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New Civilization News: Mohammed cartoons in Egypt |
Category: Religion 58 comments 9 Feb 2006 @ 21:49 by jobrown : Congratulationsto you all, who couldn't see this : http//www.rense.com/general69/zz.htm Now, you have prepared the perfect conditions for http://www.rense.com/general69/moh.htm http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/february2006/070206attackiran.htm ...and more Good News for all of you, who can't wait for the Blow Up! http://www.rense.com/general69/iranshowdownfuse.htm Who knew, there were so many out there just itching to get a real WWWIII with some real AMMO going. like dirty bombs and nukbombs as wel, and what not!?!?!?..... now it's knocking on the door!.... just a matter of time!... counted in weeks!.... four to six, is my guess 9 Feb 2006 @ 23:25 by nemue : The Other View This is VERY interesting stuff. There is another view that is also worthy of consideration and that is that this latest frenzy has been whipped up to divert the attention of the Muslims in many countries who are spiralling further and further into poverty and suppression. They were promised much by their leaders who have delivered little if nothing. What better way to divert their attention from their own misery than have then focus on the old ‘enemy’? Example the Danish flag burning in Iran took some organising. I can’t believe that the Iranians stockpiled Danish flags just waiting for an excuse to burn them. 9 Feb 2006 @ 23:32 by vibrani : it's political is all. 10 Feb 2006 @ 00:32 by Some French Dude @ : Great find... not surprised What about the copyrights issues btw ?... did the Egyptian paper have the right to reprint them last october ?... one cartoon is far use... but four that could justify a copyright lawsuit under Sharia Law...the ultime lawer headache :) 10 Feb 2006 @ 00:34 by Hanan Taha @ : how foolish u r !! Those cartoons were published that time to express objection against them and to say:Hey, Look what Danes have said about our prophet ! not to claim a free speech right or insult Mohammed. U can't read Arabic,then u shouldn't have judged before u ask about the comment written with them. U people really surprise me !! forgive me,but,this is too foolish of u. 10 Feb 2006 @ 00:47 by Some French Dude @ : Hanan Taha "Hey, Look what Danes have said about our prophet !" (and implied) : LET'S KILL THEM ALL IN THE NAME OF ALLAH ! ...that's precisely what we are saying they did, and it's very wrong ! 10 Feb 2006 @ 00:48 by vibrani : Then maybe you need to ask sandmonkey since it seems he does read Arabic. He posted good info on his page about how those cartoons have been used to manipulate populations towards political agendas. 10 Feb 2006 @ 00:58 by Hanan Taha @ : Bah I won't reply to exactly this post again because it is made up...it is like putting oil on fire. It's obvious like the sun for Arabs that this newspaper is objecting on Danes' action and not approving it.so why do we have to fire the manager? actually , ur insults and strange way of judgement make me hold on more and more to my situation.Actually it makes me laugh. May God forgive u and lead u to the right way. and , Peace be upon u. 10 Feb 2006 @ 01:01 by vibrani : Are you saying that the Egyptian paper objected to the cartoons, and that's why they published them? Why did it not create a big uproar then? Why is it doing so now? 10 Feb 2006 @ 01:05 by Some French Dude @ : Hanan Taha ""Hey, Look what Danes have said about our prophet !" " btw, why do you care about what the Danes said about your prophet... they aren't muslim... they didn't come to a muilim country to insult you... why does it matter at all ?! 10 Feb 2006 @ 02:23 by ming : Misunderstanding Hanan Taha, you obviously didn't understand why the Danish newspaper printed them in the first place. They didn't present them to hurt Islam, and didn't present any insults to go along with them. They printed them to talk about freedom of speech and self-censorship. They printed them to talk about them, not to send a message to Muslims through the cartoons. Just like the Egyptian paper printed them to talk about them, not to send a message to Muslims through the cartoons. So, you need to make up your mind. Are these cartoons in themselves hurtful to Islam or not? Doesn't it depend on the intention? Why do you think you can know the intention of the first publishing just by looking at the cartoons? Danish newspapers do not send hidden messages to ethnic or religious groups through cartoons. Danish newspapers try to inform people about what is going on in society, and they comment on it, and open discussions about it. Maybe where you live, newspapers exist to allow the government to tell you what to think. That's not how it works in a place like Denmark. 