New Civilization News - Category: Activism    
 Time To Impeach36 comments
picture1 Mar 2006 @ 09:52, by jazzolog. Activism
A country is not only what it does---
it is also what it puts up with, what it tolerates.

---Kurt Tucholsky

Nothing the happy newspapers say can change the fact that all over India, from the biggest cities to the smallest villages, in public places and private homes, George W. Bush, the President of the United States of America, world nightmare incarnate, is just not welcome.

---Arundhati Roy

We have before us in the White House a thief who steals the country's good name and reputation for his private interest and personal use; a liar who seeks to instill in the American people a state of fear; a televangelist who engages the United States in a never-ending crusade against all the world's evil, a wastrel who squanders a vast sum of the nation's wealth on what turns out to be a recruiting drive certain to multiply the host of our enemies. In a word, a criminal—known to be armed and shown to be dangerous.

---Lewis H. Lapham

Ever since I was stopped by a fully armed, battle dressed SWAT team (which stands for Special Weapons And Tactics) [link] or [link] I realized no one catches a glimpse of this President of the United States without an invitation. The man was campaigning in a republic of supposed free election in 2004. What had become of my country? Where was my pride in being an American, the liberators in World War II, the Good Guys?

It wasn't just the War On Terra (as Molly Ivins now is calling it). Here is a leader whose anger at criticism must never be revealed to the people. He must be insulated by handlers, carefully scripted and rehearsed. Some American families have fathers like that. Mom's job is to make sure his blood pressure never flies so high that he blows a gasket. The kids grow up never learning how to negotiate problems or compromise with friends. The United States citizenry has become like that now. All we know how to do is consume. With citizenship practically dead, at least as it used to be taught to us all at home and in school, I've come to despair that anything can be done to stop the insanity of this administration.

Furthermore, the very process of impeachment, which is an effort to correct rather than indict, has become so predictable and cheapened in recent years I've hesitated to join any cries for something to begin. The Clintons were hunted with such tenacity as soon as he took federal office that it's little wonder he finally began the behaviors of a monkey in the zoo. Any mention of Republican problems and we hear about Ted Kennedy again. The Congress refuses to hold hearings about eavesdropping on the American people. So why am I writing about this and what chance is there?  More >

 DO YOU CARE?8 comments
10 Feb 2006 @ 09:37, by nemue. Activism
Does this picture touch your heart? Can you stand by and say nothing? Please have your say..we need your vote.  More >

 How to Defeat the World's True Terrorists & Related Ideas0 comments
18 Jan 2006 @ 22:40, by gsosbee. Activism
Until the United States' terrorists and assassins are stopped in their tracks, the world cannot rest. Human beings are presently tortured, imprisoned and murdered by the fbi and the cia worldwide for no cause; this will not stop until the global population demands the surrender of the homicidal sociopaths who dominate U.S. political and economic policies. The concept that if the U.S. is let alone (or with its *puppet allies) to be armed with nuclear weaponry in order to allow the rest of the world to live in peace is total lunacy. The United States used the nuclear bomb, threatens to use it again, and will in fact use it again to attack any nation which remotely threatens the U.S. stranglehold on the world.
Indeed according to Karl W B Schwarz (and others),"evidence is still piling up that they have done wrong for the past three presidential administrations in using depleted uranium weapons on Iraq twice, Bosnia and Afghanistan." *
See also for info on evidence consistent with this suspicion (scroll down page to 'depleted uranium'):
Consult with the individuals around the globe who have survived the torture camps now being run (in secret) by the fbi and the cia. Review the testimony of current Targets of fbi/cia torture campaigns for more insights on the barbaric and homicidal methodologies employed by the U.S. government at home and abroad.

Under the best of scenarios (as viewed from the perspective of non conforming-belligerent nations), however, the world cannot defeat the U.S. war machine. Any attempt to prepare to do so will be met with total destruction of the aggressor. Even today the U.S. has another weapon (other than conventional) which can theoretically wipe out, instantaneously, any cache or bank of unfriendly technologies which may pose a threat to the U.S. or its allies: the laser beam fixed in positon in outer space can accomplish this little task just fine (see world in a box at

The real issue , I think, is how to stop all weaponry on earth and space from being used and at the same time to afford all human beings alive some hope for peace and stability everywhere and for all time. The formation of a one world , one people Humane global government must be studied and proposed. The tyrants of any given country cannot be entrusted with Human Rights and Individual Freedom issues ever again. This means that the people of the world, not their respective governments, must embark on mankind's most ambitious odyssey: the journey toward permanent peace and harmony on earth and the uncompromising realization of Human Rights for all. This can be done; such a goal is not simply a dream. What appears as an unattainable dream is that the United States or any other government on earth will someday stop killing and torturing people and allow them to live in peace , mutual respect and love.

