NCN: Notices, Global Visions Directory

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Wed Sep 17 1997 - 00:43:18 PDT



We could use a volunteer for the function of collecting and reporting on
what various groups or teams of people within or associated with NCN are

Trudy Schuett <> served in this role for several
months and put out two issues of the "NCN Group Channel", which I think was
very useful. However, she had to dedicate her time to other commitments.
So, the position is open at this point.

The idea is to keep an eye on what different organizations, groups, teams,
etc., are involved with. Maybe interview a few people, get a progress
report, get some success stories, or some real life experiences, get what
the group is learning, what they're having trouble with, etc. Essentially
with the purpose to inspire and inform the rest of us, so we can learn from
the experiences that others are having. Particularly in relation to what
small groups of people can accomplish together, what their process is, etc.

- Flemming


                        ON-LINE NCN FORUMS

If you haven't seen it, in the Member Lounge,, there are now several forums
(bulletin boards, conferences) where you can post messages and have
discussions along various threads. This is an alternative to e-mail
discussions in mailing lists, and a way of participating without being
overwhelmed with e-mail.


                      GLOBAL VISIONS DIRECTORY

John-Helion Tibayan <> of Global Visions, a long time
member and collaborator of NCN, has created an on-line directory of people
and organizations and a calendar of events, all of which is available for
your use at See his message below:

ATTN: New Civilization members

1. The new Global Visions Directory for spiritual and humanitarian
people, projects and organizations went online 07/15/97 and is a big
success. Currently there are about 500 listings entered. I anticipate to
have a couple thousand listings entered by the end of the year. If you
have not entered your listing about your spiritual and humanitarian
project or organization I encourage you to do so.

My goal is to have all the people, projects and organizations that are
doing good work for the planet listed before the year 2000. I basically
want the Global Visions Directory to serve as a Yahoo type search engine
for Spiritual and Humanitarian activity on the planet.

I have been refining and reprogramming the directory to make it more and
more user friendly as suggestions come in from users. Try it. I have made
every effort to make it very easy to use. Should take about five minutes
to list.

As of 9/6/97, Rotating advertising banner technology has been installed
into the GV Directory and are displayed at the top of the "Search Result"
page each time a search is submitted. I am giving free 3 month banner
advertising to the first 200 banners that are submitted.
1. Banner Size: Not larger than 6 1/2" x 1".
2. Must be a spiritual or humanitarian project or business that is
helping the world.
3. If you have an existing banner on your website, just submit the URL
webpage address of your banner graphic.
4. You can send your banner graphic as an attachment with an email
5. For any other questions, send email to:<>

The Global Visions online Calendar of events went online 6/1/97 and has
also been a success. Consequently, I am no longer sending out event
announcements by email. To list your events or to find out about events
go to the GV homepage <>

I am currently experimenting with a way to have the GV Directory function
as a directory for projects and organizations to keep track of their
membership for free.

The Planetary Light Network is the first organization that has designated
the GV Directory as their temporary membership directory and is working
with Global Visions to create a workable searchable directory solution
for PLN and eventually many other organizations. The good news is that
all the directory services are entirely free except for eventual paid
advertising which will pay for directory development and maintenance.

If you would like to add the Global Visions Directory graphical link to
your website, please go to <>

May your Visions of a Better World Come True!

John Helion

John Helion Tibayan, Director/Webmaster
Creative Resources Guild / Global Visions
P.O. Box 3397, Santa Monica, CA 90408
Email: URL:
Phone: 310-828-0130


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