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New Civilization News: How dare you! NASA |
Category: Extraterrestrials 8 comments 7 Feb 2004 @ 09:28 by vibrani : That's righthow dare they! Guess the figure they own Mars, too. The last photos are good - obviously NOT rover tire tracks. How would they explain the perfect circle undisturbed? The object in the sky - is that the second thing NASA sent to Mars? If not, no reason it couldn't be an ET craft, since Phobos is a hang-out for a number of reasons. The first object with the rabbit ears - at first I thought it might be a dust-devil...but it could be part of NASA's debris. Thanks for posting this, Bushman. Any response from NASA about their cover-up? I wrote to NASA myself to comments@hq.nasa.gov and then received a reply to send inquires to public-inquiries@hq.nasa.gov: Dear NASA: I noticed that a few objects photographed on Mars were initially published but then they were changed. One was of an object in the skies, visible from the Martian surface; another was a circle with spokes (like a picture of the sun with rays); another was of an object that maybe one of yours (not sure), dust-devil like with rabbit ears, or is it something organic? In any case, why are you covering them up and acting like they don't exist? If you are seeking answers to life on Mars, there is plenty of evidence if you don't keep hiding it from the public that is paying your salaries and funding these missions. As a taxpayer, I feel I and the public have a right to know EVERYTHING you find on Mars. Personally, I KNOW life existed on Mars in the past. There were canals, water, ice, cities, and there was a major disaster when meteors and asteroids pelted the planet causing fires and tidal waves and destroyed a lot of life there. There are tornadoes and were volcanos. And I didn't need science, or NASA, in order to know this. Please don't think the public is ignorant or unable to access information in unusual ways. (end of email) 7 Feb 2004 @ 09:51 by bushman : Those are bag marks. See if I can find the pic, but those circles are from the airbags. Remember the oppertunity rover rolled down into a small crater. {http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/press/opportunity/20040126a.html} At the link below, is the airbag info, at the bottom of the page, but you will also notice all the 360 pan shots have been cut down to like 260 view, all have the rabbit eared object removed from them. {http://marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov/gallery/press/opportunity/20040128a.html} 7 Feb 2004 @ 09:53 by vibrani : Airbags? I don't think so. I think because of the air and rover movement, the circle would not remain so clear and intact like that - with spokes going out from it like sunrays. It's like an open parachute, almost. I'm not saying everything NASA does is suspect or a cover-up, but I do think some things aren't so easily explained. And them removing the rabbit-eared item is weird and merits an explanation from them. 7 Feb 2004 @ 10:07 by bushman : Try it :} Find some soft dry dirt and drop a basket ball on it, it will leave a print, and remember that gravity on Mars is less than here, so picture a 4 sided object, a tetrahedron with 3 balls on each side, the air bags, bouncing in a semi slow motion. But its fact those are bounce marks from the landing. The really clear one right next to the lander basicly shows that the lander basicly tiped over real slow as its last roll. Basicly they deflate the air bags in such a way to cause the lander to be right side up after it comes to a hault. It's so lame though that they would want to hide anything they find, with our money none the less, lol. But maybe I'm not seeing thier angle of thought, like you and I both know what went on , on Mars. I figured it out from Native American drawings, so, they arn't really hidding anything really, because if you accualy spend the time looking at all the info that is out there, it's obviouse that something was going on and that there is a direct connection with Earth and Mars. But it's the 21st century for gods sake, it's time for the whole truth, with pics, lol. 7 Feb 2004 @ 10:37 by vibrani : Bushman I do understand that and I have no doubts that some of the marks are from landing. But do you think that the air is completely still on Mars? 7 Feb 2004 @ 10:50 by bushman : Well The air bags on the lander use nitrogen as the gas they get filled with before impact. But ya, I saw the pic on NASA