10 Feb 2006 @ 04:07 by Mohammad Kanaan @ : Freedom to think First, I agree that re-publishing those offensive and racist cartoons in any newspaper is hypicritical, stupid and exploitive. The problem is: every newspaper that is about to go bankrupt now all over the world is exploiting this tragic situation to salvage its situation. Hate speech should be stopped. Ming: while strongly disagree with you that the Danish paper didn't have any ill intentions when they first published the cartoons, I have to agree that many newspapers in our area are exploited by the autocratic regimes that we have. But make no mistake about it; we have access to more of the news rainbow probably more than anybody else on this planet. I personally have access to more than 14 news channels in my home starting from The American News channels all the way to Al-Manar of Hizbuallah of Lebanon and everything in between. I am talking MSNBC, ABC,CBS,BBC,Euronews,PBS,CNN,Aljazeera,Alarabyia, and few others. So to suggest that our terrible governments are able to shape our public opinion is a thing of the past. If you are in the US, you are getting only one side of the news. Channels like ABC,CBS,NBC,PBS,CNN broadcast almost exctly the same material. To think that people in the US are getting all sides of the story in just not happening. Regards. 10 Feb 2006 @ 04:21 by jobrown : Political and Religious Satire is as old as Mankind! Sometimes in History it has ignited wars. sometimes not.... depending on how inflamed the overall Political and/or Religious atmosphere happened to be -which in it self was always a reault of manipulation of the People of two or more given Nations/Relioous or 'Political' groups. MOST of the time the situation is such in most Countries, that the Political Cartoon of the Day is/was the first thing you looked up in the Daily Newspaper to get a GOOD LAUGH! I know I did it for years! ...and , boy were they sarcastic ever, sometimes! and that's OK!... Dont get sucked into the Satire/Cartoon. Heal your own eaching VIP syndrome instead, and or take charge of your own Life, Health and Pursuit of Happiness. The Big Boys have always been working on STOPPING us, Everyday People from getting to THAT point!... they still are!... more today than ever before! WHY stoop oneself to their level???... We don't solve anything by using the same thinking/Understanding/Dogma or consciousness level (our 'co-creativity with God/Universe, as I see this word, or what ever name one chooses for the Intelligence and Energy that created ALL into being in the first place) that created all the evil in the first place! Fanatics of ALL CREEDS or "religons" or "political" fractions; WAKE UP!!! Life is NOT lived by OLD, rules from other Times, other creativity levels etc. LIFE IS HERE TODAY, NEW and FRESH with NEW Insights for those who care to understand for themselves, which is to say; use their/your own Brain/Mind/Soul/Intellignece... for crying out loud! To: most men on the Planet, start here: what about start treating your women; wives, sisters, mothers with dignity and decency, the way YOU expect the BIG BOYS TO TREAT YOU! Start treating your Children with genuine Love and care, not just approval when they obey your insanity, perpetuated by you all; thousands of years old!.. it IS insanity if it is thousands of years old!... Do you guys fly airplanes ever? WHY? WHY the HELL do you do that???? They didn't exist thousands of years ago! Do you use Microwave ovens? I could go on and on and on and on... Get the Pic, guys? EVERY FANATIC DOGMA has its HIGHER DIGNIFIED truly intelligent,LIFE LOVING and PEACE loving versions as well, and MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people living by them!These people wouldn't dream of living & acting the way you, low level people do!..this is what makes one to LOW level or HIGH level Human... and NOTHING else!!!... MONEY and so called Social/Status/Posotion DOES NOT stand as the Measure --only DECENCY and CARING for/towards LIFE in all its forms does, which is to say: LOVING... but when the low level egomaniacks now get their wish and the WWIII brakes loose, ALL will be drawn in, whether we want or not!... You are all pitiful if you don't choose Kindness and Caring of ALL over fighting, but choose to remain mean, instead, towards most anything that isn't walking in your pants, no matter what "religion's" fanatics you choose to represent! 10 Feb 2006 @ 08:21 by freo7 : Political and Religious Satire AMEN & ALLAH BE PRAISED blueboy P E A C E ~ B E in the 5th Density of us all Mah Gii Kah Oui "The relationship of ALL LIFE speaks" 10 Feb 2006 @ 12:57 by ming : News Mohammad Kanaan, I'll believe you have access to lots of news. Well, depends on where you are in the Muslim world, of course, as I'm sure lots of people are poor and don't exactly have satellite TV. I'm still trying in vain to understand why even moderate, reasonable people like you are so very sure that this is hate speech against Islam, and why you're more upset about this than lots of other things that I'd think would give you much more reason. There's lots of hate speech in the world. There are many hateful people. Lots of people work hard on hurting each other. Like, in this disorganized dialogue that happened in the comments of my posts here, lots of people said some very hateful things about Muslims and about your prophet. And some Muslims said some very hateful things about everybody else. That