New Civilization Visions #14

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Thu Dec 12 1996 - 23:29:35 PST

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                    Issue 14, 12 December 1996 \ /
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This is another batch of visions. Enjoy them, and contribute your own
visions to the mosaic we're weaving of the future.

- Flemming


   ** Andy Cross <>, Eugene, Oregon **

This may be thinking small, but you've always gotta start at the beginning.
My vision is a world where smiling and saying hello is such a common
practice with everyone, you have to wonder if something is wrong when your
neighbor is anything but elated to be alive.

I hold great value in natural resources and the ecology of our planet, but
I believe people have to be completely secure with who they are and that
everything is good before any one can save the world. When we no longer
feel the need to worry about things we have no control over, we can take
control of what we can and let the world restore itself the harmonious
state which nature intended, including human love.


     ** Lisa Lewis <>, Missouri, USA **

When I envision our future, from where I sit today, November 4, 1996...I
picture many paths carved by water, like the tributaries fanning out of the
big river...getting smaller and smaller, but nothing wasted...all water
going to feed, nurture and wash clean the rocks, fish and aquatic
animals...reaching through the ground to the roots of the grasses, flowers
and trees...being drunk deeply by the animals and insects and us...Some of
us flow down stream with the currents, some struggle against the currents,
some walk softly in the dry creek beds to other places...Nothing is wasted
if we are following our hearts with a clear mind.

We have the skys above us to care for, we have the oceans and fresh waters.
We have food to gather. We have children to feed and nurture. We have
lessons to share as the sage and the innocent. We have beauty in task and
purpose...if we will only do this. Do everything as if doing it for your if your Teacher was right there with you...along side, with
hands in dirt, fingers on keyboard, sitting at your desk, or holding the
child with you.

If we do these things with LOVE, HONOR and RESPECT for ALL THAT IS...and do
this NOW...for that is all we have, we will begin to live a life that is so
full and robust and peaceful, that all things beautiful flow naturally from
us and through us...this is my vision for the future, from where I sit,
today, November 4, 1996.

Respectfully and lovingly submitted by your servant, Lisa


   ** Henrik Eismark <>, Virum, Denmark **

I envision a future where nobody has to share, nobody has to pay tax,
simply because everybody can choose an education and job to suit
their needs and abilities.

Job's for handicapped. Jobs for the ill at mind.

Tax is a symptom of a disease in the society.
Tax is a branch of 'Beggars Anonymous'


  ** Jeremy Gluck <>, Swansea, England **

   Cyberspace removes elements of physicality and conventional identity
and enables us to function mind-to-mind: removing awareness of the
physical plane, bestowing anonymity, it relieves our ego tension and free
energies otherwise employed in maintaining our material self-awareness.
In transiting cyberspace - as cyberspirits - we are all looking for the
multiversal handshake, a signal between ourselves and the Divine that
confirms our compatibility and renders us ready-to-receive its "data".
Through being cyberspirits, we are now beginning to approach technology
with serious emotional intent, with a new e-value conferred upon us by
our use of e-mail that forms just a part of our new cyberspiritual
context. The next step(s) will involve/include the development of
distinct, functional spiritechnological protocols: pre-agreed signals,
codes and rules to used for Divine-data exchange between ourselves, our
machines and our Multiversal Mainframe.

In the cyber-dynamic realm we are seeing, at last, for the first time in
millennia, how manifestation can approach speed of thought, rendering it
nearly instantaneous. Instantaneous manifestation being, of course, the
signifier of Divine creation. Yes, we are realising in cyberspace our true
destiny, bringing to Biblical prophecy and much else entirely new meanings:
Is not the celestial city of the Second Coming no more nor less than a
metaphor for the linking in cyberspace of millions of minds, a million
shining lights? Is not New Jerusalem a virtual city? Sceptics will laugh,
they will deride such ideas, but rest assured that Biblical propechy is
only one human inhertiance that will have to be re-evaluated
cyberologically - and soon! Cyberspace - cyberspirit - is the acceleration
of our spiritual evolution we have awaited. If we can only offer to the
Divine our cyberspatial activity, and invoke Divine Presence on the Web,
we will begin to see the birth of a Virtual New Jerusalem. To paraphrase
Einstein: God does not play dice with the universe...but he is exceedingly
playful. The future is here: enjoy it!


