We are the New Civilization

We are here.
We are waking up now, out of the past, to dream a bigger dream.
We are friends and equals, we are diverse and unique, and we're united for something bigger than our differences.
We believe in freedom and cooperation, abundance and harmony.
We are a culture emerging, a renaissance of the essence of humanity.
We find our own guidance, and we discern our own truth.
We go in many directions, and yet we refuse to disperse.
We have many names, we speak many languages.
We are local, we are global.
We are in all regions of the world, we're everywhere in the air.
We are universe being aware of itself, we are the wave of evolution.
We are in every child's eyes, we face the unknown with wonder and excitement.
We are messengers from the future, living in the present.
We come from silence, and we speak our truth.
We cannot be quieted, because our voice is within everyone.
We have no enemies, no boundaries can hold us.
We respect the cycles and expressions of nature, because we are nature.
We don't play to win, we play to live and learn.
We act out of inspiration, love and integrity.
We explore, we discover, we feel, and we laugh.
We are building a world that works for everyone.
We endeavor to live our lives to their fullest potential.
We are independent, self-sufficient and responsible.
We relate to each other in peace, with compassion and respect, we unite in community.
We celebrate the wholeness within and around us all.
We dance to the rhythm of creation.
We weave the threads of the new times.
We are the new civilization.

Text in other languages

ItalianNoi siamo la Nuova Civilizzazione
SpanishSomos la Nueva Civilización
FrenchNous sommes la Nouvelle Civilisation
PortugueseNós somos a nova civilização
HebrewAnachnu hatarbut hachadasha
DanishVi er den Nye Civilisation
GermanWir sind die Neue Zivilisation
RussianMõ novaja tsivilisatsija
CroatianMi smo Nova Civilizacija
SlovenianMi smo Nova Civilizacija
TurkishBiz Yeni Uygarlığız
FinnishMe olemme Uusi Sivilisaatio
AfrikaansOns is die Nuwe Beskawing
EsperantoNi estas la Civilizacio Nova
InterlinguaNos es le Civilisation Nove

Title Phrase in different languages

EnglishWe are the New Civilization
SpanishSomos la Nueva Civilización
FrenchNous sommes la Nouvelle Civilisation
GermanWir sind die Neue Zivilisation
DutchWij zijn de Nieuwe Beschaving
AfrikaansOns is die Nuwe Beskawing
DanishVi er den Nye Civilisation
NorwegianVi er den Nye Sivilisasjonen
PortugueseNós somos a nova civilização
ItalianSiamo la civilizzazione nuova
JapaneseBokutachi ga shinbunmei desu
CroatianMi smo Nova Civilizacija
EstonianMeie oleme uus tsivilisatsioon
FinnishMe olemme Uusi Sivilisaatio
RussianMõ novaja tsivilisatsija
HebrewAnachnu hatarbut hachadasha
VietnameseChung ta la su khai hoa moi cho nen van minh
Tagalog (Philippines)Tayo ang bagong sibilisasyon
IndonesianKita adalah kebudayaan baru
HungarianMi vagyunk az új civilizáció
LatinHumanitas nova sumus
EsperantoNi estas la Civilizacio Nova
InterlinguaNos es le Civilisation Nove
Klingonnugh chu' maH

Click on the highlighted languages to hear pronunciation. WAV or RealAudio format.
Or on some of the phrases to see them in their native writing.

Click here for another layout of the text.

This poetic manifesto was written by Flemming Funch. You can freely copy it and distribute it.

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