doesn't seem to bother you very much. But some cartoons do. And not the many kinds of vicious and hateful cartoons that I'm sure one could dig up that really are meant to ridicule and attack Muslims. There's a certain reaction that happens that to me looks a whole lot like not-thinking. An automatic reaction of anger based on something I don't really understand. No amount of explanations seem to make much difference. I understand it is when you feel your prophet is insulted and that it somehow attacks all of you and all of Islam. But there something here that's just so, so out of proportion that understanding fails me. 11 Feb 2006 @ 00:29 by jobrown : Maybe this will shead some light on what is REALLY going on!... The same AGE-OLD Adagio!... like so many times before! Works every time! Read this link now http://www.rense.com/general69/ids.htm and then continue here: The processes they are using today are the same as during Machiavelli’s times and earlier: Divide and conquer/ rule: 1) Create a Problem . 2) Wait for the reaction. Then 3) offer the solution that THEY wanted in the first place. Pretty much all Rulers have done it! They’ve all are/’vebeen Tyrants!… Let’s look at Hitler’s Right Hand; Hermann Goering’s statement at the Nurenburg Trials: “Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy; it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is ademocracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and expose the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” Nice,huh?… Will we, the people, ever learn?... 11 Feb 2006 @ 07:09 by Agung @ : asu asu 11 Feb 2006 @ 22:25 by sikici @ : hello ı will see your mother because of thıs caricatur ya allah ya muhammed alllahuekber we wıll gıve punıshments who make thıs carıcaturs we wıll bomb center of the copenhag nobody cant stop us nor bush neıther your god soldiers of the al-zerkavi and el kaide we adopt first our god then USAME BİN LADİN 12 Feb 2006 @ 20:37 by Mohammad Kanaan @ : Grow up sikici You are a sad case I may add. Grow up and stop those stupid hateful comments. Let me point out to you that when the people of Al-Tayef sent their children to throw the Prophet with stones; his reply was to ask God to guide them to the true path. He never sent anybody to kill them. Wouldn't you learn from the Prophet? A Muslem. 12 Feb 2006 @ 21:32 by vibrani : We were brought up to hate, and we do By Nonie Darwish The controversy regarding the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed completely misses the point. Of course, the cartoons are offensive to Muslims, but newspaper cartoons do not warrant the burning of buildings and the killing of innocent people. The cartoons did not cause the disease of hate that we are seeing in the Muslim world on our television screens at night - they are only a symptom of a far greater disease. I was born and raised as a Muslim in Cairo, Egypt and in the Gaza Strip. In the 1950s, my father was sent by Egypt's President, Gamal Abdel Nasser, to head the Egyptian military intelligence in Gaza and the Sinai where he founded the Palestinian Fedayeen, or "armed resistance". They made cross-border attacks into Israel, killing 400 Israelis and wounding more than 900 others. My father was killed as a result of the Fedayeen operations when I was eight years old. He was hailed by Nasser as a national hero and was considered a shaheed, or martyr. In his speech announcing the nationalisation of the Suez Canal, Nasser vowed that all of Egypt would take revenge for my father's death. My siblings and I were asked by Nasser: "Which one of you will avenge your father's death by killing Jews?" We looked at each other speechless, unable to answer. In school in Gaza, I learned hate, vengeance and retaliation. Peace was never an option, as it was considered a sign of defeat and weakness. At school we sang songs with verses calling Jews "dogs" (in Arab culture, dogs are considered unclean). Criticism and questioning were forbidden. When I did either of these, I was told: "Muslims cannot love the enemies of God, and those who do will get no mercy in hell." As a young woman, I visited a Christian friend in Cairo during Friday prayers, and we both heard the verbal attacks on Christians and Jews from the loudspeakers outside the mosque. They said: "May God destroy the infidels and the Jews, the enemies of God. We are not to befriend them or make treaties with them." We heard worshippers respond "Amen". My friend looked scared; I was ashamed. That was when I first realised that something was very wrong in the way my religion was taught and practised. Sadly, the way I was raised was not unique. Hundreds of millions of other Muslims also have been raised with the same hatred of the West and Israel as a way to distract from the failings of their leaders. Things have not changed since I was a little girl in the 1950s. Palestinian television extols terrorists, and textbooks still deny the existence of Israel. More than 300 Palestinians schools are named after shaheeds, including my father. Roads in both Egypt and Gaza still bear his name - as they do of other "martyrs". What sort