Thanks for all the wonderful responses to my Diversity of Perspectives message!
A few of them are included below, but there are too many to show them all.
Discussion is welcome on the discussion list. (send 'subscribe
ncndiscuss-L' to
First I must apologize to the person I used as an excuse to write the
message, who complained about a "pseudo-science" such as astrology being
mentioned. Well, I mixed him up with another fellow who wrote at the same
time, based on the same message about the Peace Pole, and said we were all
"a bunch of flakey west-coast hippies" and asked to be removed right away.
Whereas the first person didn't actually ask to be removed. So, I'd like to
at least honor him for that, although I still disagree greatly with him.
Let me mention as well that anybody is of course free to leave at any time.
Nothing bad about that. Different strokes for different folks. Some people
resonate with something like NCN, some people don't. They're still all part
of All of Us, who are needed to make the world work.
Anyway, I would still say the same thing. And here are then a few of the
other comments, some of those that sounded like they were meant to be
shared ...
- Flemming
>From: NEVETS2 <>
>In a message dated 1/9/98 6:28:34 AM, you wrote:
><<That is step one, I think: to recognize that a planetary civilization needs
>to have room for people with all sorts of orientations.>>
>I'd even take it a step further. "Different opinions" are at least the
>beginnings of the evolutions of different subcultures. We've spent a lot of
>time anguishing over the reality that modern techological civilization has
>displaced a huge number of preindustrial cultures that had spread around the
>world. We "anguish" as though it were impossiblethat the future could se the
>evolution of many new subcultures more suited to the world in which we live,
>but very different, nonetheless.
>Of course there is no need to "anguish". New subcultures can evolve and will
>evolve. More to the point, they "must" evolve, because the larger the number
>of subcultures there are, the healthier our species is - the more varieties of
>knowledge will exist from which to adapt to changing circumstances, etc. Each
>subculture is like another fabulous endangered species out there somewhere
>that might give us the cure for cancer or whatever.
>Each subculture that can and must evolve is the same - providing the species
>with new behavior and social organization models which might be needed to
>adapt to serious global changes in the future - or even to life off of the
>planet altogether.
>So I see "Different opinions" as the seeds of these future subcultures -
>subcultures we desperately need to cultivate for our own mid and long term
>Steve Weinberg
>From: (Matthew Shapiro)
>"If we think of difference as that which divides us; we shall surely dislike
>it. If we think of it as that which unites us, we shall cherish it."
>- Mary Parker Follett, THE NEW STATE, 1918
>From: David Bartholomew <>
>"Honoring the Talents, Creativity, and Ability in Each of Us, as
>Strengths that may Benefit All of Us"
>As originator of the One World Flag I have acknowledged from the
>beginning that "while there are many paths up the mountain, our destiny
>is ultimately the same."
>How I choose to see those who have created, and support-- the One World
>Flag, and NCN, and GlobalVisions, the Planetary Light Network, United
>Communities of Spirit, etc., etc....
>... is through the lense of their "positive intent", their degree of
>awakening along the path, their choices toward the light, toward
>practivity, growth, and creation.
>My personal path keeps me vigilant in attempting to catch any hint of
>"spiritual arrogance" or ego that tries to kick in... that I perceive to
>be movement in the wrong direction.
>I will continue to add to the One World Flag site, and recognize in my
>heart, other similar, positively-intentioned symbols, icons, credos, and
>perspectives; choosing to honor them as the children of
>self-expression... stemming from ultimate inspiration.
>Be thankful for our diversity and the individual process of each of us...
>Think Bigger!!
>David Bartholomew
> David Bartholomew
> originator- The One World Flag
>From: "Anthony S. Dallmann-Jones Ph.D." <>
>Flemming said:
>"I mean, there's nowhere else to go at this point. We can't very well
>ship the people off
>the planet who don't agree with you." [snip]
>You know, when you think about it, at the core of almost all social
>human misery is some form of prejudice - obvious forms such as
>hate-filled bigotry - all the way down to the not so obvious forms of,
>"I don't want to hear any more of your ideas/beliefs because they don't
>agree with mine." In my work with schools who have psychoemotionally
>turned their backs on at-risk kids, I tell them, "These kids are not
>going to go away! They are going to grow up and live RIGHT HERE in the
>community and, if we don't do something, raise more at-risk kids. If
>they DO happen to go away, an at-risk kid from another community will
>move here to replace them.
>The focus of the work here is really not another school program - but
>work of the heart: Your heart. I am working in my garage right now on a
>heart-stretcher (which I think I will call the 'Grinch Winch') but until
>that's ready you need to open to diversity on your own. You can do it.
>You know you can. Open not only to diversity in race, religion and
>ethnicity, but to the wonderful diversity of IDEAS - the source of all
>behaviors. Start examining your ideas - your thoughts - this is where
>the problem starts. Not out there - IN here. In HERE is also where the
>solution begins. The problem will not go away. Community beautification
>begins with YOUR house. It's not a bad adventure - you never know what
>you might find in all that clutter!"
>Anthony S. Dallmann-Jones, Ph.D.
>Misery is Optional
>For Stress:
>For deliberate self-design:
>I believe that if this organization is to survive, be of use for it's
>members, and contribute something positive to whatever each individual's
>reality is, that we must all get past the idea that there is only "my
>way". We all must accept other's points of views, lifestyles, and religion
>or system of living as being valid. Once we can all do that, then we will
>have, perhaps, accomplished something truely great in human relationships.
