New Civilization News - Category: Ideas, Creativity    
 Divinity RIsing: The Addict Speaks
17 Dec 2008 @ 01:27, by divinityr. Ideas, Creativity
So, this former addict, boozer, play boy I met turns out to be one of the most thought provoking and inspirational cats I know. I mean, come on! How many Christian authors do you know that write books full of sex scenes? Blog posts about loving prostitutes?  More >

 Craft Clay recipe5 comments
16 Dec 2008 @ 07:55, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
I am not sure what teachers are thinking... but every one of my kids has had these projects to do for school.

see more crazy cat pics  More >

 Raven Road10 comments
picture15 Dec 2008 @ 03:42, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
Raven Road on a late Sunday overcast afternoon. Sunlight diffuses through thin bands of hazy clouds, playing peek-a-boo through the descending Strata.  More >

 First Week2 comments
picture8 Dec 2008 @ 05:33, by koravya. Ideas, Creativity
First Week
Every class is an experiment.  More >

 Good is the enemy of great (Jim Collins)8 comments
picture14 Nov 2008 @ 12:51, by jhs. Ideas, Creativity
Impressions from the ExpoManagement 2008 in Sao Paulo

Three days packed with quite a few top class speakers and a 200 (twohundred!!) mini-workshops - impossible to see it all. But what we (Heloisa and I, representing Power Relations Ltda [link] ) glimpsed from the abundance in information and impressions gave us quite a few insights into the current vogue and direction in middle and top management.

We gave special attention on how concepts are actually being implemented and were sniffing like bloodhounds for those abusers of systemic thinking who under the umbrella of working for the whole are only out to stuff their own pockets.

As a side note, we found undivided support for the Worldconference on Systemic Flaws and Solutions 2009 and received a lot of encouragement.

First of all, the Expo was more like a Conference with a little Expo at the side. And if something were to be said about it as a whole, it would be that:

the ExpoManagement wasn't good - it was great!

From "Black Swan Nassim Nicholas Taleb" to "Good is the enemy of great Jim Collins", from "Wiki Jim Wales" to "Sun Scott McNealy" and the "Banker to the Poor Muhammad Yunus", and many more great thinkers of our times, presented a plethora of ideas and concepts, some old ones, repackaged, and a few new trends.

Now, if only the people would do the things they say they should, we would live in a much better world. It is this transfer that is still missing except for a very few examples.

From the wealth of excellence on this conference, one speaker impressed us particularly: Stephen Covey.

Like a modern Korzybski, he was talking about the 'maps' of the era of industrialization and our new era of ...  More >

 Divinity Rising: 10:27:08: Where the heck are my keys?
27 Oct 2008 @ 16:52, by divinityr. Ideas, Creativity

This is just a summary! If you don't read the rest at            you're missing a lot of good stuff!

All Part of the Show:

I'm flying through the land of broken dreams

Because I'm looking for my keys:

The ones who will open me

Free me, See me

and Maybe love me anyways

Drawing closer to someone that has stood out in my perception for about a year now has presented me with a key, leading to moments of complete clarity and honesty begging acceptance. I've been faced with some very clear reflections about myself that were unexpected and even quite unpleasant to see, but recognizing them allowed me to release the bad information stored within me. In order to release things within us, we have to experience them or see them clearly and name them

How can we free ourselves from the fears we hide from? By accepting the keys presented to us. Keys are people, things, and experiences that open up the doors within us.

Read the rest at

Dream well, dream deep and may all paths lead you back to the heart.

Love, Light and Blessings to send you through your dream,

Divinity Hanael Rose

Spirits in the Inkwell:

(Snippets from journals )

I am grateful that even when I am not consciously aware of it, what I need is known and flows into the life around me. I am so grateful to be a daughter of God. I sometimes forget what a privilege that is.

Herding angels is like herding cats....with wings.

