NCN Chat 8 Oct 95
How do we get there from here?
<> Well, maybe we should get started with the more 'official' meeting.
<cbwillis> did all the ncn subtopics hear about the chat?
<cbwillis> I thot of posting something on afrospirit, but didn't
<> I sent it out on the main list, so everybody should know.
<> A lot of people expressed interest.
<> But maybe they didn't figure out the technicalities.
<cbwillis> yes, let's get started
<> OK, the theme is "How do we get there from here?"
<bobhilt> if others had tech problems that I had, I would expect them to be
+reading the paper right about now... -end-
<bobhilt> where being a paradigm shift?
<> Somebody suggested we couldn't answer it without knowing where "there" is.
<cbwillis> and "here"
<> "Here" is I guess quite individual.
<bobhilt> where==there....
<> To some degree, yes.
<cbwillis> we might differentiate the general from the individual "here" and
<bobhilt> Talking about vision
<> I believe a lot of people know there is somewhere they want to go, even if
+they aren't totally sure what exactly it is.
<cbwillis> so we end up with 4 points
<cbwillis> that's what I call the heart's desire emerging
<> Yes, I would like it to apply to everybody, even if we have individual
<cbwillis> they need permission to be in dreamtime
<bobhilt> *WE* have some strong commonalities... I think it's not something
+generally thot about or accepted, in U.S.A. at least...
<cbwillis> love of freedom for starters
<> I think our individual visions and activities add up in a big synergy, if we
+try not to have too many pre-written agendas for each other.
*** Signoff: Judy (Ping timeout)
<cbwillis> J will be back
<bobhilt> ff: yes. we can if we will
<> I believe a lot of people have similar alues underneath it all.
<bobhilt> quick comment...
<bobhilt> relevant current event with a tie-in
<bobhilt> Boeing machinists are on strike as of thurs.
<bobhilt> They are worried about production going to 3w countries, reduced
+bennies, etc.
<bobhilt> This is the reality we've been talking about--easier production,
<cbwillis> and an end to war, who wants to go to war in countries where you're
+doing major business
<> But I guess it isn't solved by too narrow and local a perspective.
<bobhilt> so that material goods can take more of a backround station rather
+than being at the forefront of everything.
<cbwillis> global business will be the end to war
<> If we're all working together and communicating war wouldn't make sense.
<bobhilt> I think economics is a major inhibitor of a new civilization
<> A different economics could make things work very differently.
<cbwillis> how is that bob?
<bobhilt> we have to have jobs, which are scarce, and other 'scarce' physical
<cbwillis> insiders are expecting another downturn in Silicon Valley in about
+2 yrs
<bobhilt> companies achieve economic autonomy, while individuals fight amongst
<> We need a way of emphasizing what we would like, rather than what we MUST do
+to live.
<> Make values more important than mere survival.
<bobhilt> OK. You and I can do that. Tell it to someone who isn't feeling
+secure economically...
<> Well, that is a value too, of course.
<cbwillis> We don't HAVE to have jobs, I'd like to shift to a project
+mentality, but VERY well networked.
<> So, do we HAVE to make everybody secure first?
<cbwillis> As a values expert, you can't eat values.
<> Ha, right.
<bobhilt> That shift is upon us, CB. But SECURITY is utmost in importance I
*** Judy ( has joined channel #ncn
<cbwillis> that's Project Mind's agenda, make everyone secure thru total
<bobhilt> If people feel insecure, they cling to the past!
<> Hi again Judy.
<> Guess you disconnect if there is not enough activity or something?
<cbwillis> something about Ping?
<> I don't think we have to make everybody secure first.
<Judy> My server keeps dumping me out of this channel so if I disappear, it's
+not because I lost interest
<> We will have to work in imperfect conditions.
<> I didn't think so, Judy.
<cbwillis> J: we knew you'd be back
<bobhilt> ok...
<> We can't plan it linearly.
<cbwillis> We always have to work in imperfect conditions, there are absolutes
+in the physical universe
<> We can't wait for material security for everybody before we can relate
+meaningfully to eachother.
