NCN: Sustainable server economics

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Fri Dec 12 1997 - 13:21:20 PST

I think the time has come to look at how NCN can be self-sustainable in
terms of some of the economics involved in keeping the on-line facilities
going that we're using.

Sofar the costs of running the servers and mailing lists we use have been
carried by Max Sandor and myself. Max has for several years been running
the server, at the cost of several hundred dollars per month, as
a contribution to NCN. He is not going to continue doing that, however.

The mailing lists, chat rooms, bulletin boards and web pages will be
transferred to the server I'm running in Venice. It has a nice fast T1
connection and a couple of fast servers. However, that's at the tune of
about $650/month, not counting the hardware costs.

I have always shied away from making NCN something one would have to pay to
be a member of, and I still don't think that would be a good idea. However,
I think it would be appropriate to mention that donations are welcome,
towards keeping the computer facilities going.

I'm not going to attempt any hard sell on that. I trust that most of you
find the existence of NCN valuable, and if you are in a position to
contribute something towards the sustenance of our collective virtual
environment, please feel free do do so.

So, if you will send a contribution, send it to me at:

Flemming Funch
7448 Oak Park Ave
Van Nuys, CA 91406

There's no bank account set up separately for NCN, so you'll have to trust
me and make the check out to me.

Sorry to bring up money, but, hey, some of the infrastructure we use is
still based in the old civilization that requires this stuff.

- Flemming

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   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
  / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
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