_*Note the following statement by Benjamin Netanyahu (in a paper on "Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic And International Terrorism", 1995)wherein he unwittingly confesses to the character and nature of American and Israeli intelligence groups and their associates globally:

"By its very nature, the inhuman method chosen by the terrorists to achieve their aim disqualifies the aim from the start as one worthy of moral support....the methods reveal totalitarian strain that runs through all terrorist groups....terrorists are the forerunners of tyranny."

The intel groups torture, imprison, terrorize and murder at will (and then subsequently brag about it) and anyone who challenges these fools may be targeted for death.


Whereas the present government of the United States (feigning leadership) openly and without the slightest pretense of respect for human life and in complete disregard for universally accepted standards for basic human rights, engages under color of its national flag in murder, torture, imprisonment and terrorist practices against the peoples of the world, NOW THEREFORE SHOULD BE DECLARED AND HEREBY IS DECLARED A CRIMINAL AND ILLEGITIMATE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) and as such deserves not a respectable place among the family of nations and more significantly merits nil when the final account of Humanitarian efforts be tabulated by all that is holy and graceful in the universe.

We the people of the world hereby prevent the fbi, the cia, the militia, or any other government agency (or person) of the United States (or any other country) from dictating the terms of our surrender unto their authority, custom, culture, power now and for all times; in furtherance of this recognition, the world's population forthwith seeks to expose such dictatorial intent (and the techniques employed in support of same) by public investigation which serves on a continuing basis to protect and to defend the people of the world (now and in the future) from any form of inhumane governance. EVERY MAN/WOMAN.


As people discover the immoral, cowardly and macabre character of the agents, operatives, handlers and associates of the fbi/cia (as manifest globally in the killing/torture techniques used by these sociopathic assassins to insure compliance to new world order dictates) we may not reasonably expect a merciful redress from foreign and domestic freedom fighters forced from desperation to employ against US equally aggressive and abhorrent stratagems. Geral Sosbee .
All of the torture tactics used by the fbi and the cia require analysis and discussion. Among other websites see.... [link] [link] [link] The failure of the global academic community to engage the topics included in the above listed sites reflects the decadent mentality of those who pompously and pretentiously presume to carry the banner of enlightenment for our civilization. Any questions ? geral sosbee
See Also:〈=en-US&mkt=en-US&FORM=CVRE9
See the above article in a different format at:
See Also:
*For evidence to support this statement by Schwarz see the following link from which this is excerpted:


And as evidence surfaces that Bin Laden had been making plans to go nuclear, some experts believe that in fact the US Air Force is deploying nuclear materials. Here is areport out of Australia on the use of weapons hardened with depleted uranium, a concern that surfaced in the Gulf War and later in Kosovo. I haven't read much about thisin the US presss:

Depleted Uranium Toxicity in Afghanistan

by Richard S. Ehrlich

"ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - American warplanes are attacking Afghanistan with depleted uranium weapons which could poison combatants and civilians, especially children, according to U.S. officials.

"The possibility of radioactive dust storms sweeping across Afghanistan and polluting rivers has meanwhile sparked fears in Pakistan.

"The radioactive dust released by the impact of these weapons can easily get into the food chain and the water supply through the Kabul River in Afghanistan and thus into Pakistan's Indus [River]," reported Dawn newspaper.

"There are simply no contingency measures to brace people against such a disastrous humanitarian fallout," Dawn added.
------- --------- -----------
Torture Warrants and Law: Justifying Torture and
Making it Legal?
Rosemary Horton, P.L. Duffy Resource Centre,
Trinity College, Western Australia


 Military Wants Santa Rosa Island
14 Dec 2005 @ 19:06, by letecia. Activism
This makes me so Angry!! Please take action now!

Congressman Ducan Hunter (R- El Cajon) is trying to sneak an amendment into the Defense Appropriations bill to give control of Santa Rosa Island (now part of the Channel Islands National Park) to the Department of Defense to use as a Military recreation facility. The public would no longer be able to use the island. This is not a request from the military; it is coming out of Hunter's office. We must stop this!