<cbwillis> BUT...there's the challenge, to get as close to manifesting
+perfection as possible
<cbwillis> There are NO absolutes, sorry
<cbwillis> in the phys univ
<> Yes, but it is aways a balance.
<cbwillis> ff: what do you see to be the preconditions, then
<> We can't get one polarity only, but we can strive for integration.
<cbwillis> ??
<> An understanding of a few simple values, such as tolerance, allowing each
+other to be different.
<bobhilt> OK. Imperfect world. How do we allay fear gradually as we make
+things work better in a new paradigm for people to "shift into"
<cbwillis> Yes, and there is a lot of move to honor diversity going on
<bobhilt> Screw tolerance!
<> It is not that one person has the right answer and somebody else doesn't. We
+need to have room for all views.
<cbwillis> bob, ??
<bobhilt> (sorry, that was my evil twin, skippy!)
<bobhilt> :-)
<> We need to learn individually that it doesn't have to be threatening that
+somebody else is different.
<bobhilt> ff: right...
<> Hey, what does your evil twin have to say?
<bobhilt> Just my sick sense of humor... go on.
<> I don't think the answer is just to be "good" and "nice". We need all
+aspects. But integrated, rather than polarized.
<bobhilt> AND practical!!!!!!!!!!
<> We have too many prewritten agendas about how things HAVE to be.
<bobhilt> 'REAL WORLD' changes, not just thinking about them and talking about
<cbwillis> unexamined agendas
<> YEs, real world changes. But working on them, rather than planning them for
+years first.
<> Yes, unexamined agendas is a problem.
<bobhilt> ff: good.
*** Kirby ( has joined channel #ncn
<> Hi Kirby, good to see you!
<bobhilt> Kirby! Long time!
<Kirby> Kirby here. Hi Flemming, all.
<cbwillis> hi kirby
<Judy> hi kirby
<> Do we need to agree in order to work together?
<Kirby> Have we been having fun yet?
<cbwillis> we need to have some agreements
<> YEs, getting into it.
<cbwillis> depending on the "work"
<Kirby> If IRC is an example, 'in order' is out of the question.
<> YEs, but what kind of agreements do we HAVE to have?
<Kirby> We can agree 'out of order'
<bobhilt> Q: Kirby, we talked a little about VanSant's geosphere project and
+GIS database. Have you heard anything recently about that?
<> Right, things don't naturally happen in order.
<Kirby> No, and I don't have web pages for them (VS GS). GIS is a big topic
+these days.
<cbwillis> mutual respect for others as beings is a good starting point
<> I think we need to agree that we might disagree and that we can work
+together anyway.
<> Yes, mutual respect, tolerance, allowing each other a space to exist in.
<cbwillis> yes, agree to disagree, without jumping to conclusions about what
+that "means"
<Kirby> Work 'n play -- gotta keep the word 'play' respectable
<bobhilt> ff: that's a big step. Harder to achieve than to say right there.
<> Yes, a playful attitude is important.
<bobhilt> everyone wants to be perceived as agreeable, and it's easy while
+people are doing things that you generally agree with...
<cbwillis> needs to be taught early by parents who themselves understand it,
+and understand the need to teach it, demonstrate it, talk about it
<> We need to gradually experience each other as safe, even when we disagree.
<Kirby> Play can also be a precursor to work, a try-out, dry-run, simulation
+if you will...
<> Seriousness is not very effective. Great things might get done with quite
+playful attitudes.
<cbwillis> play is integral to work, the curious, experimental spirit
<Kirby> Most big coordination activities (making movie, military ops) have
+rehearsal, exercise, practice...
<> When you do what you feel like doing and you enjoy it, work and play become
<> Is mutual tolerance enough to be able to work together meaningfully?
<cbwillis> and if you have work you don't enjoy, or a task, then the thing is
+to make some sort of game out of it
<bobhilt> Kirby: AND complex systems grow best when started as simple workable
+systems. Complex systems started out as complex systems don't seem to work
+very well...
