Ah, indeed. Great things are going on. Here are more projects.
Tell us what you're compelled to do and what you need next.
- Flemming
From: Terry Kok <biostar_a@yahoo.com>
The elves are real and living cooperatively in
Southern Indiana on the Lothlorien Nature Sanctuary.
We have been experimenting with solar and wind
generated electrics, composting of human biowaste, and
toal recycling/reuse of grey/wash water. We have been
operating as a conscensus circle (not a hierarchy) for
16 yeas now. What was once a scrub field is now a
forest. We are regenerating the land and finding ways
that people can live/work with nature without becoming
primitive. In fact, this computer is running off
photovoltaic (sunlight to electricity) generated
power. This same solar system runs my house and a
recording studio. Our libraries are packed with
information on everything from organic farming to
electrogravitics. The elves welcome contact from other
folk who choose to willfully evolve from planetary
parasites to celestial symbionts. Our main website is
located at http://www.elflore.org and our NEXT LEVEL
"Sanctuary Rock" project can be found at
http://www.kiva.net/~websage ... Yes! We plan to
purchase the planet and give it back to the whole.
- Terry R. Kok - an ELF Elder at biostar_a@yahoo.com
From: Marc & Diane Schevene <Schevene@wic.net>
We design houses in the Western Rocky mountain region using pressed earth brick
technology. We are currently building our own home totally off the grid,
collecting rainwater, using composting toilets and going non electric. The
pressed earth block is the newest development that is a hybrid of adobe and
standard masonry technique. Actually its much easier than standard masonry
technique. We use smaller bricks that can be used right off of the press. We
build using a double wall with insulation in the middle. We don't have time to
be answering many questions so we have set up websites to acquaint people with
the technique. "Pressed Earthen Bricks" can be found at
http://www.alivedesigns.net/adobe.htm People might also be interested in our
design technique which is explained at "Alive Designs" at
Marc and Diane Schevene
P.S. Our email address will be changing soon so it is best to find us through
our website.
From: Amanda Butcher <amandab@nrf.org>
I am helping to put together a YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE videoconference with
Vicki Robin on November 13, 1999. Through this videoconference Vicki will
introduce newcomers to the powerful ideas and tools that have helped ² of a
million people change the way they think about, spend and save money and
give inspiration and community building opportunities to those already
transforming their lives. It will be a celebration of the new re-issue of
the book, Your Money or Your Life, and the amazingly vigorous spread of the
simplicity and frugality movement. To bring this program to your community
visit the program website at
http://www.resilientcommunities.org/YMOYL3.htm, call me at 509-484-6733 or
send an e-mail at amandab@nrf.org. Thanks! Amanda Butcher
From: Gerardus <gerardus@telusplanet.net>
For over two years I have been running the CosmicCookie List. Cosmic
Cookies are very short Metaphysical Compositions and they are delivered
daily to about 180 members. Some members have been on the Cookie List
since December 1996 and no doubt they are great Cookie Lovers. Lately,
I have my Cookie List at onelist.com and it works perfectly. Naturally
the Cookie List is free and anyone interested in Life and Metaphysics is
welcome to join. Please contact me at gerardus@geocities.com or if you
would like to join directly - visit http://onelist.com and search for
"CosmicCookies" in the finder...
Light... Love... and Laughter.
~ Gerardus ~
From: Maireid Sullivan <maireidsullivan@earthlink.net>
Well, I hope my new book, "Celtic Women in Music",
which profiles the life and work of 30 women in the Celtic music genre,
singers, musicians, composers, will be an inspiration to many people. I read
the proof about two weeks ago and felt very good about it. I have information
up on my website. I will be released on Friday, Sept 3rd.