Please read the attached article from the LA times and the statement from Ron Sundergill, Pacific regional director, National Parks Conservation Association who explains the likely hidden reason for this bizarre transfer of public park land to the Defense Dept.

Get Mad then make the following calls:

Congressman Duncan Hunter (202) 225-5672 - tell his office that you oppose this backroom deal.

Congresswoman Capps(Santa Barbara) (202) 225-3601 - Tell her you support her efforts to stop this

Congressman Gallegley (Mountain communities/Santa Ynez) (202) 225-5811 - Tell him to get on the horn to fellow Republican Hunter and say "back off!"

Tell our senators to stop this amendment:
Senator Boxer (202) 224-3553
Senator Feinstein (202) 224 3841
Senator John Warner (R-Virginia) ( 202) 224-2023 - This is the guy Hunter is negotiating with in the Senate to get this amendment included. Tell him this is sleazy and sneaky and to put a stop to it.

This could happen this week! Thanks for you help. Forward to people you think will be concerned.
Ann Wisehart

December 10, 2005
Military Wants Santa Rosa Island
By Tim Reiterman and Richard Simon, Times Staff Writers

WASHINGTON - A California congressman confirmed Friday that he wants to convert Santa Rosa Island in Channel Islands National Park into a Department of Defense installation for military recreation and special forces training - a move critics say would severely limit public access.

The proposal by Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-El Cajon), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, is being circulated as an amendment to a defense authorization bill that both houses of Congress began hashing out this week.

Hunter put forward a similar measure in May, but withdrew it after objections from environmentalists and Democrats and after consulting with Republicans.

In a statement e-mailed Friday night by his spokesman, Hunter said the proposed amendment "would broaden the recreational use of Santa Rosa Island to the benefit of wounded and disabled members of the armed services who have sacrificed for our country."

Through the spokesman, Hunter declined to discuss the amendment, citing ongoing negotiations with his Senate counterpart, John Warner (R-Va.). Warner's office did not return calls seeking comment.

Hunter's proposal calls for the Department of Defense to transform the 53,000-acre island into a military operation, effective Jan. 1, 2009. The goal, the proposal said, was to provide "morale, welfare and recreation activities to members of the armed forces and their dependents, veterans, official guests and such other persons as the [Defense] secretary determines to be appropriate, including paralyzed and disabled persons."

The island, according to the proposal, also could provide training areas for special operations forces and would continue to allow deer and elk hunting that is currently permitted.

Critics of the proposal said military personnel already can visit the park, just like the general public.

Rep. Lois Capps, a Democrat whose Santa Barbara district encompasses Santa Rosa Island, said the proposal is a bad idea "that is being pushed in secret negotiations."

"All Americans should have access to the Channel Islands National Park, not just top military brass, members of Congress and folks who can pay thousands of dollars to go on private hunting trips," Capps said.

Santa Rosa is the second-largest of the five Channel Islands that make up the park.
The proposal did not state that the island would be removed from the national park, but said the Defense Department would run the island.

Environmentalists adamantly oppose the proposal, saying it would deny the general public access to a significant portion of a park created two decades ago.

"The public would be completely frozen out," said Ron Sundergill, regional director of the National Parks Conservation Assn. "For all intents and purposes . it would no longer be a national park. It would be a military recreational compound."

A spokeswoman for the Department of Defense declined to comment, saying that it was premature to discuss any proposal that was not formally incorporated into the bill.

National Park Service spokeswoman Holly Bundock said the agency has heard about the proposal and is concerned that shifting control to the military would substantially cut public access to a scenic island with rare wildlife and plants, including the Santa Rosa Island manzanita, the Santa Rosa Island soft-leaved paintbrush and the Island fox.

"Santa Rosa is a public island," she said. "Taxpayers bought the island . and we operate it as a national park."

Beginning in the mid-1800s, Santa Rosa Island was a cattle ranch - and later sheep were introduced. When it was sold to Vail & Vickers Co. in 1902, the island was devoted exclusively to cattle raising.

The federal government purchased Santa Rosa Island for $30 million. In 1986, it became part of Channel Islands National Park along with four other islands in the chain - Santa Barbara, Anacapa, Santa Cruz and San Miguel.

