Website, News, Survey, Responses

From: Flemming Funch (
Date: Tue Apr 04 2000 - 13:30:56 PDT

I added a new section of the NCN site that one can post news items to, and comment on existing postings. It is at It is an example of a "web log" that keeps an ongoing record of what is being posted there every day.

Otherwise, on the issue of the survey, it looks like that is turning into a re-design of how the website overall works, and more comprehensive and flexible profiles. I'm working with a small group of people on laying this out in the most useful way.

One promising possibility is to use profile questions to create a collective mind-map of sorts, with spaces and nodes that mirror some of the categories in the profile. That might sound a bit technical and complicated, and it is, but it should be relatively simple to use. As an example, if you had selected in your profile that you are interested in "Alternative Energy" there would automatically be a section of the site (a web page) for Alternative Energy. In there you would be able to see who else marked the same interest you would be able to see what projects have been listed as fitting in that category, and you would be able to post articles or links there. And you would also see choices leading to a finer degree of specialization, like, in this case, "Solar Power", "Hydro-electric Power", "Free Energy", etc. The idea would be that you could quickly get to the areas that actually interest you, and you would be able to easily see what is going on there, who else is interested in it, who else is working on s
omething there.

In brief, the idea would be to make the NCN site more useful in helping people find the information, groups, partners and circumstances they need in order to best do what they want to do. This might be supplemental connections and resources for what you are already doing, or it might be assistance in finding a place where you "belong", maybe with a new project.

Related to all of this is facilities for partner search that might span multiple networks, web sites and organizations. I.e. a way of finding others to work with or play with, even if they might be members of an affiliated network and not on the list of NCN members. A good profile would be essential to that.

Anyway, more about that when it happens.

- Flemming

Below are various, recently submitted comments and responses to the survey issue, etc. I apologize if anybody feels left out, as there's not room to post everything. Also, I only pass on messages that look like they would be intended or suitable for the wider distribution.


From: "Darlene Sartore" <>

Relative to NCN, seems wise for the questions to focus on collecting
information to create a comprehensive listing about what value-productive
products and services each person has to offer..... and how we can
collaborate with these.

As a libertarian pragmatist, I'm convinced that a New Free World
Civilization will emerge as the result of drawing forth the Genius from
within that manifests valuable private enterprises, which we consciously
formulate within a collaborative cartel system...

We each have areas of "unique potentials" and "expertise"... If we agree
to support and collaborate with the individuals in each area, and not
compete against this already claimed area (we don't need to keep
re-inventing the wheel), thus we help that already created area grow more
quickly and cost effectively... This collaboration does NOT discourage
free-flow economics... rather promotes creating an ever expanding array of
products and services to put into the network... To facilitate this
process, I'm helping coordinate a Whole-Life Portfolio and welcome
improvement observations... What's been done so far is posted in the Home
Zone Side Menue at

Maybe our focus would be most beneficial by concentrating on seeking out
Natural SAFE products and Renewal Resources for Energy and Consumables....

Cheers from Darlene Sartore


From: Donald Guenen <>

SO... and IMHO, we should be looking at starting local, self-sufficient,
communities where members can support each other in an alternative
living style, so as to be an *experiential* MODEL for the world we want
to build. There are lots of groups and associations already fighting the
decadence and destructive tendencies of present-day society, and quite a
number of them are doing a good job at that. And although we can lend
our support to some of these endeavours in one form or another, we
shouldn't aspire to become yet another one of them.

To repeat: one of our prime objectives should be to build alternative
model communities where people would be examples of how to live
constructively with values that are not those of our present-day
consumerist, power-hungry and self-destructive society; this is very
difficult if not impossible to achieve if one remains inside the rat
race. There are different modalities to implement this. (I leave it up
to you to write a beautiful question around this theme.)
Sub-question (the million-dollar one, literally): how do we finance it?
(And here, I must regretfully admit I have very few workable ideas...)


From: (Martin & Sue Scott)

I think that one thing that defines us as a group is that we each hold a
VISION. Holding a vision is a very powerful way to bring it about. It is
how things will change for the better. My suggestion would be to ask the
members, in some way, what their vision is.

Mine is for a world where no one tries to control, or take advantage of,
another. Where "the meek are not treated as weak", and where "might does
not make right." In this way, there will be unprecedented abundance for
all, and no one will have to work themselves to death just to
survive. Simple but not easy. It will take a revolution of thought
first. But it is our heritage and the sooner it occurs, the better for
everything on the planet.

