Not much has been posted here on the NCN main list for a while. I was
pondering if that ought to be any different, but then again, going with the
flow of what naturally happens usually seems like the best approach. But
let me at least give some rambling remarks about what is going on from my
What I have personally noticed over the last few months is a much
intensified move towards local action, towards manifesting what one is
really about, towards making one's intentions more tangible in one's
immediate environment.
I have been extremely busy. Not as before with many things on the net, but
with what is going on in my local area. Meetings, events, collaborative
projects, centers, businesses, personal relations, etc.
There is now a very active network in Los Angeles of people with shared
visions and projects and activities. This is not all people who are
formally members of NCN, but that doesn't matter. It is for all intents and
purposes people who are working on creating a new civilization. Hundreds
and hundreds of people. There are 300 people on my local mailing list, but
to that you can add the members of various other networks and centers and
organization. Many of these people see each other several times a week at
different functions. Personally I have some kind of event to go to almost
every day, as well as typically one or two meetings of some sort.
So, what's so special about that? Many people are busy and go to business
meetings every day and don't necessarily see anything enlightening in that.
Well, what I'm talking about here is myself and many others doing what they
truly are inspired to do. Not just having a job and being busy because you
have to, but continuously choosing to do that which you find more valuable
and inspiring to do.
I am one of the directors of the Global Solutions Nexus, which is a center
for various promising activities. There are events, we have an Internet
server, we act as a business incubator, and various collaborative projects
are going on there. This for me represents that the new civ principles are
becoming more tangible. Not just something to talk about, but something
that can be a viable everyday activity, something that can be grounded in
real life.
Let me also say that, although I'm usually trying to be very "neutral" here
as far as beliefs are concerned, I can't help but connecting this up with
spiritual evolution and awakening. In the last few months I've noticed
quite remarkable movements in the mass consciousness. So many people are
waking up, re-evaluating their lives, connecting up with deeper values,
becoming more of what they really are. Most of the networking activities I
see are amongst people who choose a spiritual basis for their lives.
Many people are talking about living according to a "new paradigm". What
exactly that is might be subject to discussion, but it is very much what a
new civilization is about. People are acting from their integrity and
inspiration, rather than just doing what they're "supposed" to, and what
everybody else is doing; people are collaborating and sharing, rather than
competing and out-doing each other; people are becoming empowered as
individuals and small groups, rather than just being powerless against
society and "the system"; people are giving up the safety of steady
employment and following their dreams, despite any traditional reasoning
for "why it wouldn't work"; people are learning to trust their own
experience and perceptions, rather than just going along with what they're
being told to believe.
The last few months I've also noticed a much increased amount of love
around me. Not in any abstract way, but very tangibly. I find myself being
surrounded much more with people I love, with people I trust
unconditionally, with people I have warm and close relationships with. I
seem to walk around in a state of bliss half the time.
Now, I don't know how different Los Angeles is from the rest of the world,
and I don't know how the experiences of myself and my local friends compare
to people in other parts of the world. Life has been very intense here
recently. I have the sneaking suspicion that that would apply elsewhere as
I sense that a new civilization is emerging by leaps and bounds. I find
myself less able to predict how, or to say anything very intelligent about
it, but I don't think that really matters. It is about moving into the
unknown together, knowing that things will re-configure themselves in new,
better ways, without necessarily knowing in advance exactly how, and it is
about being flexible enough to recognize and adopt better ways of doing
things when they become available, without being attached to old structures
that might have to fall apart along the way.
- Flemming
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