Officials say the park had more than 500,000 visitors last year.

The public can visit by boat and there is an airstrip. Visitors can camp and hike the island, which is 15 miles long and 10 miles wide.

The former owners of the island are permitted to continue operating a deer and elk hunting concession on the island through 2011.

The congressional proposal would allow that operation to continue until then.

CA Republican Duncan Hunter's amendment would deny the public access to Santa Rosa Island within Channel Islands National Park, converting it to Military Uses
By: Ron Sundergill, Pacific Regional Director, National Parks Conservation Association
Published: Dec 10, 2005 at 09:12

Following is a press statement by Ron Sundergill, Pacific regional director, National Parks Conservation Association:
We have learned that Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA), Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, is planning to propose an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill that would shift Santa Rosa Island, the second largest island within Channel Islands National Park, to an exclusive recreational outpost and game reserve for armed forces personnel and veterans, eliminating broader public access. In addition, the amendment would allow Special Operations Forces to use the island for military training.

The clearest indication of the intent of this amendment comes from reviewing a similar proposal Rep. Hunter made to a military spending bill earlier this year. He withdrew that highly controversial amendment after objections were raised, and after it became apparent that the Department of Defense had not even asked for it. The first version of his amendment was a bad idea and the new, dressed up version is no better.

We recommend that Rep. Hunter abandon this misguided amendment, which undoes a mediated settlement approved by a court of law in the fall of 1997 to protect threatened resources on the island.

This amendment is an attempt to grab a large portion of Channel Islands National Park and, in part, turn it into an exclusive commercial elk and deer hunting island compound for a small portion of Americans, and would result in a sweetheart deal for a well-connected family that has already sold their estate effective at the end of 2011 for $30 million. The proposal would turn administration of the second largest island within the park, Santa Rosa Island, over to the Secretary of Defense. Santa Rosa Island's land mass is 52,794 acres and it encompasses over 42 percent of the land mass within the National Park.

Islands National Park lands were set aside by our nation for the use and enjoyment by all Americans -- the young, the old, civilians, military personnel, veterans and nature lovers -- who go there to soak in the fresh air and marvel at its beauty. All Americans should continue to fully enjoy the wonders of this park.

Why would Representative Hunter, why would anybody for that matter, want to suddenly restrict a large portion of this beautiful place to a small portion of Americans? It makes no sense!

We can only guess that the reason this is being proposed is to protect the commercial interest that operates the elk and deer hunting venture on the island. The owners of the venture, whose family sold the island to the federal government in 1986 for nearly $30 million, will be required to end their commercial activities in 2011. The timeline for ending the elk and deer hunting results from a legally binding agreement between the National Park Service and the National Parks Conservation Association, but the owners of the hunting venture strongly objected to the agreement.

If Santa Rosa Island is turned over to the Department of Defense for military recreation and other purposes, the permit for the commercial hunting operation is then likely to be renewed. This is especially evident since the proposed amendment requires that the current contract with the commercial hunting operation be honored, and contains no restriction on the renewal of the contract.

 Zimbabwe6 comments
11 Dec 2005 @ 01:50, by nemue. Activism
Over 700,000 people homeless with no means of support due to the action of their government!!!! And still the world stands by and does nothing. Commonwealth countries still trade with this despotic government, as do many other developed countries.

The UN offered temporary tents for the homeless but the government rejected them.
In case you are not aware why these people are homeless it is because the government bulldozed their shanty houses. They bulldozed them but didn’t bother to provide the displaced with any means to survive. And still the voice of the world is silent. How long can we continue to turn a blind eye?

[link]  More >

 New Civilization Global Movement: Introduction, Activities & Charter8 comments
7 Dec 2005 @ 14:56, by shreepal. Activism

New Civilization Global Movement – NCGM - Charter seeks to usher on Earth an Order of Human Institutions geared to accomplish five objectives of New Civilization: Common Survival of all life on Earth, Freedom of individuals from all kinds of oppression, Common Prosperity of all people, Global Unity among different subdivisions of Mankind and Enlightenment of human beings.

This document is divided into three sections:

Introduction to NCGM
Activities of NCGM
Charter of NCGM

NCGM is an initiative of people who feel concerned about the present condition of Earth and Mankind. Presently, it is web based and being facilitated by New Civilization Network.

