by the
local information Banks. The charter would state guidelines for the
information Banks. Each local information Bank could register as a
positive-bank & the local information Banks can be check at random by the
person in charge of the register? If a information Bank brake the
guidelines, this could be pointed out to the information Bank. If the bank
refuses to change, & also refuses mediation, it then can be taking off the


                       WOW - Wish Only Well

Check out

This is run by Carmen Colombo <>

"WOW is business with a cause and we are changing the world! Proudly united
by the WOW, Wish Only Well logo and philosophy of HOPE and SOLIDARITY, we
are putting our best selves forward, and we are helping ourselves and all
who truly need help.

We are bringing WOW to the world!

Everyone in the WOW network spreads this message of HOPE and SOLIDARITY by
helping the cause of their choice. The individuals, companies and
organizations and the causes they are helping will be profiled on this
site. Everybody wins because by helping others, we help ourselves."


               A New Civilization Network Salon Event

You are invited to join us at the home of by Tony Gwilliams in Ojai, California
for an evening dedicated to the subject:

               'Transformation and Breakthrough'
-Applying Concepts of Early Buddhism To Create a New Civilization-
         presented by Max Joachim Steingrubner-Sandor.

   After a short introduction of how early Buddhist concepts differ
from the prevailing perceptions of 'Buddhism today', we will dive
into some of the structures, synergy, dynamics, and semantics of
these ancient but timeless concepts using examples of the greatest
modern Western philosophers, especially Buckminster Fuller and
Alfred Korzybski.

   We will then look at how these ideas can be applied to actually
breakthrough to a new level of cooperative consciousness, in other
words how to _create_ a New Civilization (rather than just talking
about it).

   In the end, everybody will be invited to share their visions and

  Tuesday, 19th November 1996, 6:30 pm, Potluck dinner at 7:30,
  event 8:15 to 9:15, open-ended discussion. Pls RSVP!

   Tony Gwilliam, 151 Alvarado St, Ojai, CA. (805) 646-2421


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