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New Civilization News: Assemblage Points and Instant Change |
Category: Philosophy 7 comments 30 May 2004 @ 12:20 by celestial : Another "SHIFT" to report.EXXXCELENT POINTS, MING. I just had the pleasure ov spending two days, May 27th - 29th, in the Kng County Jail, Seattle, WA. The very first night, one ov the fellow inmates began having a bizarre dream in which he was uttering unusual emanations accompanied with flailing ov the arms. The man on the bottom bunk began trying to drag him out ov the dream by hitting the upper bunk. I immediately jumped on his case and told the fellow on the bottom bunk to let the guy on the top bunk work out the problem in his subconscious...so...everyone (about 20 inmates) just laid there and endured some very uncomfortable sounds for maybe ten minutes. Later, the next day, I explained we all need to be more accepting ov each others needs instead ov trying to manipulate things toward our own comfort. The next night the same fellow went into another episode but this time it was sweet, his words were coherent and the whole episode was a blessing. Having experienced one ov those events myself but being interrupted, I recognized what was actually happening and consider my stay in the jail to have been a great benefit to all ov us in the long run; he received the pleasure ov working out a problem with his creator. 30 May 2004 @ 15:10 by ming : Shifts Most of the major shifts in my life have been associated with unpleasant circumstances at first glance. I was having a hard time, thinking on the surface that I'd rather be somewhere else, and then, at some point I notice that things have changed, and I realize that the circumstances were a blessing in disguise, that helped me change, and I'm better off for it. But I wouldn't have consciously chosen exactly that which was key to my change. Like how a trip to jail might bring unexpected change. 30 May 2004 @ 16:49 by ov : Something is Happening Timely article Ming, as usual. In the last few days I have felt more at peace with myself than I can ever remember, and I have no idea why, sure little things here and there but nothing that can account for it. If it was just a perspective shift then I would think I would be able to identify that perspective, which makes me think it is something more than that. I kind of sense this blurring between the dream world and reality, but not in the crazy way and I do know what that is like, this seems more like we are all at the Venn Diagram intersection zone of our solipstic universes, as if every one of us are multi-tasking our own instanciation of the Vanila Sky. Other times I feel like my computer screen, and NCN in particular, is my own copy of Nell's Primer, but then that could be a result of reading Diamond Age, Zodiac, Cryptonomicron all within the last month, and yesterday my favorite second hand bookstore had a copy of Quicksilver which is now mine. Something very incredible is in the works and I am just so looking forward to experiencing it. 31 May 2004 @ 05:27 by ming : Dreamtime in Denmark Heheh, cool, see you again, then. Next time we might actually get to the magical places, if people can refrain from firing guns in the meantime. 31 May 2004 @ 09:59 by skookum : Odd thing... speaking of shifts....I was doing my pendulum stuff and now... the 'yes' direction is changed to what used to be the 'no' direction. Now.... it has been consistantly the other way for some time now. Dreams are a window...to a lot of places Ashanti. Doncha just hate it when the dream ends at a good place! 1 Jun 2004 @ 12:48 by ming : Assemblage Points I had just looked at that site, actually, and several other that offer an assemblage point therapy. I don't know if they're really talking about the same kind of assemblage points, or just using the same word for a more physical kind of balance point. At least they find quite different locations for it. But it sounds interesting. 6 Jun 2004 @ 17:26 by Quirkeboy @ : Lucid dreaming.. Have any of you read much about this?? I sort of fell into it as a teenager.. not knowing there was a name for this phenomenon. Some of my most moving spiritual moments have been in a dream state.. lots of symbolism of death and the afterlife etc. Its an amazing experience to control your dreams.. I love to fly but have also brought objects and people into my dreams.. although I fall short of changing the entire scenery. Incidentally .. I had a lucid dream one time where I was in a ribbed tunnel that brough me into a fantastic dream world.. only later did I read that the "underworld" of shamanism is often entered during there vision quests by a colorful ribbed tunnel!?! Usually the sequence of events is..you fall asleep as usual .. dream as usual.. then realize your dreaming and take control... making conscious decisions in an unconscious state...BUT.. on only a few occasions I have been able to consciously "accompany" my mind into the dream state.. being aware all the while that Im falling asleep and beginning to have visions. Imagine the possibilities of mastering this technique..if you could instantaneously enter a dream world without effort or losing consiousness.. to relax, attend to health problems, solve life issues.. and regain consciousness as if turning a switch on and off! Do you think theres any value in mastering the ability to enter dreams at will and return just as easily?? 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