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New Civilization News: Library of Alexandria discovered. |
Category: History, Ancient World 9 comments 15 May 2004 @ 10:56 by skookum : I know they were looking for itwouldn't be wonderful if they found some of it. Thought that great library had been totally destroyed though. this is exciting news to keep tabs on for sure I wonder if my friend from Cairo knows anything... 15 May 2004 @ 11:09 by martha : Many books came from Ephese Turkey to fill the great library of Alexandria per a treaty. and then they were all lost! 17 May 2004 @ 02:43 by vaxen : Hypatia... should be remembered. Many scrolls were secreted away. The Sinai was used for this as there are many caves there and whole underground cities that were build when Egypt mined copper there long before Solomon (Shlomo Ha Melech) became king and took over the mines. I've been to a few of them. That's top secret knowledge incidentally. During the war in 73 (Milhemet Yom Ha Kiporiim) several were found by IDF that had been used by Egypt for guns and hashish. The Hashish was burned all in one day. I'll never forget it. I was in Kibbutz Eilot at the time, Paratrooper regiment (Tzalchaniim), and the smoke from the burning hashish came as far North as Eilat and our Kibbutz was a few kilometers down the road so... We were literally 'stoned' for days! Zahi is a strange little man. I met him when I was looking for antiquities in the old city of Jerusalem. I never trusted him and still do'nt. http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Hypatia.html 17 May 2004 @ 08:12 by bushman : Hmm Ya, I dont know if I trust Zahi either, lol. I'm sure he has found a few things that would cause people to think more clearly about what was really going on back then, wepons of mass destruction, can be manmade insects as well. As for the knowledge that could fall into the wrong hands from there, Zahi is probably the right man for the job. Just how many layers have been deposited since then? And why has it turned to stone? I know the layers I see here are the same layers in France, the same layers in Afganastan , Iraq, Egypt. 300ft of deposition covered all these places and turned to stone, It's like clock work, many layers of red clays then a 3in layer of white stuff, then some white sand and a volcanic layer covering that, then back to the red clays to repeet the same layering order, I see 3 times this has happened, spaning 900ft. The 3in white bands are from large meteor impacts, even the geologists agree the most obviouse one is the 65 million year mark, from the Yucatan impact. 25 May 2004 @ 08:23 by newdawn @ : secrets zahi keeps the ancient Egyptian secrets to himself and those who pay him to do so... but eventually it will be no longer possible to supress the truth 6 Oct 2004 @ 23:01 by astrid : Don't you think.... ...Zahi works for the "Elite"-loonies...and that they still have their Need for --not only GREED but-- SECRETS like the WMD's!..( haven't we all witnessed this "need for secrets" these past four years, if not before!....)which in reality are nothing LESS than the 30.000 thousand Clay Tablets that were found in a hermetically sealed underground room, nicely stacked on shelves...Only a couple thousand of those were taken out from there and studied(???...) by (Mainstream-)scientists, according to D.Icke. They are said to tell the whole Mesopotamian /Assyrian (= modern day Ireq!!!...)History all the way from the Atlantis destruction onward.... Now, I can think of MANY who wants such information / knowledge to remain secret --or at least to remain in "right hands" so to speak... I don't hold my breath as far as the Library of Alexandria goes either. We really don't know if it indeed ever burned, or if that was just staged or even just a rumor put into motion till most people eventually took it for granted as "Truth" and the books; the vital --TRUTH-REVEALING-- info was then secretly confiscated and taken, like Vaxen mentioned, into well hidden caves, etc. in Sinai and to other similar places. One suggested "Hotspot" for "cosmic" info has "always" been the Gobi Desert. What do guys think? 7 Oct 2004 @ 00:26 by bushman : Astrid Well I supose they could of just cleaned it out, moved all the stuff, maybe even loaded it on those 48 ships the Phonicians built for the people escaping from the romans. WMD, the anciant superpower of India wrote about stuff that could be considered WMD. You might read all of this, theres 3-4 pages in collom form. I think I might have found one of these ships that suposedly eascaped, right here in Sedona. {http://www.ancientamerican.com/article30p1.htm} 7 Oct 2004 @ 19:08 by astrid : I looked up .... the link you provided. I didn't quite make the Sedona connection yet. But, it will take me some time to read it all from "your" link....plus the links to the link!..... Thanks. It never stops amaze me the Things we continue to find /out! This once again proves that the more we know the less we know! :) But it sure stirrs up the Imagination, doesn't it though?! You know, the Alexandria "Story" has never rang true with my Soul.... and I have NO --other-- reason to take such a stand!!!....I totally understand that.... but I just can't help it!....It has always FELT like a bogus story/LIE in order to protect SOMEBODY's secret!....even in times when I knew nothing of "conspiratiorial "elite-loonies behaviour/motives!..... What can I say.... :-0 / :-) 7 Oct 2004 @ 21:09 by astrid : I looked up .... the link you provided. I didn't quite make the Sedona connection yet. But, it will take me some time to read it all from "your" link....plus the links to the link!..... Thanks. It never stops amaze me the Things we continue to find /out! This once again proves that the more we know the less we know! :) But it sure stirrs up the Imagination, doesn't it though?! 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