Maireid Sullivan
Email: maireid@maireid.com
From: moismark <moismark@df1.telmex.net.mx>
This is a simple note to inform about an event that will take place in
Mexico City next November. A recently formed association called "Proyectos
Alter-Nativ@s" ( Alter-native Projects ) will celebrate the coming of a new
millenium with a fantastic fair which will be called " Feria de Obsesiones:
un tianguis de proyectos para despertar el milenio ( Fair of Obsessions: a
gathering of projects to awake the new millenium"
Projects will be gathered in five areas that call for our inmediate
action: health, education, environment, culture and spirituality"
During three days -November 5,6 &7- on a new moon, an array of artistic
and creative activities, will help us drecree, comprehend and be aware of
the need to change our patterns of behavior in order bring about a new world
order based on peace and understanding.
If you want more information, please contact us at
From: "Neva Howell" <heartplace@jellico.com>
Neva Howell and Loretta Rogers have experience an energy transfer that has
changed their lives and the course of their healing work. While holding an old
Sacred Chanupa (Sacred Pipe) bowl, they both experienced the direct touch of
Spirit in a way that created awareness that the past few years of their lives
had been training for what was to come. A new/ancient healing modality is
emerging. Neva and Loretta would like to conduct a scientific study of
sufficient length and with sufficient participants, to establish documentation
on the effects of this modality, which is being called "Etheric Pulse Therapy".
If anyone is interested in supporting this work, there is more information on
the website at
or you may contact Neva at heartplace@jellico.com
Aho, Mitakuye Oyasin. Thank you for your time.
From: "Michael Pushard" <pushard@telplus.net>
My project for the last 2 years is to help children and teach them the
ways to Peace. You can find info at the freeyellow site listed in my
signature...I am always looking for volunteers to work with.
From: Project NatureConnect MJ Cohen <nature@pacificrim.net>
Nature knows best and bats last. Its purpose is to support life in balance
and in this regard no substitute for the real thing has been discovered or
is in sight. There is, however, a newly researched nature connected
psychology, a Natural Systems Thinking Process whose nature reconnecting
activities create moments that let Earth teach. It enables us to restore
as many as 53 natural senses to produce environmentally sound wellness,
social balance, and responsible careers.
Online Internships in Natural Systems Thinking Process are presently
available. They increase skills in promoting the wellness of people and
ecosystems through conscious sensory contact with natural areas. Credit
optional. Part time or full time.
WEB ADDRESS: http://www.ecopsych.com/intern.html
Project NatureConnect
Institute of Global Education
Special NGO Consultant to the
United Nations Economic and Social Council
P.O. Box 1605
Friday Harbor WA 98250
Contact: M.J..Cohen, Ed.D.
From: Chris <chris@sefl.satelnet.org>
Looking at all of these projects, I wonder if anyone is interested in
building basic or even advanced networking services in third world
countries or other impoverished areas. Obviously, there isn't much money
to be made in these areas, and networking is all about money to a lot of
people (See recent IPO's for Internet related companies.) The Internet is
being made into an entertainment medium, and this is driving the capital.
However, there is another aspect of the Internet which not as many people
are famimlar with. Free speech. Free information. It may sound silly,
because many people do recognize the internet with free information. But
nevertheless it is growing quickly to an entertainment and commerce
Promoting free speech where there is none, providing very low cost or free
services, all for the purpose of promoting both human rights,
communication, and computer literacy, is my proposed project. I don't
know about the political issues involved. I don't know about the monetary
issues involved. All I know about are the technical issues involved. But
I would be interested to know if anyone else thinks this is a worthwile
project. I haven't even clearly defined it yet, I am just interested to
see what people think about providing computers where there are none.
The next Bioneers Conference is in the San Francisco Bay area, October
29th-31st, and would probably be of interest to many newciv'ers. Info at:
o o
/ \------------------ Flemming A. Funch -------------------/ \
/ * \ New Civilization Network / Synchronicity Networks / * \
/ * * \ ffunch@newciv.org / * * \
o-------o----------- http://www.worldtrans.org/ -----------o-------o
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