          ** Vladimir Vassin <>, Canada **

               7.4 Constitutional World Government (CWG)

With the rapid advancement of technology, nations can no longer exist in
isolation: they become increasingly dependent on each other politically,
economically, ecologically, and ethically. For the world to survive,
nations need to cooperate rather than compete. One of the first necessary
steps on the road to a more orderly and humane society is the creation of a
global social structure, perhaps patterned after the United Nations. It
could be started by the US, Europe, the CIS, and other countries forming a
CWG based on international law and a constitution that would guarantee
balanced national representation and fundamental human rights and freedoms.

The CWG's constitution would stipulate that member nations renounce their
national armed forces and retain only police or militia to maintain
internal law and order. Each member nation would contribute a proportionate
military contingent to be uniformly dispersed throughout the CWG's armed
forces, whose purpose would be to safeguard peace and, if necessary,
suppress aggression on the part of any military blocs or nations that had
not yet joined the CWG. Thus,
having at its disposal a sufficiently high military power equal to or
surpassing that of the UN coalition in the war against Iraq, the CWG would,
at the same time, be able to release huge monetary resources that are now
being spent by countries to maintain their armed forces and modernize their
weapons. These resources could then be used to solve the most important and
urgent global problems, such as the destruction of the environment,
overpopulation, depletion of energy resources, poverty, crime, drugs,
illiteracy, etc.

Another advantage of such a government is that it would eliminate the need
for creating, consolidating, and preserving (by violent and artificial
means) multinational empires and federations, since its constitution would
guarantee and ensure to each member nation or ethnic group, however small,
national security and sovereignty. Any country would be welcome to join the
CWG and enjoy its protection on condition that the new member country
completely disarm
itself and adopt a system of democratic elections. One of the CWG's
responsibilities would be to prevent and stop local wars (such as the one
currently raging in former Yugoslavia), using military force, if necessary,
when all peaceful options have been exhausted.

The constitution and legislation of the CWG would be worked out by the best
humanist thinkers from all over the world, with the participation of anyone
who could present a comprehensive system of ideas on all aspects of human
society. The constitution would clearly define the government's functions,
obligations, and powers so as to prevent abuse and usurpation of power.

A CWG is envisioned as a transitional step towards a planetary
constitutional government, which is the subject of my second book,
Nostalgia for the Future (a Realistic Utopia) .

(excerpt from "The Eleventh Commandmend")


  ** ninestar <>, Upper New York State **

I envision a future where it has become accepted that the best way
to make decisions is based upon spiritual principles - not
materialistic principles. I believe these spiritual principles
were brought to mankind by the prophet for our age, Baha'u'llah.
Some of these spiritual principles, which must be realized before
a unified future can exist are as follows: total elimination of
all prejudices - political, religious, sexist, and racial. The
dawning of the realization that we are all (that is all mankind)
are the fruits of one tree and the leaves of one branch. That
our highest loyalty is to mankind in general, not a subdivision
thereof. The elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty. That
we are spiritual beings and must learn to live our lives in a
manner which is conducive to spiritual growth.
  If you think this is pie in the sky type of thinking, I believe
this is not only inevitable - it is being realized as I write
this post.
  For an introduction to ideas which are guiding our planet to
the future go to or http://bcca/org.


   ** Flemming Funch <>, Los Angeles, California **

In the future I see to a much larger degree that our idea of reality shifts
from models that are defined by scientific, political or religious
Authorities to being based on our own direct senses.

What passes for reality in the old civilization is to a large degree
projections that are derived from theories, from what people in positions
of power have agreed is the way things are, and from what the rest of the
population as a passive audience have accepted.

As this projected world picture is becoming increasingly chaotic and hard
to hold together, it will begin to crack. As that happens more of us will
realize that there just isn't any one human Authority who is able to tell
us conclusively how things are for us. We will become forced to sharpen our
own perceptions, to have our own experiences, to contact our own inner
sense of what is what, and to draw our own conclusions.

We won't draw our conclusions in isolation. Rather, we will correlate our
experiences with others that we know and trust, and we will develop our
senses by noticing what works for us and the people around us.

Individuals and communities of people who make their own observations and
draw their own conclusions, and who deal with reality as they perceive it,
not as they are told to perceive it, will be increasingly hard to fool.

We will probably together discover that Reality is a much more vast and
diverse and adventurous and exciting experience than we had previously been
led to believe.


Send in more visions to Keep them coming.

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