<cbwillis> you need a common purpose that has energy
<> Is a general vision of a new civilization common and clear enough?
<> Does it need to be more specific?
<cbwillis> too abstract for most people, they would have trouble getting a
+handle on it, or their programming would kick in and they might say it's not
<Kirby> Re complex systems: of course all work is in the context of everything
+that already is (complex, that is)
<bobhilt> what are we talking about here, tolerance, freedom from scarcity,
+freedom to pursue personal growth, etc.?
<> How do we make it more clear, without over-defining and limiting it?
<cbwillis> for the abstract thinkers, the big picture is always there
<> But it might be hard to convey to non-abstract thinkers.
<Kirby> Science fiction is our culture's attempt to 'make the future (e.g.
+newciv) clear'
<cbwillis> for most people the attention is on the immediate project or task,
+and the purpose for it
<cbwillis> and whether they feel emotionally engaged with it
<> How do we connect it up with a big general future.
<Kirby> Most near-term scifi is dark, far term scifi bright
* Kirby overgenerializes
<bobhilt> cb: disagree somewhat. MUCH attention is stuck on basic survival
+right now. I'd like to try to get past that a bit...
<> Maybe people just need to be emotionally engaged in something they feel
+makes a difference, right now.
<bobhilt> cb: I just re-read what you said.
<> What if people could survive by doing something that they actually feel
+makes a difference.
<bobhilt> cb: I think we sorta said the same thing...
<cbwillis> the abstract thinkers can just say, after the immediate
+project/task/purpose/emotions are in gear, and this is important because it
+fits in _here_... directing the attention to the big picture for a moment.
+Plants a seed in consciousness but doesn't
<cbwillis> belabor the point
<bobhilt> ff: YES!
<bobhilt> ff: I think THAT is the crux, the holy grail of new civ...
<> If creating a new civilization helped people survive better right NOW, we
+have it made.
<> Rather than just being something extra to do after work.
<bobhilt> ff: agreed, fully.
<cbwillis> and continually enhancing the definition of survive toward flourish
<> Any ideas how?
<> Starting new civ businesses?
<cbwillis> I'm part of the transformational business consultants movement
<bobhilt> I look at the newciv job board sometimes. But for now, it doesn't
+pay the ConEd...
<> Do we need to integrate business and idealistic vision?
<cbwillis> and much of my focus is alignment of practiced values with espoused
+values, integrity in other words
<cbwillis> most companies have mission statements and ethics guidelines
<cbwillis> and values, and and and
<Kirby> .. or as consumers with dollar votes, encourage businesses we buy from
+to so integrate
<Judy> maybe it's not a matter of creating new businesses, but transforming
+what already exists
<> I personally have a bit of a block in how to make immediate business sense
+out of what I am doing.
<cbwillis> but the big complaint among employees its all PR and they don't
+practice what they preach
<> Ah yes, transforming what is already there, rather than necessarily starting
+all over from scratch.
<cbwillis> what are you doing, ff?
<Judy> big business might be impossible, but what about starting with small
<cbwillis> if we can't transform what's already here, what kind of magicians
+and wizards are we anyhow?
<> I make most of my money from writing computer programs, some from doing
+sessions, and none from doing new civ. At least next to none.
<cbwillis> you could set new civ up as a nonprofit 50lc3, and I bet many would
+donate to it, and you could also provide some services thru there, networking
+services for example
<> I guess we need to look for how it makes sense to work on creating our
+visions right NOW in our daily lives.
<cbwillis> you've already got the best thing of its kind going
<bobhilt> U.S. question: The I.R.S. wants a 30% chunk. Some interactive
+exchange systems have been able to bypass this. I see IRS as a problem for
+NCN. You?
<cbwillis> so build on it
<> I don't like setting NCN up in an IRS category, even though I can see it
+would make it easier to donate to it.
<cbwillis> 30 is only on profits. Most companies buy stuff at the end of the
+year to offset that, spend down your reserves a bit and get ready to expand
+next year
<> I'd rather stay completely away from the IRS.
