7.31. The NCF acknowledges the significance of childhood - humanity's early
phase of vulnerable innocence, when the personal foundation is created
which will support an entire lifetime. The NCF recognizes the crucial
process that children experience as they are integrated with the larger
society and recognizes that, without a voice, without a vote, children are
utterly dependent upon adult capability and good will. On the behalf of
children everywhere in the world, the NCF will strive to promote their
unique full rights, to advance their quality of life, and to uphold their
universal sacredness. The future of civilization is made manifest in them,
"the new lifeblood of the body, which is community."
7.3.2. As a premise to our activities, we acknowledge the natural bond
between the parents and their child, prevailing as parental right,
necessary duty, and one of the greatest joys of life. In the case of the
progenitor(s) being unavailable (for reasons such as: incarceration,
separation, or death), there is an equivalent responsibility for the
primary caregiver or guardian, and the local community. We will promote programs that enable our
collaboration with parents or guardians of every amenable persuasion and
culture, in order to assist and empower their means of supporting the
children. We are interested in obtaining a holistic comprehension of the
various child-raising traditions for our further research into the human
condition. Moreover, we seek to explore new approaches of harmonizing
family values with society values, via specific intentional community
projects. Our goal is to actualize an improved design for society, which
encourages an increase of interaction between generations and is more
conscientious of children's needs.
7.3.3 The rights & welfare of children are of concern, particularly those
of the youngest age (from birth until adolescence), when they are less able
to express their own rights. We acknowledge that these rights are indeed
the same rights which adults have accorded for humanity, with the proviso
that they are "in dormancy" until activated. The "activation" occurs
through normal growth and maturation, although individual timing and
sequence varies widely, depending upon culture and other factors. From the
beginning, the most important right is for "life itself" (basic survival),
relevant to the whole issue of welfare. We will coordinate with existing
organizations to develop innovative programs which protect and ensure the
adequate care of children, especially those in impoverished regions.
Victory over the widespread problem of hunger and starvation will be a
major focus. The adequate care consists of 1)the PHYSICAL needs (clean air
& water supply; nourishing foods - locally grown, fresh, and organic, cf.
ECOLOGY; clothing; shelter; proper hygiene; preventative health practice;
proper sewage treatment; and other required systems) and of 2)the EMOTIONAL
needs (essentially revolving around the exchange of affection, attention,
and LOVE). We envision a safe and nurturing environment to provide
subsequent generations with the optimal start to life in the new
7.3.4. We shall strive to incorporate into children's development the means to
impart to them a sense of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle
through their earliest years into adulthood.
7.3.5. The transference of knowledge has special characteristics whenever
children are involved. To a child, learning is synonymous with playing.
Modern, institutionalized, competitive schooling has in so many ways denied
and forsaken the spontaneous enthusiasm of the teaching/learning
celebration. For this reason, we aim to synthesize a child-centered form of
education, to be derived from the many progressive methodologies of diverse
cultures and traditions. Our educational renewal will strive to maintain a
balance between hi-tech and lo-tech systems; one project may be a "junior"
New Civ. Internet forum, while another may be a down-to-earth, flower
garden. We are committed to sponsoring a global network of activities that
stimulate the creativity of children and encourage their positive
development as living, thinking individuals. We will search far and wide to
assemble a team of educators who are able to distinguish and cultivate the
innate talents of genius. Within each child, there is a unique gift that
can be discovered through the facilitation of loving guidance.
7.3.6 We are optimistic that the Earth is capable of supporting vast
numbers of human inhabitants, within the limits imposed by a healthy global environment. However, we have deduced that the present
reality is far from ideal and a strategy of sustainable development is needed.
By observation of metropolitan conditions and widespread environmental
damage, we infer that population distribution and demographics are
interconnected factors of much consequence. Our far-reaching vision for the
redesign of society includes plans for ecovillage development and
cooperative living arrangements. The construction of our prototypes will
provide actual stepping stones on the way to a new civilization, free of
detrimental crowding and adverse effect upon Nature. With regards to the
birth rate, we recognize that the phenomenon of reproduction is more in the
hands (and wombs) of child-bearers, so it exists as a pertinent women's
issue. Conversely, we will investigate the extent to which men should be
held accountable through biological obligation. We will coordinate with
other organizations to educate young adults about the ethical implications
and basic responsibilities of bringing a child into the world. The
education will comprise the diversity of options, such as: contraception,
abstinence, natural rhythm method, non-intercourse sex, focus on
self-development, premarital counseling, adoption, even the wise
consideration of "waiting". We are committed to alleviating the tragic
situation of the millions who are blundering into parenthood without a
feasible plan. Our ultimate stance in these matters is to respect
individual choices of free will.
7.3.7 From the Wisdom of our collective experience, from the nurturing urge in our Heart of Love, let us serve to create that ideal world, to give unto the next generations, what we would have given unto ourselves when we were children.