9 Apr 2004 @ 22:32, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
More Than I Remember
By Marissa A Spencer
There before me was the Crystal City
All flashes, turns and shimmering flame
I joined the robed celebrants along the path
Communing with the fires of heaven’s wisdom
A tangible peace walked beside me
Taking my hand into the wellspring of love
A sweet sound rose from the sparkling air
Sacred choral chimes turning into light
I came upon a garden of prisms and fountains
Crystal floral harmonies tinkled softly
Watching the light play upon the water
I sat. Within me a growing sense of belonging
Was this my home, long since forgotten?
The spiraling towers rose above me.
I could not recall, yet part of me feels
That I know more than I remember
© April 9, 2004 By Marissa A Spencer More >
9 Apr 2004 @ 00:11, by nemue. Ideas, Creativity
Pull up a chair, snuggle down are you ready....
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there were all of these little light beings just hanging out enjoying life in that joyful & timeless dimension. And then one day a very large, magnificent angel came to them. He had a very serious look on his face. He was looking for volunteers for a
very important cosmic mission. More >
8 Apr 2004 @ 17:52, by jhs. Ideas, Creativity
I tried to remember how the name of this BLOG came about in the first place (It's not as obvious as it appeared later, hehe)..
So, resting my heels and pulminaries in Toulouse, France, at the Palace of Emperor Ming (you got that link by now, OK!?) , I found the original story that lend its name to this BLOG...
How A Great Little Lion Finally Found A Sacred Grove
A long, long time ago, in a future long forgotten, there lived a Little Lion who wanted to be the greatest of all the greatest Little Lions of all times. He worked very hard but... More >
7 Apr 2004 @ 10:36, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
A Favorite for Rascal
By Marissa A Spencer
Rascal found himself licking his paws and wiping his face. His orange and white fur was silky smooth. Sure he was an enlightened being, but cleanliness you know, cats do pride themselves on that. The ship was very organic. The walls are semi-soft with moving flashing lights within. The colors range from soft orange to bright violet, with all the other colors in between There are even colors that were not on Earth. It is hard to tell where machinery ended and the living host began. More >
30 Mar 2004 @ 10:01, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Until that Day
Memories of spring’s sweet scents
Mature into summer’s heady heat
In autumn’s rest of turning leaves
Too soon arrives the lonely frost of winter.
I remember those eyes of yours
Did you know I’d remember that?
I miss you more each season’s passing.
Your whisperings follow my steps
Some day perchance, in future memory
There shall be a reunion of friends
Where all will be warm soft winds
That touches the soft green hills
Until that day there is the promise
When faith is the strength that binds
And hope is the singing in the distance
Where the Bluebirds fly free
© September 30, 2003 Marissa A Spencer More >
29 Mar 2004 @ 01:37, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
Neptune’s Realm
Would I to Neptune’s realm be drown’d
If you were lost upon the seas
As royal lovers we be crown’d
Castaways from earth’s glories
For ne’er loved another as we two.
Spare me not if breath not shared
Without you, what would I do?
Borne as two, we now are paired.
There is no use to life else wise
As loves beheld within our eyes.
Where withal did the sun diminish
Outshined by brilliant vision?
Will what begun someday finish,
A soul journey’s eternal mission?
Resting amongst the seaweed waves
Frozen in death’s quiet dance
Hearts and minds are fellow slaves
Joined in common wounding lance.
Will you walk the sodden deep,
Beside my soul forever keep?
© March 25, 2003 Marissa A Spencer More >
28 Mar 2004 @ 22:06, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
The soft waving grasses parted
They could sense every crushing step
A journey that now has started
To come into knowledge adept
Winds of change breeze through the mind
Seeking more hands along the way
Not knowing what or when to find
Unknown tomorrows or lost yesterday
Minds can connect and heal the earth
Yet the storms rush in torrent destruction
Setting souls to doubt their endless worth
Ignoring the universe and her instruction
The field is ripe and waits upon the moon
Nodding the heads of grain and men
Hist! The time traveler cometh soon
And we will know who we are again
© March 28, 2004 Marissa A Spencer More >
28 Mar 2004 @ 21:25, by ida. Ideas, Creativity
This table of contents is related to the Shared Universe of Spindrift and is regularly updated as current chapters are edited or new ones are added to The Muse.
(This table can be accessed through the chapters link located in the sidebar of the Spindrift Newslog.)
More >
20 Mar 2004 @ 19:03, by ida. Ideas, Creativity
Author(s): D
Status: Last updated 30 March 2004
Message: More >
19 Mar 2004 @ 21:57, by skookum. Ideas, Creativity
I Could See Your Eyes
Entrapped in our own egos
Our dreams swirl inside our needs
Our fears, our hopes.
Where is sanctuary in that secret chaos?
Perhaps we have met in the Orpheus plane,
Traversing hidden, dark, odious waters.
Have you sung me sweet songs to ease my brow?
Where are the nodding blossoms of life?
Murmur softly so the time quickly passes.
Where did that gentle caress touch you?
Your slumbers are so deep you feel nothing.
I know you were near, I could see your eyes.
Marissa A Spencer
© March 19, 2004 More >
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