NCGM holds that Mankind has arrived at the crossroads where the fate of Earth as a hospitable home for life and the fate of life in its evolutionary course would depend on Mankind selecting a correct path.

NCGM seeks to usher on Earth a New Order of Human Institutions geared to accomplish five noble objectives of New Civilization. Human Institutions are the institutions of interactive collective living of human beings and these include family, community, society, economy, culture, faith groups, politics, governments, nations and nations’ inter se living.

NCGM relies on people’s power, as contradistinguished from the power of political governments, for enabling Mankind to steer onto the correct path.

Charter of NCGM gives a call to peoples of all nations, faiths and cultures to IDENTIFY those individuals, organizations and governments who conduct themselves AGAINST the five noble objectives of New Civilization. It further calls peoples to win these adversaries with the WEAPON OF TRUTH, strategy of LOVE and NON-VIOLENCE and tactic of NON-COOPERATION in order to accomplish New Civilization’s objectives.

NCGM expects to grow in vigor, with the passage of time, enabling it initially to make an impact on world events and then finally to decisively control the course of those events that vitally affect the fate of Earth and of Mankind.

Presently, a Workgroup of NCN – akin to Secretariat of NCGM - is taking initiative to organize NCGM and the first Earth Summit of Peoples for New Civilization.

It is envisaged that there would be held at regular intervals Earth Summits of peoples for New Civilization for taking stock of the man-made events that adversely effect Earth and Mankind and for taking decisions on measures that are needed to correct the same. The first Earth Summit of Peoples for New Civilization is proposed to be held as early as possible to adopt a Charter of Action.

In the Workgroup the representatives of people belonging to one country have been allotted one vote and decisions therein are taken by a majority vote. People of one country may be represented by one or more than one individual. Any person who wishes to join and is willing to work may join the Workgroup.

Currently the Workgroup includes: 1. Ming (France) 2. Silviamar (Spain) 3. Judih (Israel) 4. Zimpen (Sweden) 5. Shreepal (India)

(1) NCGM is being facilitated by New Civilization Network and to join log on NCN.

(2) The first Earth Summit of Peoples for New Civilization and New Civilization Global Movement are being organized by a Workgroup. To join the Workgroup log on NCN.

(3) To find background material for Earth Summit and NCGM click Shreepal, a Concerned Global Citizen.

(4) It is envisaged that, as soon as possible, NCGM would enable people to post on its web site any man-made event happening anywhere on globe that adversely affects Earth and Mankind to get a helping hand from NCGM.

Charter of New Civilization Global Movement:

THAT planet earth is our common home and we human beings have inherited it from our forefathers, in trust for our own use and for the use of all other life-species dwelling on earth of the present and of the succeeding generations.

THAT all life-species are sacrosanct and deserve survival and preservation at our hands.

THAT all man-made disputes – whether social, cultural, economic, political or any other - arising from conflict of interests are capable of being resolved by human beings in peace and amity;

THAT mankind is an evolving species being at the apex of life-evolution on earth yet being at an intermediate stage only; and

THAT mankind is capable of exploring the unknown micro and macro universe, harnessing the unveiled secrets of nature and its forces, and is capable thereby to consciously shape her destiny and the destiny of earth and of universe;


THAT mankind is living under the threat of annihilation at her own hand by the use of weapons of mass destruction;

THAT a firm and sustainable human-unity is the only effective and workable guarantee to protect human race against such threat of self-annihilation; and

THAT such human-unity can only be established on the solid foundation of the commonality of human-interests, the commonality of purpose of life of human beings on earth and the commonality of the destiny of human race;


Identify those individuals, organizations and governments
Who conduct them against the five noble objectives of New Civilization, and

Win over them with

The weapon of

The strategy of

The tactic of

In common interest, these five noble objectives of New Civilization, namely:

COLLECTIVE SURVIVAL of all life-species on earth by observing peace, good order, complete and global disarmament and respect for and conservation of nature;

FREEDOM, from political, economic, cultural and social oppression, within national and international organizations of human society, by guarding the individuals’ human rights and the interests of organized society;

COMMON PROSPERITY of peoples by utilizing technological advancements and scientific management of global natural resources to avoid waste, unsustainable exploitation and natural imbalance, and to bring efficiency;

GLOBAL UNITY among different subdivisions of mankind by promoting mutual respect for diversity, understanding and harmony in diversity; and

ENLIGHTENMENT of human beings by encouraging them to imbibe the knowledge of science, from material science to psychic science, and encouraging them to remain always opened to change of convictions.

