a newsletter of the New Civilization Network
Issue 6, January 1998
The NCN Group News, the newsletter of the
New Civilizations Network, editor: Bob Ewing
<cclash@web.net>. Submission deadlines the 16th of
each month. For submissions guidelines email
cclash@web.net, please use submission guidelines
as your subject line.
This month's issue is shorter than usual due to the
holiday season and a heavy work load. The next
submission deadline is Feb 16th.
The Earth Calendar:
The Earth Calendar is essentially a tool that aims:
- to favour a greater awareness and evolutional
development both in the individual and in societies.
- to favour the spreading of a universal culture that go
beyond and complete, respecting them amply, local
memories and cultures.
- to favour, both in the individual and in society, a look
toward the future that permit us to better define
succeed our goals.
In order to reach that, the Earth Calendar introduces
numerous and substantial novelties to the calendar that
we commonly use in the western world:
- the years reckoning starts again from zero, to indicate
a single turning point in the history of this Planet,
choosing as a reference point a great cultural and
scientific achievement and mankind's inheritance.
- every week day is dedicated to the nurturing of a
positive quality of the human soul, whose development
results in indisputable benefits both to the
individual and the community.
- dates that indicate special astronomical events of
universal importance are declared Holidays and
subsequently celebrated.
- the names of days of the week and months of the year
are changed in order to give them a greater rational,
emotional and universal power.
As you can immediately see, going at:
our is something more than a simple proposal, the
matter being an already perfectly utilizable everywhere
calendar. And in effect our initiative is already liked by
many futurists and thinkers as well as by many
international people on the Net.
The Earth Calendar is also widely illustrated with the
wonderful art-works of famous Astro-Visionary-New
Age artists.
I hope having done a welcome action to signal you this
Kind regards,
Danilo D'Antonio
--- EUDAEMONY LABORATORY Via Fonte Regina, 23 - 64100 - Teramo - Italy tel & fax: ++39 861 415655 - e.mail: dasa3000@sgol.it http://oasi.asti.it/Homes/eudemonia/mappa.htm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For The Birds and Ourselves:
Winter weather in New England does not bring out the best behavior in birds. Sharing the food and keeping to the pecking order is different in the warmer months than during the cold times. Two couples regularly visit the suet feeder: a pair of Hairy Woodpeckers and a pair of Downy Woodpeckers. The Hairy is 2x to 3x bigger than the Downy (but nowhere as big as the Pileated which is the Woody Woodpecker type) but of similar coloration.
The Hairy - during the 0 degree days - kept chasing the Downy away from the food. Very unusual behavior! The nuthatches and tufted titmice were also somewhat torqued - seemingly by the weather - and quarrelled loudly in the trees. This atypical rudeness despite the fact that food was being provided in abundance. I learn so much about humans from watching the birds.
The signs of an aging Winter are now all around us. Days are getting longer, Venus has dipped below the winter horizon, and... the seed catalogs have arrived. Next will be the Maple Sugaring time with its warm days and freezing nights and then the buds will swell and the snows will melt. And we will have come through one more cycle.
Brother Howard Friend to the Birds www.coppersmiths.com hschecht@tdh.qntm.com
This Issue's favourite Web Site:
everything you need to know about permaculture and more.
Editor's note: If you know of any projects that may make an excellent article for NCN Group News but do not want to develop the article yourself, please email me a contact name, email address or web site and some background information and I'll do the rest, Until next month, Enjoy!
o o / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \ / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \ / * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \ o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ -----------o-------o
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