With gratitude for your mission,

Sue Scott


From: Heiner Benking <>

"The Latin roots of "concept" and "conceive" derive from folk wisdom and
mean "to gather in with, to combine inside (the mind/body)". We embrace
attitudes, we incorporate ideas, we envision possibilities and so on. Quite
literally, everything that we learn we are, that which we are "familiar with
becomes us" (Rose 1992). Therefore, it is no extraordinary stretch to ask
everyone to re-connect with the ways that all people and companion creatures
see and visualize life and existence. This is a crucial exercise in
performance. When we open ourselves to projecting and imagining the literal
experiences of viewing situations in alternative ways, it becomes something
> we identify with and therefore can feel kin to. And once that happens, the
techniques of co-supportive social actions and encouragement of human
dignity and integrity for everyone becomes as natural as .... as natural as
... "seeing". The process itself -- exploration of social Concept and
COGNITION Space - becomes a consummate foundation of ethical
considerations10 and a shared "objective reality".


From: Myrna Casebolt <>

My first suggestion is that any question be followed with an inquiry (genuine
inquiry not challenge) to state why we are responding as we are. For example,
questions that address, electoral processes in the world for leadership, crime
and punishment in the world, or health care rather than sick care in the world,
or love and friendship in the world...etc. ..what do those things mean to us
at first blush and how would we provide input into the structure or definition
of them as good (ie. useful) inquiries...however, if we do not know why we are
responding the way we are...the survey just becomes a surface canvas of
thoughts at the moment we are responding with a possible sacrifice of the kind
of thinking through you want from us. So, whatever questions we pose, let's
respond with why we are responding that way. Not a defense of the response
simply a perspective about it.



For me, NCN serves a purpose in simply serving as a place where people
can communicate and join together IF THEY WANT TO. No commitment to "produce" anything is necessary. We ARE producing consciousness change which is
ultimateley what produces the "100th monkey" critical mass situation where the planet decides to change simply because TRUTH shows a greater PERSONAL benefit
in doing so.

It's ALL about consciousness change in my opinion. When we show and make committments TO OURSELVES to improve planetary situations by no longer buying into and supporting "Old World" culture and paradigms, they become obsolete. Like dinosaurs or "fads" the old obsolete ways simply dissappear as better ways of living are found and people start practicing them.

Fellowship and conveyance of TRUTH are 2 of the primary functions as I see it of NCN. The exposing of the control paradigm of "Old World" culture and the development of solutions and ways of living that DO work in life validating instead of life negating ways is an important piece of NCN's work.

Healing strategies and methodologies to help people recover from these
emotional battle scars inflicted by "Old World" control culture is important
as well. NCN can play a major role in helping people to heal these wounds.

Blessings, ...LightShifter (aka Dan Hunt - web site: http://



Fragmented seems to be the key word in what I sense is keeping us from
becoming the New Civilization Network. We seem to be focused on individual
objectives, individual egos, individual causes, individual ideas, noble
causes, some without structure or direction, local solutions, political
solutions, Isolated new economic systems, idealistic concepts and mostly seem
to be inhumane cyber "virtual" relationships.

We are not able to go back to the grass roots and work "people to people" to
build a better way of life, a truly new Civilization.

How can we accomplish anything without the person to person connection and

We have become so enamored with virtual reality that we can't reach out to
our neighbor. We are much more comfortable with the cyber neighbor because
that does not require toooooo much when we don't want to give it toooo much
of our personal involvement. We can deal with the cyber relationship because
when we want to turn it off and not get involved we just shut down our

This will never work to accomplish the objectives that we want to be a part
of our reality.

Sure, some of us are able to create comfortable communes that give us "one on
one" relationships that don't challenge us to go beyond our comfort zones,
but we are never able to carry this beyond, and into an area that has the
potential to call the masses into living in and creating the better world
that we all know can be ours.

We must be able to look beyond the cyber world for the solution and realize
that the cyber world is only the tool to bring us together and then become
the tool for communicating and facilitating our New Civilization concepts.

It must be organized and structured at the REAL GRASSROOTS. "Person to
Person," real life relationships where individuals look each other in the eye
and learn to love and trust each other. We must provide the concept and
structure that will not only bring these people together, one on one, but
will give them the method to spread these relationships and concepts into a
worldwide unifiying system that is not only benevolent and productive, but is
also substantive and expansive.

We must set our sights to add one key word to a two hundred and twenty year
old phrase, With Liberty, Justice and Equity for all.

This can be done. I have been shown the key to the method and the concept.
It will not be done as one person's idea, but it will be done when the wisdom
of 40 or 50 people come together to complete and launch the concept.

God speed,
David Alderman


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