2 Apr 2005 @ 16:51, by jmarc. Environment, Ecology
(Pic - Audubon's Chickadee)We've seen two robins hanging around out there in
the rain this morning. a sure sign of spring. More >
21 Mar 2005 @ 08:00, by redstar. Environment, Ecology
This is my current mission. Progress is starting to happen.
Here is the initial project report. Follow up coming shortly. More >
16 Mar 2005 @ 22:10, by craiglang. Environment, Ecology
I just got done reading Whitley Strieber's new journal entry: "The Year of the Death Wish." And it is a chilling read. Unfortunately, I beleive it is all too accurate. Read it and cringe. And then act your conscience... More >
11 Feb 2005 @ 08:18, by redstar. Environment, Ecology
Clues about earth shifts and changes have been showing up on the web at a very frantic pace.
It seems that the planet is increasingly undergoing shifts in her energetic frequencies yet
vast majority of people planetwide seem to be oblivious to encroaching realities.
I have been trying, for some time, on this blog, to make an attempt at connecting some of the seemingly unrelated events and thankfully, it seems, that others are also making the links, and painting quite a picture.
More >
29 Jan 2005 @ 22:22, by swanny. Environment, Ecology
Greetings fellow earthlings
and many blessings to you.
We come before you this day to seek your participation in a
Global Earth Day event for the year 2005.
In homage to the planet and to cleanse its electrical and communications fields,
We the participating citizens of Earth and the netizens of Webville.biz
Hereby pledge to perform a "power fast" or "green out" on April 22, 2005 for approximately a 10 minute period anytime between 8 A.M. and 9 A.M. in the Standard Time Zone of our abode or home. Please do not all turn your power
box off at the same time as this could unduly strain the system and grid. Try to space out your outages according to your location in your particular time zone,
therefore if you are near the eastern edge of your time zone you would go first at around 8:00 A.M. and those around the western edge would go later at around
8:50 A.M. or so.
We shall during this break light a candle and give an offering of some tobacco or incense in homage to the Great Mother Earth "Gaia" with the intention and prayer of thanks and to draw upon her natural energies and cleansing ability to realign and reconfigure and cleanse the planetary energy fields.
We do this with all good intent and will and to rid the planet of any disruptive energies that have become or may be trapped and linger in the semi-natural planetary hardware.
Please join us in this action and if it proves over the season, to have been effective and worthy, let us be allowed and let us henceforth adopt it for the following opposite solstice or between 8;00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. on September 22, of the year 2005.
In addition... it might be appropriate and worth while to play the appropriate musical season for your hemisphere, from the Classical artist Vivaldi's Four seasons musical composition some time as well during that hour.
In hopes that you will join us in this global earth day celebration and such event
the green citizens and netizens of Earth.
January 29th, 2005
Please feel free to copy and distribute at will and heart. More >
17 Jan 2005 @ 11:34, by ashanti. Environment, Ecology
A while ago, in some blogs, the idea was posited that the tsunami could have been artificially induced. This idea was greeted with much sceptism. Here, from Jean Hudon's Earth Rainbow network, we have some interesting information. For those interested in exploring other possibilities, and not just accepting consensus reality without question. More >
13 Jan 2005 @ 22:36, by bri_outten. Environment, Ecology
Well, just when we thought we maybe we've all had enough what with wars in the middle east and tsunamis in the south east, then what should come along, only global dimming that's all!
Well, for those of you fortunate enough to have ever come across a british science TV program called Horizon, you will know how well respected and researched this program is. It has brought forward many new and important scientific discoveries and news.
Well, tonight, the latest revelations have involved the discovery of Global dimming. In other words this is the dual effect of:
1) Heavy particulates and a variety of air pollutant chemicals which have been revealed as directly reducing the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface by up to 20% in some area, by a 'screening' effect,
2) Clouds tend to clump these particles which have an effect of causing larger droplets of rainwater to build up the top surfaces causing increased reflection of sunlight back into space.
Both effects have been seen to have been the cause of reduced rainfall in certain areas of the tropics, increasing the incidence of drought in these areas (due to generalised climatic effects).
Nonetheless, and ironically, these limits to the sun's radiation have been realised, since the work done by scientists studying the reduced/ removal of air traffic over the USA from 11th - 13th Septmeber 2001.
They found that due the reduction of the air pollution tracks given off by aircraft, the land/air temperature increased by an unprecedented 1.2deg.celcius (not seen in 30years!) over the space of these 2/3 days.