 More >

 Warriors of the Light, Assemble!1 comment
5 Dec 2005 @ 04:07, by oasiian. Activism
We are on the dawn of a new Era, an era of Enlightenment, progressing into a world where Warrior no longer means something necessarily of War, but of the defence of our spirits, our rights, and our freedoms, which the empires of China and America breach.
We must defend these, for they are all that is true.  More >

 We Are Diminished0 comments
1 Dec 2005 @ 22:46, by nemue. Activism
Mankind has been significantly diminished today along with the legal execution of Nguyen Tuong Van in Singapore. Every attempt and approach to the Singaporean Government to spare his life was met a resolute no. At 6am Singapore time this morning he was hanged. From all reports Nguyen faced his death with remorse, courage and dignity, finding an inner strength. Whilst he had accepted his fate his concern was for his family and friends, which makes him a significantly better person than those who are the architects of his death. Yesterday, Nguyen was photographed posing in different outfits, and the pictures were handed to his mother as final keepsakes.

But this message is not just about the death of Nguyen. It is also about those who are left behind. It is about his Mother. It is about his twin brother for whom Nguyen committed the stupid act of carrying drugs to protect. It is about his friends and the rest of his family. It is also about all us who have been crushed by the barbarism of this act. Let us not forget that hundreds of people are legally executed each year in many countries.

It begs the question, how can we ever aspire to be an enlightened, compassionate and caring society if we stand silent and do nothing. If this one death results in one life in the future being spared because people stop turing a 'blind eye' and speak out and drive change then Nguyen will not have died for nothing.

May God forgive us and please spare a thought and a prayer for his Mother in particular. I will finish as I started. Mankind has been significantly diminished today and we are all part of mankind. It is up to us to seek change.

 Please Help Save Van Tuong Nguyen1 comment
27 Nov 2005 @ 05:43, by nemue. Activism
This coming Friday a young Australian (Van Tuong Nguyen) will be hanged In Singapore if we can not get the Singaporean Prime Minister to change his mind. This young man is 24-years old. He was arrested in March 2004 (In Changi Airport) whilst in transit back to Sydney. He was carrying 396.2 grams of heroin. This is a crime granted, but the circumstances were that he was taking the drugs back to Australia to clear the debts of his brother, who was a heroin addict. Van should be punished by death by hanging in this day and age is barbaric and inhumane. There is also a legal question that has yet to be addressed and that is did the Singaporean authorities have the legal right to arrest and condemn to death a citizen of another country who is fact did not set foot outside of the airport.

Please sign the attached petition. Van’s days are numbered. Van is not a drug baron. He is a young and silly courier. He does NOT deserve to die for this is foolishness.
[link]  More >

 Wal*Mart: The Movie Comes To Athens9 comments
picture13 Nov 2005 @ 12:42, by jazzolog. Activism
The highest point a man can attain is not knowledge, or Virtue, or Goodness, or Victory, but something even greater, more heroic, and more despairing: Sacred Awe!

---Nikos Kazantzakis

Whatever is seen by such a heart and mind is a flower, whatever is dreamed is a moon.
Only a barbarian mind could fail to see the flower; only an animal mind could fail to dream the moon.


Thank God for the things that I do not own.

---St. Teresa Of Avila

Here we see Dana celebrating her birthday last month at the Japanese Steak House in Columbus, with our daughter and her friend Keenan Huq.

Actually the title is WAL*MART: the high cost of low price, a new film by Robert Greenwald, whose previous documentaries include OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism and UNCOVERED: The War On Iraq, both from last year. This week WAL*MART will premiere at 7000 (and counting) different locations across America...and apparently in several other countries as well. What is novel about Greenwald's approach to premieres is they occur in living rooms, public meeting chambers, and union halls...and only in a few movie theaters. Teaming up with MoveOn and the Internet, he began advertising a couple months ago for screening kits you could order. I think he asked 10 dollars or something for it, you typed in your mailing info online, paid with PayPal or the like, and soon a box arrived with the DVD, a couple big posters, and some other brochures. Your name and screening location goes online and people can reserve a seat, depending on your capacity. MoveOn has changed the political landscape of this country using an approach to organize that's both fun and dynamic.  More >

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