TV of a Mars with blue sky, obviously the wind wasn't blowing dust around, that says there is more oxygen than what is being told. Also though, Mars suposedly has mostly a carbon dioxide atmoshere, heavyer than air, a larger partical, so in a lower gravity setting, if you were on Mars and could breath, you would feel the heavy air around you, it might feel like walking thru water, it would flow around you just like water does. Matter of fact, what I know of fluid dynamics is that carbon dioxide in its gasous state would be clear and heavy enough to accually carve those channels like invisable water. Mars express got a hi res pic of a dust fall in progress, heavy carbon dioxide pouring off the edge of a crater. So I'm seeing flow of an invisable ocean of carbon dioxide, and large pockets of breathable air moving about the planet, as well just the flow of carbon dioxide into a lower spot would cause lots of wind. Again try it :} get some dry ice and watch how it flows around stuff as like water seeking its level. Try setting 2 pieces of dry ice next to each other and see how the fog interacts with itself, very intresting. You might find this intresting too, most the Natives out here lived on the tops of mesa's, on Mars, the breathable air would be at the tops of mesa's. It's a tossup as to if it can be called wind as we know it, the tornados and dust devils, could be eddie currents in a sea of invisable heavy carbon dioxide. Just the rotation of the planet and heating from the sun, could cause major carbon dioxide movment. 9 Feb 2004 @ 13:09 by Adi @ : NASA & Mars, etc. NASA's Charter says that it must release all data to the public unless it is considered to be a threat, i.e. military... The Oversight Officer at NASA who's been in charge of clearing all data before it's released to the public has been Ret. Admiral Bobby Inman, formerly the head of the NSA... For 20 years of more NASA has had a photo retouch lab that systematically airbrushes all UFOs out of all of their photos before releasing them to the public... There are various ETs on Mars (and on the Moon), and the US military-intelligence agencies consider them a threat because the ETs have us way out-gunned... and because the ETs have told us not to return to the Moon or Mars since we were ready to send a nuclear bomb to the Moon and explode it as an experiment to see what would happen! 9 Feb 2004 @ 14:21 by bushman : Drones Russia has drone type rovers on Mars, they figured that a multipropellered skipper rover, was the way to go. Thats how I would do it, since as you notice, our rovers, can't cover alot of distance. So as we know russia has had how many landers/rovers on Venus, and now even those old pics with todays tech, are pretty cool. Russia has us beat by 20 years or more probe wise. So thier Mars probe probable can move long distaces fast, and have the ability to hover to see over stuff, so they can calculat a jump to a new spot, as well, the Russians have advanced heleum tech, so they could have a rover, with a blimp cam thing they can reel out and look around when theres little wind, easy rover tech, off the shelf stuff I could buy at home depot and radio shack, our rovers, are bilet drilled proto type stuff, that old as heck, makes you wonder, what they were thinking putting a 20mhz cpu chip, when I got a 300mhz cpu chip right here on my desk thats 3 years older than our rover program, lol. Well, lol, the beings on jupiter arn't happy, I bet, since we dumped 70lbs of encapsulated plutonium on them. Now that I think about it, things on this planet havent been the same since we pulled that stunt, but at least they didnt crash it onto Europa. Dumping stuff like that onto the sun sould be ok though I think, just not cost effective. And just letting them go into deep space, I could see us running it over in 100 years because we forgot about it, lol. Other entries in Extraterrestrials 30 Aug 2008 @ 22:45: A candle for Edward Elmer 2 May 2008 @ 10:10: The Hunab Ku coming into Focus; NOW 12 Nov 2007 @ 13:08: RECONNECT and RE-MEMBER! Relationship Report for November 13 Aug 2007 @ 22:18: Creating the EarthStar Creation Civilization 24 Jul 2006 @ 17:46: Aliens, Allies and Discernment 7 Jul 2006 @ 21:39: Hidden Contact -- The Fermi Paradox and The Deardorff Hypothesis 1 Jul 2006 @ 16:19: UFOs, Rainbows and Bare Earth 23 Jun 2006 @ 18:34: Response to Space.com 'Ten Alien Encounters Debunked' 18 Jun 2006 @ 19:50: 2006 Crop Circle.. 18 Jul 2005 @ 17:15: Seth Shostak's Glass House