<cbwillis> 50lc3 fits people's pictures
<cbwillis> just an idea. we have many friends who have started them, some very
<bobhilt> ff: woodenweall
<bobhilt> GeoSphere is a for-profit corp. Doing ok, as I understand it.
<cbwillis> I think ncn needs to work somehow on overcoming underlying apathy
+on the planet and among ourselves!
<> Anyway, maybe NCN shouldn't be making money in itself, but I sure think the
+members should be able to do newciv businesswise.
<cbwillis> sure!
<bobhilt> time-money is getting more and more mainstream press...
<cbwillis> quality networking where people really deepen relationships, take
+off the layers and really trust each other is a very rare thing and worth
+cultivating at all costs
<> NCN takes relatively little expense in itself. More important is that each
+of us need to be able to eat and have a place to live.
<cbwillis> that's what everyone says
<Kirby> problem with 'newciv' idea is usually its up to historians to draw
+lines in retro and say 'New Era' starts here. We'll all have been dead for
+100 years.
<> NCN is luckily very little dependent on money. So, it won't go out of
+business for economic reasons.
<Kirby> Self-proclaiming 'newciv' has been done many times, but usually
+self-proclaimers don't get credibility for saying so
<cbwillis> because of where people are at personally I see little willingness
+to "deep network" for life
<bobhilt> ff: Don't drop that idea
<> I guess it makes a difference what we DO, more than what we proclaim.
<cbwillis> good point K, utopians
<bobhilt> ff: I think there's a valuable seed there for other enterprises too
<cbwillis> we have to start from where people ARE, which is the topic today!
<> Is there something in NCN that is directly translatable to being exported to
+businesses in general?
<cbwillis> big picture thinking
<bobhilt> ff: yes
<cbwillis> purpose
<cbwillis> coordinated networking
<Kirby> Wondering if from a marketing view, embedding NewCiv is optional,
+focus should be on desired future whether we agree its a 'new civ' or not
+(leaving that to historians)
<cbwillis> worldwide email networking
<cbwillis> yes, desired future
<> It makes business sense, at least PR-wise, to be positioned as working for a
+better world.
<cbwillis> collective dreamtime
<cbwillis> it needs to be very practically oriented
<Kirby> Aesthetics all-important. Every dream of the future has a look 'n
<bobhilt> ff: it's on the internet. It's virtual. There's virtually ZERO
+cost to exist. Others can and are taking advantage of similar properties
<Kirby> Aesthetics also key to defining market niche, standing out in the
+jungle as color-coordinated new kid on the block
<cbwillis> I think ncn has done well on online aesthetics so far
<> Kirby, right. Doesn't matter what we call it. It is working, networking for
+a desired common, but open, future.
<bobhilt> K: That's the storyboard idea?
<cbwillis> the vision develops more as we go
<Kirby> Projecting future requires storyboarding (how they make commercials)
<cbwillis> define storyboarding?
<Kirby> I imagine 'newciv' commercials on TV and ask myself: how will they
<bobhilt> Storyboarding: Show the vision as reality...
<Kirby> Storyboarding in simple form is like a comic strip: sketch book of
+action shots before actual filming
<cbwillis> I like the saab commercial on PBS, "find your own road" with a
+catchy tune and bright colors
<> I guess we need more artifacts, something people can connect with and use,
+and own.
<bobhilt> people own web browsers...
<> Can one make commercials for a vision and for networking, or do we need more
+tangible things or services to give people?
<cbwillis> again, I think there is an underlying apathy to be overcome.
<bobhilt> what VALUE can we offer people by WWW?
<cbwillis> Where is the JUICE?
<bobhilt> potential project here? What about people-networking as a
<cbwillis> could we do more with the ncn network database?
<> If we had a network that linked people up in ways that immediately
+translated into better survival (business?) while creating a better future,
+that could work.
<cbwillis> yes, most people need business
<> Connecing people up, creating synergy.