of message does that send about the role of terrorists? That they are heroes. Leaders who signed peace treaties, such as President Anwar Sadat, have been assassinated. Today, the Islamo-fascist president of Iran uses nuclear dreams, Holocaust denials and threats to "wipe Israel off the map" as a way to maintain control of his divided country. Indeed, with Denmark set to assume the rotating presidency of the UN Security Council, the flames of the cartoon controversy have been fanned by Iran and Syria. This is critical since the International Atomic Energy Agency is expected to refer Iran to the Security Council and demand sanctions. At the same time, Syria is under scrutiny for its actions in Lebanon. Both Iran and Syria cynically want to embarrass the Danes to achieve their dangerous goals. But the rallies and riots come from a public ripe with rage. From my childhood in Gaza until today, blaming Israel and the West has been an industry in the Muslim world. Whenever peace seemed attainable, Palestinian leaders found groups who would do everything to sabotage it. They allowed their people to be used as the front line of Arab jihad. Dictators in countries surrounding the Palestinians were only too happy to exploit the Palestinians as a diversion from problems in their own backyards. The only voice outside of government control in these areas has been the mosques, and these places of worship have been filled with talk of jihad. Is it any surprise that after decades of indoctrination in a culture of hate, that people actually do hate? Arab society has created a system of relying on fear of a common enemy. It's a system that has brought them much-needed unity, cohesion and compliance in a region ravaged by tribal feuds, instability, violence, and selfish corruption. So Arab leaders blame Jews and Christians rather than provide good schools, roads, hospitals, housing, jobs, or hope to their people. For 30 years I lived inside this war zone of oppressive dictatorships and police states. Citizens competed to appease and glorify their dictators, but they looked the other way when Muslims tortured and terrorised other Muslims. I witnessed honour killings of girls, oppression of women, female genital mutilation, polygamy and its devastating effect on family relations. All of this is destroying the Muslim faith from within. It's time for Arabs and Muslims to stand up for their families. We must stop allowing our leaders to use the West and Israel as an excuse to distract from their own failed leadership and their citizens' lack of freedoms. It's time to stop allowing Arab leaders to complain about cartoons while turning a blind eye to people who defame Islam by holding Korans in one hand while murdering innocent people with the other. Muslims need jobs - not jihad. Apologies about cartoons will not solve the problems. What is needed is hope and not hate. Unless we recognise that the culture of hate is the true root of the riots surrounding this cartoon controversy, this violent overreaction will only be the start of a clash of civilis-ations that the world cannot bear. • Nonie Darwish is a freelance writer and public speaker. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2006/02/12/do1205.xml&sSheet=/portal/2006/02/12/ixportal.html 12 Feb 2006 @ 21:41 by Mohammad Kanaan @ : Grow up sikici You are a sad case if I may add. Grow up and stop those stupid hateful comments. Let me point out to you that when people of Al-Tayef sent their children to throw the Prophet Mohammad with stones until blood came out of his feet; he stopped by a garden on the way back and prayed to God to guide them to the true path. He never sent anybody to kill them. For God's sake, what have you learned from the Prophet? 13 Feb 2006 @ 15:55 by Hamba ALLAH @ : be rahmatan lil alamin Sholatullahi ala Nabi Muhammad wa alihi wa man tabi'ahu fiddinul Islam. Assalamu ala man tabi'irrosulullah sholallahu alaihi wassalam. For all my brother in Islam, lets try to do like Muhammad did to All Jahiliyah Qaum ( include all who try to hurt us, danish or whoever else). let them do what they want to do, and as moslem we just ordered to do amar ma"ruf nahi mungkar in the way of islam. Forgive them if they do apologize to us. Be sabar, be patient, Stop to demonstrate and burn Danish flags, Just remind our regime who lead in our country to stop contact to them, Make sure ourselves doesnt need them. (I think its better than we fired them). As far as I know that the west power doesnt really want to make peace by true mutualism with moslems countries. A lot of of our regime are under control of West power. We just need to push any governments in our country to stop having contact with them. Lets be rahmattan lil alamin. We have to realize that Not all of danish is in guilty, not all of moslems are in the right track. But we have to make change in our way in having contact with the west power. We all have right to live in peace. Be Muslim be adil,be smart, be strong. The west power is anything comes from west to hurt us 14 Feb 2006 @ 03:41 by All American @ : Muhammed Cartoons How come no Muslims can be found to protest the murder of Iraqi women and children in the streets of Bahgdad and other cities but 100,00 can get POed about a silly cartoon ? Where is the outrage over Bin Laden (and others) sending your children to early deaths while they hide like cowards . If they believe in in this martyrdom phlosophy them let them show theirselves our countrymen will help them with their goals . Do these leaders of your young not like the whole "virgin" Thing ? I call them out and and would like to see them making public appearances like our leader does . Like him or not at least he is not afraid to show his face . 