To NCN members:
I catch the spirit of Flemming's request: "looking for a "next level" of
effective teamwork, and of being able to hear from groups what they are
doing, and not just from individuals what their ideas are. Nothing wrong
with ideas, I'm just also searching for the keys to concerted action."
I am eager to create a dedicated group to, what I call, the science of
personal empowerment - Psychotechnology. Call it any name you like, but
it would be concerned with researching/discovering any
techniques/methodologies that empower the thoughts of individuals to
create healthier and more harmonious citizens of the planet. Sometimes I
call this "Alchemy 2000" as I believe that psychotechnology is a rebirth
of the original intent and esoteric practices of the ancient alchemists,
and, more than likely, an important piece of content in the Mystery
Schools, i.e., thought-based creation of reality.
I also want to point out to you all that I have created a personal
empowerment discussion forum on my website at
and invite you to drop in and share your hope, strength and experience.
I share the intro to my new book coming out in May, PRIMARY DOMINO
THINKING, not to advertise but to help establish where I am coming from
on all this to save you time and energy in case you are not interested:
"One cannot step into the same river twice."
÷Heraclitus (500 B.C.)
For much of human history the belief was that what was good for the
country (or corporation) was good for the individual. This will never be
true again. Historically and spiritually we have finally reached the end
of that deceitful belief. The reality resulting from this belief was
that many people made sacrifices for their countries and companies and
ended up getting sacrificed in return.
We are too bright to buy into this anymore. The new belief system that
has risen is ever clear: enhancing and empowering the individual will
make each link in the chain of the country/corporation/community/family
that much stronger. Further, without being coerced, healthy and happy
people naturally want to help each other, and the gifts they will give
are genuine, not based on the promise of a return.
Ask not what your country can do for you.
Ask not what you can do for your country.
Instead: Ask what you can do to help your self!
Most people want to do just this but simply do not know how. The
Mission of this book is to empower everyone willing to become empowered.
Unreasonable? After you read this book, use it, and see what happens,
you wonât think so. You will know what is possible because you will have
manifested it in your life as countless others have."
I look forward to hearing from anyone interested in exploring this
wonderfully mysterious and powerful area of our lives.
-- Anthony S. Dallmann-Jones, Ph.D. Wolf Creek Productions, Inc. "Create The Life You Want"
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