<bobhilt> Picture: Skills database, needs database, resources database, status
<cbwillis> most independents out there just need more work
<cbwillis> whatever field they're in
<> To make it attractive for the general public it needs to give tangible
+benefits in their daily lives.
<> Creating work, connecting it up with income.
<cbwillis> building in quality and vision from there
<> An exchange-of-value network.
<cbwillis> perfect USP!!!
<bobhilt> WHO
<resources> can help me LEARN
<synergy> how to Login my
+application to a NetWare server
<> USP?
<cbwillis> universal selling proposition
<cbwillis> phrase that speaks to the unconscious of your target market
<> Enabling information, connections.
<bobhilt> ff: yes..
<cbwillis> everyone is looking for the right connections, business/personal
<> Networked values. Quality of Life network.
<> Providing connections that something actually comes of.
<cbwillis> ff: you are a networker par excellence, next-level partnering, a
+matchmaker of sorts (anyone have any Libra here??)
<Kirby> Look 'n feel: focus of aesthetics these days is 'the screen'
+(computer, TV etc) which comes with sound, but not much smell (except
<> I'm a Libra, yes.
<cbwillis> yes yes
<cbwillis> partnering, connecting people is the thing
<cbwillis> and doing it aethetically
<Kirby> newciv dating service? is that what we're talkin'?
<> Connecting up with an increasingly synergetic world.
<cbwillis> cool
<cbwillis> QUALITY connections are hard to find
<bobhilt> Not dating service perhaps as much as Yellow Pages...
<cbwillis> Then we have to define quality
<> Newciv business partner networking, that anybody can take part in.
<> I think everybody agrees that 'quality' is good. Probably better not to
+over-define it.
<cbwillis> then we can get into the next layer down, which is revolutionizing
+agreements, agreements that work, whether formal or infomral
<Kirby> People looking at this network 'from the outside' (presuming an inside
+exists): what do they see?"
<> How to make agreements that work.
<Kirby> what do they see?
<cbwillis> how many times has a connection gone sour because of assumptions
+made but not formally addresed or agreed on
<bobhilt> cb: good point. It works well in small groups, but when you get
+bigger groups... breaks down.
<> Success, enjoyment, aesthetics, survival.
<cbwillis> yes, how to make agreements that work
<cbwillis> can break down in 2 people, often does!!!!
<> Forging links, helping people connect and agree and work together.
* Kirby reboots IRC to clear up interface problem
<cbwillis> perfect
*** Kirby has left channel #ncn
*** Kirby ( has joined channel #ncn
* Kirby is back
<bobhilt> OK: Point 1. Interactive networking database capability; Point 2.
+Enabling methodology (technology) to allow the network to functin.
<> What component parts do we have in making it work?
<cbwillis> we already have a db of fascinating people, who are mostly shining
+other on
<> Networking principles, learning organizations.
<bobhilt> Point 1: Big job
<> Resourceful people.
<bobhilt> point 2: don't know, not my expertise...
<cbwillis> you lead a horse to water...
<cbwillis> this is my point about tech to overcome underlying apathy
<Kirby> Web pages which typify shared aesthetics, from which we download
+graphics, glyphs to embed locally, showing our partially overlapping
+affiliation with one another
<bobhilt> cb: and he'll drink if it's easy and fills his need...
<> Overcoming apathy is a PR problem, aesthetics, making it look good and
+attractive to do something different.
<Kirby> Web pages which storyboard the future...
<> The web naturally leads to aesthetics.
<cbwillis> but to sustain past the initial interest overcoming underlying
+apathy needs to be constantly monitored and addressed
<cbwillis> my experience in working with anything remotely similar
<> We need to show, in numbers, that it actually works.
<Kirby> Lots of old sci fi about the future (i.e. now) have obsolete
+aesthetics... problem with technology and how to view it (part of nature, or
+against nature)
<> How do we measure synergy and effective connections?
<Kirby> number of web page hits?
<cbwillis> people participate and say I love it, and it works!
<cbwillis> and invite their friends
<> Web page hits show interest, but not how much it actually enables people.
<bobhilt> and get people to put up links to it.