>That is what I would be satisfied
with, but can never be satisfied knowing someone can not contribute, be
heard, or validated as a human.
>Gordon Stewart, Jr.--Palo Alto, CA.
>From: Wwalterz <>
>I know that my own irritation, intolerance, fear, whatever, is what stands
>between me and complete openheartedness. I am not so enlightened that I am
>completely open, but I do endeavor to accept others even when I disagree.
>If we are really evolving into a civilization based on a new paradigm, I think
>we will each need to acknowledge and take responsibility for our fears and for
>how we allow our fears to influence our decisions. That can be mighty
>challenging, even uncomfortable, but I believe strongly in the
>transformational power of acknowledging (not trying to discard) fear. Once I
>see how I am holding myself back from growth, I generally become less willing
>to tolerate my own closedness. Motivation, inspiration, and growth follow.
>Here's my shameless plug. I just wrote a book that has a lot of awareness
>exercises in it. I will email it, in installments, free to whoever wants it.
>It is in .pdf file format so it works on Macintosh or PC. People just have to
>download the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. No strings, no catches. Here is the
>address to the web site for the book.
>>From there people can order the hard copy (which is not free) or they can
>email me and request the free e-book installments.
>That's all for now :-) Thanks for "listening."
>Walter I. Zeichner
>From: "Lawrence H. de Bivort" <>
>I would add a thought: diversity is not just something to tolerate. It is
>something to welcome, not so much because it is 'nice' to do so, but
>because it is functionally important. The greater diversity we have within
>our systems (like NCN), the greater strength we have collectively to
>handle the immense challenges that we will face.
>For the systems thinkers on NCN:
>This harks to Ashby's Law of Requisite Variety --
> Only variety can destroy variety
>Would NCN systems thinkers be interested in a side discussion on the
>systems dynamics of NCN and societal transformation? If you would be, let
>me know directly and I'll compile our names.
>Best regards to all (and a very successful 1998 to all. We have important
>work to do!)
>Lawry de Bivort
>From: Lisa Lewis <>
>I feel moved to respond as a bridge between my own background as a
>"Christian", and how I implement loving tolerance and acceptance in my
>life. Let it be known that I also study Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Native
>American lifestyles and beliefs, and many scientific (e.g. systems theory
>and quantum physics) and other "modern-isms".
>I have peace and continuity as long as I am integrating the useful-new with
>the useful-ancient...and in the Spirit of Truth...I know that we are all
>necessary. That I am not always, thank God, given the priveledge or
>burden, of knowing how all the pieces fit is not "my" plan.
>I am a necessary part of the plan we all are. This is my
>faith. I have complete and total trust in what we commonly refer to as
>"God", to work all things out in the best way, for all people
>everywhere...and I WANT to do my part.
>As I sit down at this keyboard and screen, after several days of mulling
>over my deepest sentiments in response to Flemming Funch's beautiful and
>clear commentary on the diversity of our perspectives in the New
>Civilization Network, I am feeling full-of-care.
>The man that left NCN because of the mention of astrology is like so many
>people that I encounter as a Christian. I seem to have had the strange and
>chaotic life I have had, so that I can understand, or better, empathize
>with as many different people, ideas, situations and perspectives, as I
>possibly can.
>Although there may be hypocritical Christians, like there are hypocritical
>people in all religions and dogmas (including athiests), I have no problem
>with Jesus and his teachings...He happens to be (although I do not believe
>in chance!) my Master, my Teacher. But then I am an Aries, and I live my
>life to walk the walk, not talk the talk!
>I love the phrase, "What would Jesus do?" The quote is a move to
> bring alignment between our thoughts, words and DEEDS. The
>phrase that can change a Christian's life isn't, "What would Jesus SAY?!"
>It is "What Would Jesus DO???"
>Christianity is full of instructions to do away with fear..."Yeh though I
>walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..."
>So, in other words, we are safe...fully protected...there is nothing to
>fear...from any-thing, idea, perspective, or any person...any where. Let
>the Spirit of Truth prevail...for all of us (each in our own hearts first).
>Fear is only useful to show us where we perceive separations from
>God/dess...areas where we do not trust The Great
>Spirit/Father/Mother...For, if I call myself a Christian, I must walk the
>walk that Jesus walked...and have complete and total trust in
>Him...anything less, for me, is separation from God.
>The reason I felt full-of-care...or care-full, in presenting so
>as not to offend glow with love and be the
> let Spirit, for me, the Holy Spirit, work through
>everyone...because...if you read the Bible, with the Holy Spirit, which is
>the ONLY way to "break the code" see that Jesus is in complete
>harmony with the Universe...he had no fear...he had to go through his
>trials just as we do...and in the end, he said, GO, do what I do...not, say
>what I say...but DO what I DO! There are no laws anymore, but the laws
>that are written upon our hearts. Love God (whatever your understanding of
>this energy is), Love yourself, and love others. Love, Love, Love.
>It is this energy...this power...that makes all
>this quickening possible...some call it the end times, with trepidation...I
>call "it's about time, times!" The time has always been NOW to do the
>right thing, to be our best selves, to love our neighbor as
>ourselves..."this that you do unto the least of mine, you do unto me." We
>who are willing to "DO IT!!!" are the New Civilization. It is the next
>logical step.
>Love, Love, Love,
o o
/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
/ * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
/ * * \ / * * \
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