7 Jun 2006 @ 12:30, by vector8. Spirituality
Last night I watched a documentary on television that cited several major cities under threat of flooding and other "natural disasters" due to "global warming." Scientific experts predicted how long it would take for this to happen.
The knee-jerk reaction is to ask: When are people going to realise that if you project something like a disaster to some future time, you're going to "create" what you expect to happen? Is there any point writing more articles about how thoughts, beliefs and expectations "create" reality, albeit a dream reality? Besides, there are thousands of articles on the Internet already, zillions of books in print and being printed, about the same old stuff. Even if you are open to these ideas, it takes discipline to break out of the habit of focusing your attention away from what you don't want, to being focused on the love that you are. More >
5 Jun 2006 @ 15:08, by vector8. Spirituality
[[Majnum knocked on Leyla’s door.
"Who’s there? "
"It is I."
"Go away. There is no room here for you and I."
Majnum retreated to the forest, meditated for a long time, and then returned.
"Who is it?"
"It is you."
The door opened. The Sufi Book of Life]]
[["The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the calf and the lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall feed; their young shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. The sucking child shall play over the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder's den. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea." (Isaiah 11: 6-9)]]
I watched a documentary recently about a man who plays with king cobra snakes. The man said he eats a particular plant that is supposed to act as anti-venom. He claimed he’d been bitten 17 times and he has lost several fingers from the poison. Playing with king cobras is now his livelihood which people pay to watch. In the documentary, several boys were being trained in the lost art of how to infuriate a cobra and then try to avoid being bitten. More >
1 Jun 2006 @ 19:49, by inanna. Spirituality
I have recently discovered a writer and thinker so brilliant that I am in the process of reforming my entire understanding of my place in this universe. His pen name is Krishna Chaitanya – his real name appears to be K.K. Nair. Because of his influence on my thinking, I have decided to share some personal aspects of my life, which perhaps will help you to understand why I was so open to the worldview of K.K Nair (aka Krishna Chaitanya); and I am sure many of you have had similar questions and feelings. [link] More >
29 May 2006 @ 03:46, by newpeacepl. Spirituality
true spirituality is practical interaction with reality with the aim of happiness - true spirituality is developing realism - overcoming the prejudices that keep us in misery - conquering the ego that keeps saying that it knows the truth, that keeps us closedminded - true spirituality is developing openmindedness, getting the ego under control that insists that it knows everything correctly, that it is a true guide to your happiness - the ego keeps us locked into our prejudices - keeps us unrealistic, keeps us not looking and seeing realistically - the ego blinds us to the blindingly obvious - keeps bossing us around telling us not to bother to check out new things fairly and soberly and impartially - the ego says: you know all you need to know - close your mind and heart to everything new - dont think freely and fearlessly - rely on what you have, on what you think you know - the ego says: dont look and see if your life is perfect or not, dont look for ways you can be happier, just stick with where you are at now, dont grow, dont leave your mind open, you know everything, your way is perfect, cannot be improved
and the ego is so successful in preventing us from seeing realisitically, so successful in burying ourselves in complacency with our present level, that we do not know how miserable we are, we do not know how dangerous we are being, how flawed our way is
the greatest sentence of wisdom, the greatest statement of spirituality, is 'it is good to let lie before one, and thus take to heart, what is, the reality' - which can be expressed this way: 'the beginning of wisdom is respect for reality' - it is easy to fall in love with a theory and get attached to it, so that you stop looking, stop seeing
the greatest optimist is the one who faces up to the biggest probelm - problems can be removed only by seeing them, facing their existence - and the ego is very very good at getting us to refuse to look at things candidly fearlessly - the ego says that we can be happy without facing reality, by living in our ideas of reality - we stop testing our theories against reality - we should be testing every theory against reality all the time, trying to get as close to reality as we can, despite the ego, because our happiness is totally dependent on our realism - all happiness is inside reality - there is zero happiness in dreamland - there is false happiness in dreamland/unrealism, but false happiness is not happiness
the big thing that we are not facing is that we have super hyper extreme injustice - and that causes violence, which destroys happiness - the good news is that therefore we can be super hyper extremely happier - our life has the realistic potential to be much much much better - because we have such extreme injustice, which causes such extreme misery - and that injustice can be dealt with simply by a return to the principles of the american dream - tyranny is totally dependent on swollen fortunes, far greater than anyone could have earned - limit fortunes to the most a person can earn, as the founding fathers intended, and a million problems will disappear - the extremes of overpay [tyranny, undemocracy, state terrorism] and underpay [poverty, anger, war, terrorism] will disappear - nigel@orcon.net.nz - if we move closer to equal pay for equal work, by moving the greatest overpay to the greatest underpay, we can be like 100-fold happier - but we have to doubt the universal prejudice-wisdom of everyone just going for as much as they can get - and we have to doubt the prejudice-wisdom that true spirituality has nothing to do with money - money buys all necessities and most pleasures and powers, ie, most happiness, and true spirituality is pursuit of maximum happiness, so we must get rid of the prejudice that spirituality and material concerns like money have no connection -
we have to open up to the idea that spirituality and justice have some connection - what would spirituality be without happiness?