14 Feb 2006 @ 04:11 by vibrani : Only few can see and speak - for fear of death, for one thing. The rest just can't see, even if you were to shove it under their noses - they've been so conditioned to believe what they are told as being the truth. It's like the native people couldn't see the ships Columbus sailed in on because they had no consciousness of ships, no understanding of what they were so they literally could not see them out on the horizon. 14 Feb 2006 @ 08:10 by johnnyboy @ : sikici You're a moron. Why don't you come on over to Texas and get a good country ass whippin. Osama's a big puss and the God you worship is not the god of islam it's the god of satan. But being as how you are stupid and a coward, I son't expect you to do anything out in the open. Yes you sikici are a coward and a puss along with Osama bin Laden the shit eater. Put that in you pocket and smoke it you weenie................ 14 Feb 2006 @ 16:16 by notlike America @ : to ugly, stupid, racist, Jhonnyboy Hehe...FUCK YOU WITH YOUR HATE GO BACK TO YOUR MOM AND LEARN HOW TO BE GOOD BOY p 14 Feb 2006 @ 22:36 by johnnyboy @ : notlike America what I wrote is not hate. you're the one who said fuck you. well now is time for my so called hate to be returned. look you dick licking prick. first off i'm not racist, just don't like little puss cowards like you and sikici and osama etc. yes i am pretty ugly, especially when the former threatens MY country good ole us of a. second my mom could kick your ass you puss. and deep down inside you know that you are a puss because real men dont fly planes into buildings and blow up innocent people. or celebrate it. you big puss. 14 Feb 2006 @ 22:55 by vibrani : Get a life Muslims. Are your lives just about rioting, trashing businesses and killing people and then not even taking responsibility for those things? 15 Feb 2006 @ 00:55 by hacker darbe @ : warning!!!!!!!!! if admin just wathc whats going on comment then i know how to fuck your website 650 website hacked by are muslim groups TIME TO LEARN RESPECT!!! ALSO JOHNNBOY THING BEFORE TYPE WHICH BOOKS SAYS KILL PEOPLE? ALLAH GIVE THIS LIFE ALLAH TAKE PUT THIS IN UR EMPTY BRAIN!!!!!!!! 15 Feb 2006 @ 03:49 by vibrani : MING - hacker threat/warning probably another fruitcake. 15 Feb 2006 @ 15:24 by Diver @ : murderers or heroes ? I don’t understand one thing: if Mohammed was so peaceful as Muslims claim, then his followers should be outraged by murderous militants that blow up buses, buildings, take and kill hostages, steal money and do other horrible crimes. But for some reason, they are not. Logically one can assume that modern Muslims envision Mohammed armed with bomb and Kalashnikov. That is exactly the point of these cartoons: Muslim extremists variation of Islam is absurd. So, why majority of Muslims don't see it this way? Why is it acceptable to treat murderers like heroes? 15 Feb 2006 @ 20:38 by johnnyboy @ : hacker darbe so you can hack into somebody's computer. or so you claim? who cares. you can't come in front of me like a REAL man or woman and tell me to my face that I need to learn respect. you are a coward, a puss, a weenie, a pig, etc. you hide behind your religion and want to tell people how to believe or what to say and do. allah gives and takes life. well, if you take my life, your trying to do allah's job, which makes you a sinner against the moon god allah. you make no sense. i don't beleive in the moon god allah. i believe what i believe. try to make me stop. read my previous posts. you'll pretty much no where i stand. come and fight like a real man in the open. quit trying to hack into people's computers like a coward. you big wussie. put that in your turban and light it monkeyboy. 15 Feb 2006 @ 20:42 by vibrani : Moon God Moon God = Sin. Know who Sin was? He was an Anunnaki. Now, take that word "sin" and apply it to "Sin." Maybe language has screwed up more than people think - forgotten its original meaning? lol 16 Feb 2006 @ 05:54 by johnnyboy @ : anunnaki? what's that. i'm afraid this simple country hillbilly doesn't know that word. sound like the old Indian tribe Annasazi. What are you trying to say Vibrani? flew over my head so to speak............. 16 Feb 2006 @ 06:07 by vibrani : humanity's ancestors You can read about them here {http://www.vibrani.com/Anunnaki.htm} and if you studied ancient history in school, you learned about them already but probably forgot. And THEY are in the Old Testament (Anakim,Nephilim). By the way, you are making an accurate connection between the Anunnaki and the Anasazi. 