<cbwillis> there are various stats on different "levels" that could be used
<cbwillis> sustainability and growth are needed
<> Is there a measure for quality of life?
<cbwillis> people's conversation about it when asked an open ended question
<bobhilt> Thought: new meta-tool to create and tie in your database exporting
+your area of expertise...
<cbwillis> "How was it for you?"
<cbwillis> "How is it for you?" sort of thing
<bobhilt> HTML and WWW are meta-tools
<> Surveys. People rating their activities and connections.
<> Satisfaction rating.
<bobhilt> We could have some sort of DATABASE and NETWORKING meta=tool that
+will allow people to interact
<cbwillis> yes, prompting them in certain categories, leaving it open ended in
+others. Personal conversations tend to elicit more data, so a certain
+percentage of personal contacts could be used to expand the pic
<bobhilt> ...and build around their areas of influence...
<> Food for thought.
<bobhilt> Don't build the system! Build and disseminate the TOOLS to build the
<cbwillis> hey....
<> Enabling tools. Show people the results. Connect them up.
<cbwillis> really get the system so it works
<bobhilt> This allows for a geometric expansion of effort
<cbwillis> that has been the fallacy of similar things in the past
<> We've gone about an hour. I feel we've gotten somewhere.
<cbwillis> not just so it sounds good then doesn't work.
<cbwillis> People feel betrayed from stuff like that.
<bobhilt> and allows a geometric expansion of interconnectedness...
<cbwillis> We've got to design a system that obviates betrayal if possible?
<> It has to actually work, even when looking deeply into it.
<> Open communication tends to bring honesty with it, in a certain way.
<> The Internet is to some degree an anti-dishonesty device.
<cbwillis> yes.
<cbwillis> MLM is an example of a betrayal machine, sounds great, and doesn't
+work for 99% of people.
<> Right.
<cbwillis> We need to find a new way, blaze new trails that WORK!
<> It should look and feel good, also after you've been doing it, and without
+continuous pep talks.
<> Alright with you if we end shortly?
<cbwillis> overcome underlying apathy, not pump people up with artificial rah
<cbwillis> ok
<Kirby> I advocate using General Systems Theory to compete with economics,
+saying 'hey, monopoly is unhealthy so you econ folks are gonna get some
<bobhilt> so... we create tools to create an interactive network
+skills/resources/needs/status database...
<Kirby> The so-called 'dismal science' needs to be given a run for its
<> YEs, competition to monopoly, that's good.
<bobhilt> then we create or figure out how to keep it working for everyone?
<Judy> fine to end this shortly. let's do this again soon
<> Should we do this every week, or is that too often?
<cbwillis> Good Meeting!
<cbwillis> Why not take it a week at a time for starters?
<bobhilt> I can stick around if anyone wants to...
<Judy> every week is fine with me
<cbwillis> me too
<Kirby> Focus: academia (ivory tower) should feel responsible for the world
+not working (not politicians). If it don't work, lets fix the curriculum, not
+the political 'platform'
<> OK, so we'll do it next week too.
<Judy> same time?
<Kirby> Same bat time, same bat channel...
<> I need to take a look at how this time was for everybody. For some people,
+like in Hawaii, it wasn't so good.
<cbwillis> this time is good, and it's early evening in europe
<cbwillis> HI has the worst time
<Kirby> If it snowballs, multiple times, even multiple channels
<> But for now, let's assume same time, unless I send out a message about
+something else.
<> OK, great meeting, thank you all for coming!
*** Signoff: Judy ()
<cbwillis> bob, wanta chat?
<Kirby> Thank you Flemming. Good job all.
<bobhilt> why not leave the channel open, with a bigger name
*** Signoff: Kirby (Kirby)
<> It's my son's birthday, so I need to go and attend his breakfast table.
<cbwillis> Ok, thanks Flemming!
<bobhilt> ok.. see ya. Yes, cb...
<> I thought about making it more permanent. Or making a web chat channel.
<> But anyway, lets talk later, gotta go.
<cbwillis> bye...
#ncn> /exit