NCN Local Gatherings

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Fri Sep 05 1997 - 16:09:00 PDT

Meeting face-to-face will often create much stronger and more productive
associations than what we can accomplish over e-mail and web pages.

There are many areas where you'll find fellow NCN members close enough to
you to be able to meet.

Meetings can take many shapes and forms. I know that many people get
together individually with people that they form connections with on-line.
Personally, I get to see quite a few people when they pass through my area.

It can also be very productive to arrange salons or other gatherings
bringing together a group of people. It can be as simple as getting a list
of people who are in your area and inviting them to an afternoon in
somebody's living room, and seeing what you all might feel like doing
together. There could be a pre-determined theme or objective, but there
doesn't have to be. You don't necessarily have to know in advance what to
do with these people, just getting together is perfectly alright.

I have arranged many events here locally in Los Angeles, with the result
that there is now quite a strong network of people here who meet often in
different contexts. Many collaborations and common ventures have come out
of that, too many to be able to keep track of.

We can accomplish so much more if we can get close enough to each other to
discover what we can do together. Community, teamwork, collaboration.

If any of you need to find out who's in your area, get a listing in the
"Personnel" section of the "Member Lounge" at Or, if you can't figure it out, ask
me and I'll look it up.

Below is a notice on an upcoming gathering in London, England. I hope there
will be many more in all areas of the world.

- Flemming

>From: HAROLD <>
>Subject: 1st London meeting of NCN members.
>Hello to all 'New Civilisation Network' members in the London area.
>We are organising a meeting for all 'NCN' members in the London area.
>The meeting has no firm agenda, But I will suggest to focus on How can we
>make a New Civilisation for the London area? What practical steps can we
>take to bring this about? How can we link & publicise our different
>projects we have or maybe start a NCN Salon?
>Flemming & some other members are setting up an NCN Foundation. How can
>we link with the Foundation? My idea is that, when the NCN Foundation
>gets set up & has funds coming in for distribution to acceptable projects.
>Instead of a central distribution of funds, you could have NCN Foundation
>distribute the money to regional NCN charities. These charities would
>assess the situation in there own area, and where best to allocate the
>money. There would need to be coordination between the NCN Foundation &
>the regional NCN charities, maybe a contractual agreement? The details
>need to be work out. The regional NCN charities could be set up in
>parallel with the NCN Foundation.
>Just suppose the NCN Foundation didn't get one penny. The London NCN
>charity could still apply for funding. In the uk we have the concept of
>matching funding, which means that if a charity get some funding [I think
>its 50%] then it may get matching funding from the local council. There is
>also the possibilities of commercial sponsorship, UK National Lottery
>which gives millions of pounds each week to charities, plus other ideas.
>The meeting will be 5/10min walk away from Camden Town Tube on the
>Northern line. It will be on 2pm. Saturday 20th Sept. at Janos home. If
>you want to come to the meeting please contact Janos. By e-mail
><> He will give you the address & directions to his
>If you would like to come to the meeting, but cant make it on that day.
>Please let us know we may be able change the time & day for future
>This message will be resent about one week before the meeting as a
>reminder. If you want to be taking off my list for London members,
>please send me a e-mail at <>
>All the Best,
>THE OPEN NETWORK.Home-page London,
>'The Open Network focuses on what unite us, rather then what divide us'
>Network 2000;

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