16 Feb 2006 @ 06:19 by -johnnyboy @ : WARNING to hacker darbe, osama bin lardass, sikici, hamas, president of iran, etc. and all you other foolish islamomonkeys (THIS IS NOT DIRECTED TOWARD THE ENTIRE RELIGION OF ISLAM AND THE MOSTLY GOOD PEOPLE WITHIN IN IT. I ACTUALLY LOVE THE PROPHET MOHAMMED HOWEVER MISGUIDED HE MAYBE): this is an open warning to all you hate spouting radical so called muslims that have hijacked the great religion of islam. DO NOT TRY TO INVADE AMERICA. IF YOU DO, YOU WILL BE MET BY SUCH MEN AS MYSELF. GUNWIELDING, FREEDOM LOVING, BIBLE BELIEVING, TRUE BLOODED AMERICANS WILLING TO DEFEND THEIR HOMELAND WITH THEIR OWN BLOOD. YOU WILL ALSO BE MET BY MEN OF OTHER FAITHS THAT BELIEVE IN AMERICA AND THEIR FREEDOMS TO WORSHIP AS THEY PLEASE AS WELL. THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION TO STOP YOUR COWARDLY BEHAVIOR AND START LIVING RIGHT. QUIT BLOWING UP THINGS AND ACTING STUPID OVER AN IGNORANT CARTOON. THAT IS CALLED FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, HOWEVER MUCH YOU MAY HATE IT. I DO NOT HATE YOUR RELIGION OR YOUR GOD OR YOUR PROPHET, BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE, IF YOU COME AFTER ME, MY FAMILY, MY GOD, OR MY COUNTRY, I WILL TAKE THE FIGHT TO YOU. I AM WILLING TO SPILL MY BLOOD TO MAKE YOU STOP ATTACKING ME. SO, THIS IS AN OPEN INVITATION, ESPECIALLY TO YOU OSAMA, COME OUT IN THE OPEN AND FIGHT LIKE A REAL MAN, OR YOU WILL BE HUNTED DOWN LIKE THE COWARD AND CRIMINAL THAT YOU ARE. I LIVE IN TEXAS, AS I HAVE PLAINLU STATED IN MY POSTS. YOU WILL FIND THAT MOST THAT LIVE IN MY WONDERFUL STATE ARE PEACELOVING AND GOD FEARING, BUT GOD HELP YOU IF YOU TRY TO INVADE OR OTHERWISE DESECRATE OUR SACRED SOIL. I KNOW THAT AMERICA IS NOT PERFECT, WE OWE ALOT OF THINGS TO PEOPLE THAT WE HAVE ABUSED AND TRODDEN UPON IN OUR DEVELOPMENT AS A NATION, ESPECIALLY THE INDIANS (BEST AND NOBLEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD), THAT DOES NOT MEAN THAT WE WILL BOW DOWN TO YOU, BE YOUR SLAVE, OR OTHERWISE GIVE UP OUR GOD GIVEN FREEDOMS. COME AND FACE US AT YOUR OWN PERIL. WE STAND READY. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL HER FREEDOM LOVING ALLIES. 16 Feb 2006 @ 06:51 by bushman : And, Lets not forget about Lucifer and his crew, and the mistakes they made, that got us into this mess in the first place, ah yes, we can't totaly blame them, since we made that choice to be here too. Hmm, Jonny, you list that you would fight for your God, saber rattlin never solves anything other than getting your own fighters phyiced up for battle. Baiting those that bait you. I was also going to mention the Elohime was and is a powerful bunch. The watchers, dont be fooled, they see all and know all. Mankind, the grand experiment gone ariy. And you know what happens when an experiment fails, they save what is worth saveing and insterments and peatree dishes are sterilized, and then, they start over. Johnny, I think you might like this: {www.brokensaints.com} Click on the clasic flash site thingy on the left, enter the site, then click on story, and get ready for a ride. :} 16 Feb 2006 @ 07:14 by johnnyboy @ : saber rattlin actually i have a blucher saber from Cold Steel. i like to rattle it. it's very sharp. could behead someone with it. but i'll use my remington 870 first. and already went through the elohim thing with vibrani thanks anyway. have a nice day. 16 Feb 2006 @ 10:43 by HACKER DARBE @ : PLS THINGS BEFORE TYPE!=JOHNNY if u know about somethings than u have right to put comment im muslim i read kuran, bible buddisim etc. in the end allah dont give u world map and asking where u want to born my son! u born in u.s.a i born in muslim contry and we grove in difrent culture, if somebody killing and say i done for allah thats terorist, kuran or bible dont write anythings about killing human, how u stand for ur bellive every1 same why because we learn what they mean and why there, if i have respect for every1 i wait same things we born we grove we get old and we die every life is like that, on the journey if u show something unrespectful something who have lots peoples bellive then u get reaction on it its normal, JOHNNY 11 SEPTEMBER ITS HURTE ME LIKE OTHER AMERICAN ALSO U DONT NEED TO BE AMERICAN TO GET UPSADE OR HURTE TO C THAT, I HAVE LOTS FRIENDS IN DIFRENT BELLIVE`S ITS AGAIN ALL ABOUT RESPECT TEROR DONT HAVE ANY BELLIVE`S READ KURAN THAN PUT UR COMENT,ALSO WRITING BAD WORD DONT TAKE U ANYWHERE,MY REASON GIVING WARNING NO NEED TO B WRITE WITHOUT KNOW FUCK ALL ABOUT WHATS MUSLIM BELLIVE AND WHO IS MUHAMMED, MUSLIM IS NOT TERORIST, IF ANY1 SAY IM MUSLIM AND I KILL HUMAN FOR ALLAH OTHER THAN STAND IN FRONT OF U JOHNNY I STAND FRONT OF THEM TO STOP IT THATS HEAD FUCK BELLIVE`S..... LOVE AND RESPECT FROM HACKER DARBE# 16 Feb 2006 @ 18:47 by johnnyboy @ : your spelling hacker darbe dude. your spelling's worse than mine. i don't understand a word you're saying. you're preaching to me about love and respect yet at the same time in your previous post you said you're going to "fuck" this website. and your name "hacker". 