Read the rest at

The Playbill:

(current news with Divinity)

Calling all the MAGICAL People! Poets, prophets, artists, heartists, dreamers, dancers, drummers, doers, actors, performers,movie makers, magic makers - Louisville Speak Easy Returns! Pushing Peace in times of Prohibition


Hosting Church on the Rocks at the Hideaway this Sunday, November 2nd!

Read the rest at


October 31 - November 1, 2008Dead Moon Rising Party at City Block

Compassion in Action! Thank you to Brendans/O'Sheas/Flanagan's owner!!!: 

Read the rest at

Guest Appearance:

Website:  Stop by for lunch and support them/thank them for taking care of Paul!

Video: Check out this Hand of Sorrows video entry by local Pamela Turner

Featured Musician: Check out this awesome experimental music: Benchscraper

Register with your email at my site to receive this newsletter once weekly and occasional announcements to your email. Send an email to to unsubscribe :)

Don't Forget, Every Week!

Be Astounded at the healing power of sharing!

Take the Tonic of Telling!

Marvel at the Mystery of YOU!

Behold the Beauty of Be-ing!

DEFY your fear and REVEL in each other!

LOUISVILLE SPEAK EASY! We're pushing peace in times of Prohibition! Every Thursday, it's an open mic and hotbed of arts and entertainment networking and collaboration possibilities! Once a month, it's a showcase with a paid artist, poet, and music act chosen from the weekly events. It's more than an open mic, it's a support system.... 8 pm - 2am at Carly Raes, All ages until 10 pm - no cover, $2.50 Margaritas or win the blind pig and get five drinks for $1 each

Church on the Rocks! Every Sunday at the Hideaway Saloon with the Troubadours of Divine Bliss 8 pm till we're done.. Open stage for the sage $2 Next to Leatherheads at Bonncastle and Bardstown Road.

 More >

 das ist Neueste vom Neuen...4 comments
picture27 Oct 2008 @ 13:54, by jhs2. Ideas, Creativity
Kurt Tucholsky. im Jahre des Herrn 1930


Wenn die Börsenkurse fallen,
regt sich Kummer fast bei allen,
aber manche blühen auf:
Ihr Rezept heißt Leerverkauf.

Keck verhökern diese Knaben
Dinge, die sie gar nicht haben,
treten selbst den Absturz los,
den sie brauchen - echt famos!

Leichter noch bei solchen Taten
tun sie sich mit Derivaten:
Wenn Papier den Wert frisiert,
wird die Wirkung potenziert.

Wenn in Folge Banken krachen,
haben Sparer nichts zu lachen,
und die Hypothek aufs Haus
heißt, Bewohner müssen raus.

Trifft´s hingegen große Banken,
kommt die ganze Welt ins Wanken -
auch die Spekulantenbrut
zittert jetzt um Hab und Gut!

Soll man das System gefährden?
Da muß eingeschritten werden:
Der Gewinn, der bleibt privat,
die Verluste kauft der Staat.

Dazu braucht der Staat Kredite,
und das bringt erneut Profite,
hat man doch in jenem Land
die Regierung in der Hand.

Für die Zechen dieser Frechen
hat der Kleine Mann zu blechen
und - das ist das Feine ja -
nicht nur in Amerika!

Und wenn Kurse wieder steigen,
fängt von vorne an der Reigen -
ist halt Umverteilung pur,
stets in eine Richtung nur.

Aber sollten sich die Massen
das mal nimmer bieten lassen,
ist der Ausweg längst bedacht:
Dann wird ein bisschen Krieg gemacht.  More >

 Turning (poem)1 comment
22 Sep 2008 @ 07:09, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
for the changing season..  More >

 6.6 degrees of separation1 comment
2 Aug 2008 @ 17:38, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Are we really surprised how connected humanity really is?  More >

 Who Turned Out the Lights?1 comment
20 May 2008 @ 15:32, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
A story from my childhood.  More >

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