This has now been linked to the effect of the already existing greenhouse gases being 'used' to trap this increases sunlight energy, thereby highlighting the fact that in REALITY the effect of the greenhouse gases will be magnified when the heavy pollutants are removed (unless of course we wish to choke ourselves to death!)
Hence, the undeniable truth that if we do not tackle these greenhouse gases pronto, the effects will be catastrophic, in the long term (2-5oC) in the next 25 years, causing 6-9metre increase in sea levels.
Despite the methane hydrates stored in the sea which if released as a consequence of these temp. increase will cause an unprecedented (in the last 100 million years, approx) increase in Earths temp.
What to do.
CAMPAIGN, CAMPAIGN against the governments releasing such ridiculous quantities of green house gases, before it is TOO LATE.
Get out and DO SOMETHING, whatever it is.
Please, you know it makes sense.
Love and understanding people. More >
25 Dec 2004 @ 21:11, by lugon. Environment, Ecology
Krystle of sustainableways.com replied to an idea of mine which in turn had been sparked off by her latest (monthly) newsletter ... which sort of compells me to develop it further.
In her analysis, if we want to change things in the environmentalist direction, we might take the integrationist approach (changing the system from within, primarily through political means) [...], the separationist approach (do our own thing. [...] start taking care of ourselves and stop waiting for them to come around.), and the transformationist approach (What if instead of doing the above, environmentalists focused instead on [gasp] getting rich?)
She does a good job of explaining the three aproaches, what she likes about each, and what she sees as not working too well.
It's quite clear that each bad point of each approach can be used as a starting point to improve it - right? Yeah, doing that means work but it may be useful, so let's try it ...
The "transformationist" approach may be a bit slow, most of us will not make it, and the system may change us before we can get to do anything useful. So we might focus on existing rich people and try to help them change their minds a bit. We may even have to marry them!
So what Krystle suggests is we could make a movie with that plot: an environmental good-looking person who believes that's a way to change things and ... develop the plot here. Any takers? Credit her for the idea, please! And make the movie real FAST! :-)
So let's see if it could be done ... There's this Daniel Quinn story about the effect of changing ONE mind. I don't know about Ray Anderson's marital status, but apparently he didn't have to marry Daniel Quinn at all: it took only a couple of books (one of them by DQ) to shift into doing things quite differently.
Notice I write "shift into". It's not a complete change of mind, I guess. There has to be some level of predisposition. Then that person "shifts gear" and all of a sudden starts moving really fast in some hopefully better direction.
Now, how do we "measure" that predisposition? We should focus on someone we know, or someone who is only a few "degrees of separation" away from us. We would then learn what their motivation is, really listen to what they don't say, and suggest better ways.
Mind you, it's not necessary that we approach VERY rich people. It may be our local shoe-shop owner. If many of us do it, tell each other, and learn from the action ... who knows?
Michael Moore would probably say "adopt a Republican". Where I live labels are different and I don't really know about politics or it's more like I don't believe it would take us extremely far, but, hey, let's "adopt an enterpreuner". Any links of someone who is close to this idea? More >
27 Nov 2004 @ 03:50, by koravya. Environment, Ecology
After the cosmic flamethrower has scoured the Earth of her vermin, pockets of humanity will emerge from the darkness into Dawn. These are the people who will nurture peace. They will be the first people emerging from the cave that reaches to the center of the Earth. They will emerge onto the surface of a planet pregnant with possibilities for the collective mind now free from internecine rivalries. We will have a vision of our planet as a whole and we will be the caretakers. More >
18 Nov 2004 @ 13:30, by redstar. Environment, Ecology
More signs of the coming Fall.
Also, I noticed that the Arctic Climate change Report was almost completely buried by all the mainstream media after it was published. Something must have them feeling uncomfortable about it !!
Looking for more details, will post them here as soon as I get them.
Meanwhile Check out the species conditions -
From Scotsman.com - Jane Reynolds Environment Correspondant.
MORE than 15,500 plant and animal species across the world are now threatened with
extinction, an increase of 3,000-plus since last year, according to one of the world's
leading conservation organisations.
Almost half the species of freshwater turtles are threatened, as are one in three amphibian
species, one in eight bird species and one in four mammal species, the new "Red List of
Threatened Species" reveals. The list is published by the International Union for the
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), more commonly known as the World
Conservation Union. More >
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