2+2=4/hellllllllllllloooooooooooooooo mcmuslim, what are people gonna think? learn to spell before posting, others might just take you seriously. 19 Feb 2006 @ 08:53 by Spanish Dude @ : All European life died in Auschwitz All European life died in Auschwitz By Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez(*) I walked down the street in Barcelona, and suddenly discovered a terrible truth - Europe died in Auschwitz. We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, and talent. We destroyed the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced great and wonderful people who changed the world. The contribution of this people is felt in all areas of life: science, art, international trade, and above all, as the conscience of the world. These are the people we burned. And under the pretence of tolerance, and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride. They have turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naïve hosts. And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition. We have exchanged the pursuit of peace of the Jews of Europe and their talent for hoping for a better future for their children, their determined clinging to life because life is holy, for those who pursue death, for people consumed by the desire for death for them- selves and others, for our children and theirs. What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe. (*) This is a summary of an article recently printed in a Spanish newspaper, but it applies to most countries of Western Europe. 20 Feb 2006 @ 11:17 by johhnyboy @ : biatches All those Muslims that are burning the Danish flag are a bunch of biatches and hos. Good god, why don't they just put panties around their turbans and lillies up their ass. It's a cartoon. Have some self control McMuslims! 24 Feb 2006 @ 09:34 by SYAZRIN ABD RAHMAN @ : MAYBE SOME OF THEM FROM DANISH ARE INVOL TO OUR FRIEND IN ISLAM,WE CANNOT BE A EMOTIONAL PEOPLE BECAUSE OUR PROPHET DID NOT LIKE WE ALL TO BE A JAHILLIAH PEOPLE..LET THEM PLAY,WE ALL SHOULD PLAY USE A BRAIN,MAYBE THEIR MOTHER AND FATHER ARE FRUSTRATED IN LIVE SO THEY USE A PROVOKATION TO MAKE OTHER PEOPLE LIKE THEM..LET THEM WITH THEIR LIVE LIKE A BABY IN DURING IMAGINATION PROCESS...MA ALLAH BLESS UR ALL PEOPLE..TO CHRISTIANITY,,ISLAM IS TRUTH... 2 Mar 2006 @ 06:59 by johnnyboy @ : syazrin abd rahman for all reading this topic that should have died about a month ago, the above posting is the blathering of a complete date eating, goat milking, sand bathing, non bathing, stinky, piece of camel crap. before posting, and making yourself look like a total idiot, try learning english before writing it you moron!. you need to be butt stroked with an m1 garand! 13 Mar 2006 @ 22:22 by prophetofthedevil @ : mohammed the nice guy Mohammed was not a peaceful man this is just an islamic lie. here is one link. i do not have the time to add other links http://www.flex.com/~jai/satyamevajayate/hell.html i think there is also prophetofdoom.net that give the otherside of the coin, the quotes and stories of mohammed that Muslims dont want you to read 28 Apr 2006 @ 17:59 by j,uç @ : qsdf feakyou fils de put anayin amiiiiiiiii je vais te peter gros q va on va vous arracher voter barbes du saint nicolas les sale chretiens(chretins) 28 Apr 2006 @ 18:05 by musulman @ : jhfge one day in any way all the world goes mourrirs and one will vera who will gain at the day of the judgement one is to us of the Moslem and will trust to be it and you etes mongolefiere the rooms chretiens 20 Jul 2006 @ 00:35 by Jack the Lad @ : Retards The reason Muslims preach about a Peaceful Muhammed and the great peadophile Allah and then endorse the killing of innocents is simple. They are backward retards. Centuries of incestuous breeding has produced the typical Muslim of today. They just cannot help themselves. Pray for them. 29 Aug 2006 @ 17:46 by Who killed mohammed cartoon makers? @ : freedom of speech? If there is freedom of speech in Jewish (Zionists, Romans, Protestant, media they would have published openly on TV how Allah killed the 2 Mohamed cartoon makers. 1 of theme was sitting in a restaurant and suddenly a swarm of at least a million killer honey bees attacked him. No one else sitting next to him got attacked by even 1 bee. The stings where on every millimetre of his body and even in his mouth, his longs and other internal organs including his balls. (Note many people have made evil, porn and fitly insult pictures of Jesus and Moses and noting happened to them.) The other mohamed cartoon maker died also a slow and terrible painful dead. And remember the Danish prime minister who said no need to apologise, first he looked very handsome like James Bond but now he got a diesis in his and he start looking like a baboon. Why don’t they publish this on T.V.? Otherwise everyone will no that those puppets, dummies and graves they worship don’t help theme against the punishment of Allah Anyway they are afraid of the reality. But they now that they are waiting to be guided by Satan and Omen Jesus is a Muslim! He shall come and help Muslims to fight puppet worshippers, dummy worshipper, grave worshippers and all the other followers of omen and satan. Finally jesus will help muslims to the row of Mohammed. And then he will Muslims to Allah! 