25 May 2006 @ 13:17, by vector8. Spirituality
I believe while there is only one Love there are different expressions of that Love.
There is Love that is acceptance. You can accept someone for who he is without agreeing with his behaviour. You know he is expressing himself based on what he knows or believes. And while you accept others as they are, you also accept yourself just as you are because you know you're always doing the best you can at any given moment. In this respect, acceptance is recognising that every moment is perfect. More >
16 May 2006 @ 11:59, by vector8. Spirituality
[[Mr. Banks: Just a moment, Mary Poppins. What is the meaning of this outrage?
Mary Poppins: I beg your pardon?
Mr. Banks: Will you be good enough to explain all this?
Mary Poppins: First of all, I would like to make one thing quite clear.
Mr. Banks: Yes?
Mary Poppins: I never explain anything. Mary Poppins]]
A few days ago I went for a walk with a friend at a local park. My friend wanted to sit on the grass but it was spitting at the time. He pointed to the dark looking clouds and said he could see rain in the distance. He believed we were about to get drenched. I neither agreed nor disagreed with him. I had a knowing it wasn't going to rain. We sat on a park bench and chatted for a while. It drizzled for a while then it stopped. While we walked round the park I pointed to my friend that it hadn't rained after all. I said I knew it wasn't going to rain because I "saw" us walking in dry weather. In fact, it was dry all through the night. When I walked home around 1.30 am, it was still dry. More >
4 May 2006 @ 01:37, by jobrown. Spirituality
I love this site and thought I would share it with all members here: [link]
Bridging Heaven & Earth, an international spiritual talk show, produced by The Bridging Heaven & Earth Foundation (for more information on the Foundation, please go to the Foundation Page), focuses on opening the heart; bridging the spiritual and the physical, the human and the divine, heaven and earth within each one and the Oneness in all Life.
In an article in the California Sun, Editor Nicole Shoong stated that "after researching this article, it is our understanding that, for this type of show, whose only purpose is to speak to the upliftment of Spirit, and to the Oneness in all Life, without any specific spiritual or religious orientation, "Bridging Heaven & Earth" is the most watched and admired show on the planet." More >
3 May 2006 @ 12:01, by vector8. Spirituality
Dear God, I beseech thee, what is thy will for my life? What do you want me to do?
Why are you asking God? Do you ask God what His will is for you when you're stuffing your face with your favourite food? Do you ask God what His will is for you when you're doing something you love? Do you ask God what His will is for you when you're having a nice cuddle with a friend? Do you ask God what His will is for you when you're having a nice soak in the bath?
If you're going to ask God what His will is for you, why not be consistent? Why not ask God what His will for you is in every single area of your life? More >
29 Apr 2006 @ 12:42, by vector8. Spirituality
"Ohh! Why do you always complicate things that are really quite simple?" Mary Poppins
For a long while I've been straddling two paradigms or models of reality: cause and causeless. I know that Reality is causeless but I've been leaning more into the cause because of habit. In order to experience the causeless as my dominant reality I have to focus on that reality. Focusing on the causeless does not mean a new reality/realm is going to be revealed; in fact, the causeless realm already exists now. Nor does it mean that the cause reality will be erased. The cause reality will still be experienced by those who are focused on that paradigm. More >
21 Apr 2006 @ 22:40, by adi. Spirituality
The ancient ones speak . . .
Your work is almost complete. You have set your ancestors free. You have also set yourselves free. You have readied the temples for new frequencies. You are now in that space between in which to create a new world for yourselves. No guides, angels or guardians will tell you how to create this world. It is time to stand in your own creative power and manifest the fifth world together.
There are no more messages for you in the fourth world. All that needed to be transmitted in the fourth world has been received. The past will not and cannot offer you anything useful at this time. Don't look back and don't look outside yourself. The truth is not out there . . . it is in you. Look forward inside yourself for you are your own ancestors returned to set yourselves free of the limitations of the fourth world. You have begun to unplug yourselves. You are now ready to prepare for the fifth world that is just ahead of you.
You are being unplugged from this world. To move forward, you must unplug. This is a time between time; A time for you to prepare. It is now time that you meet the Counsel of the Fifth World. We are those who came from the future to anchor keys and doorways to the fifth world. We have left messages for you in sacred sites in the Americas: Palenque, Tikal, Copan and Quirigua are some of the places we have done this. But many sites are still shrouded in jungle . . . yet to be discovered. It doesn't matter if the sites are discovered. The seals to the fifth world have been broken free. This is an amazing time for you all. [link] More >
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