* NCN TeamNet *

From: Flemming Funch (ffunch@newciv.org)
Date: Wed May 27 1998 - 18:33:48 PDT

                           * NCN TeamNet *

It has long been my vision that NCN would be a network of teams - many
small groups, circles of people working together - linked together in a
bigger network. NCN is other things too, but I think that interlinked teams
could very well be a core element.

The term "TeamNet" was coined by Jessica Lipnack and Jeffrey Stamps, who've
written books like "The Age of the Network" and "Virtual Teams".
(http://www.netage.com/) A TeamNet is a network of teams based on certain
fundamental principles, like having a Unifying Purpose, having Independent
Members, creating Voluntary Links between teams and individuals, having
Multiple Leaders, i.e. allowing those who are inspired to get something
done to do so, and having Integrated Levels of organization, i.e. letting
the teams group together as it seems logical and natural.

Now, I would like here in NCN to put the spotlight on what teams are in
existence amongst us. Thus I would like to hereby officially initiate an
"NCN TeamNet". I would like to collect information about existing teams in
a systematic manner so that we can easily list them and report on their
activities and allow teams to connect with each other more easily.

So, what we're talking about here is small groups of people who're working
on something together. It doesn't really matter what it is. It might be a
group of activists, it might be a commercial company, it might be a
community, it might be a social club, a salon, a non-profit organization, a
spiritual group, a research team, it might just be a few people who have
something in mind they want to do.

One or more of the members of the team would be an NCN member. It is no
requirement that the activity is a flashy new-paradigm world-changing kind
of thing. What matters is that there are people working together on a
common purpose, however humble it may be.

To participate, all that is needed is that a representative from the team
sends in some information about the team. I include a form below.
Additionally, the team would need to agree to stay in touch in some
fashion, and to be willing to provide a bit of an update once in a while on
how it is going.

Note that it is a requirement for this particular purpose that we're
talking about a group of people. That is, it is more than one person. So
here I'm not asking for good ideas or plans or causes, but about groups of
people who have an agreement to do something together, and who would
additionally agree to be listed as a team here.

I would consider a "team" the core group of an activity. So if, for
example, you arrange events every month with hundreds of people attending,
I would mostly like to hear about the people consistently organizing it,
rather than the audience.

Finally, I'd state the purpose of this NCN TeamNet as:

"To foster communication and collaboration amongst independent teams of
people pursuing a multitude of activities with purpose and integrity, and
together to evolve an infrastructure of a world that works for everyone."

I'd be open to other ways of stating it, but something along those lines.

OK, on to the * Team Questionaire *. If you're part of a group that would
like to be listed, fill it in and send it back to me. I'll list the teams
and updates about their activities in a regular "NCN TeamNet Report".

* Group/Team/Organization Name:

* How many members in your team:

* (Optionally) What are their names?

* What is the purpose of the group/team:

* What kind of group is it? (Commercial, activist, social, spiritual,
educational, research, non-profit, community, etc.)

* Does the group have a legal organization? (corporation, non-profit,
association, etc.)

* What do you do?

* Who is the (a) representative or contact for the group?

* What is your role in the group?

* Where does this group meet?

* Is this a Virtual or Face-to-Face team, or Both?

* Do you offer any services or assistance or products to others?

* What activities are you as a team available for?

* What are you as a team looking for?

* How do you make decisions? (democratic, hierarchy, consensus, etc.)

* How are you funded?

* Is the group open to new members?

* What are the criteria for team membership?

* Webpage or other contact information:

Note that it is fine if your team is a commercial company. However, the
purpose here is not for you to advertise. So, you would need to be willing
to give us an honest glimpse into how you work as a team, not just regard
us as a bunch of customers. But business relationships might quite likely
evolve out of this.

I will try to categorize the different kinds of teams to make it easier to
get an overview of what is going on. I'll have to see what kind of entries
come in.

But first, please send back the form if you're in any kind of team and you
would like to be listed.

- Flemming

    o o
   / \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
  / * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
 / * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ -----------o-------o

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