9 Dec 2006 @ 12:43 by Pravo @ : hi nice to talk with us in your group 3 Jan 2007 @ 19:28 by esra @ : ...... dont worry you guys you will know that islam is the only way to go to HEAVEN!!! 7 Nov 2007 @ 18:57 by Fanie Ackerman @ : ISLAM EXPOSED !!!!!!!!! REAL QUOTES FROM ISLAM'S KORAN: http://answeringPROPHETOFDOOM.net/Islamic_Quotes.php "And KILL them where ever you find them..." Quran 2:191 http://answeringPROPHETOFDOOM.net/Islam_in_Action_Kill_Them_Where_Ever_You_Find_Them.php Know the real picture of Islam ... http://answeringPROPHETOFDOOM.net finally Exposed !!!! 11 Dec 2007 @ 00:33 by liberalsistah @ : shut the fuck up.... Fanny, now wonder you're named after a women's vagina, you're a fucking pussy when it comes to studying religious texts. we REAL Muslims don't say anything about those lunatics blowing up buildings, buses, walking down the streets shouting like raving loonies bcos 1. Half of the news reports are right winged bullshit fed to idiots like you 2. We don't really believe these lot are Muslim anyway. Well what they're doing isn't Islamic. It doesn't represent us. So what the hell are we supposed to say. If we were to blow ourselves up in front of buildings and in the middle of marches to fight these conservative wankers and prove ourselves to ignorant shits like you what would you say then? You wouldn't give a crap about any of our country's problems anyway, all you can do is talk, but face it, the only reason you raided our countries was for the oil. All these fucked up pratices like honour killings and all that shit were happening way before Islam. What the fuck did you do? You had plenty of time to act on it then didn't you? Instead you just sat on yr sorry asses waiting for any sign of wealth and then only did you start 'liberating countries from nasty terrorists'. Oh gee great timing! So if you never gave a damn about Muslims in other countries why the hell do you give a damn now? Don't bleat on about bombings and all that shit-these bwoys are just empty vessels spouting brainwashed crap taught by bigots who shoudl've stayed in their own country. You've got gangsters, gun crime, drunkards and stabbings on yr streets every fucking day and you want to focus all yr problems towards an 'ethnic minority' instead. Just face it-if it were the Ku Klux Klan or Adolf's boys going on the rampage you'd say we all deserve it and it keeps the east in the east and the west in the west. 28 Feb 2008 @ 08:13 by muhanned @ : wtf? Damit , these kids are everywhere playing and starting online dramas ... get off your pc before your mom wakes up , johonnyboy. 6 Mar 2008 @ 09:24 by adil @ : Ridiculous FUCK OFF THTAT BASTERDS...... 21 Mar 2008 @ 10:56 by bader @ : choose your language English http://www.islam-guide.com French http://www.islam-guide.com/fr Italy http://www.islam-guide.com/it Spanish http://www.islam-guide.com/es China http://www.islam-guide.com/cs / Japan http://www.islam-guide.com/jp / Germany http://www.islam-guide.com/de / 31 May 2010 @ 06:06 by noormohideen @ : Draw a Cartoon of your father To All anti-Islam. Do you think that we cannot draw cartoons of Jesus and other prophets/ Gods of their religion? How many million of muslims living in the universe, not even a single muslim ever draw a cartoon of Jesus, why because, We are good human being living our life according to the Quran. Not like Danish Pigs, we live a animal life in the world. Fuck All anti-muslims. Who ever support these kind of insults to our prophets, will be like the charcoal in the bottom of hell fire. We all muslim would see this happen in a here after. Dont worry we will teach you "Animals" a good lesson in this world too. All anti-muslims will be destroyed. There is no wonder in saying, Pig eating people have same attitude like PIGs. I thank all muslims who said their words against this shits. Noor Mohideen Nickname: koothanallur Noor Mohideen 30 Apr 2016 @ 01:17 by Brandilyn @ : UBctpZZYlly things about not wanting to sit next to them on a plane. I can’t remember if he said that they shn;1doRl7ut be allowed to fly or whether they should be charged extra for their seats, but it was mean. Some magazine actually saw fit to publish that article which is just as appalling. Since that day I have been a die hard anti-fan.Other than that I support your request for the image to be removed by 94.7. I happen to be a fan of their sister station here in the Cape. Other entries in Religion 6 Oct 2015 @ 03:38: NEW AGE: LUCIFER’S PREFERRED RELIGION, REPLACES GREAT RELIGIONS 11 Dec 2008 @ 21:17: Bless the beasts and the children 27 Aug 2008 @ 08:32: Theology of the Other 27 Feb 2008 @ 09:48: CHURCH CRIMES: WHO EXPOSES? WHO PAYS? 25 Jun 2007 @ 11:12: When Christians Torture 22 May 2007 @ 10:08: Who Is Davis Mac-Iyalla And Why Is He Here? 9 Aug 2006 @ 15:56: Constantine - The Making of a Saint 4 Aug 2006 @ 22:56: Medieval Book of Psalms Unearthed 3 Aug 2006 @ 11:06: Fundamental Madness 2 Aug 2006 @ 23:32: Implications of the Da Vinci Code