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New Civilization News: Beyond Atlantis - Egyptian symbols & UFO's |
Category: History, Ancient World 22 comments 16 Nov 2001 @ 05:47 by kay : Interesting question you pose....There are many medival painting of the Annunciation, John's Baptism and the shepards following the star that show UFOs in the background. There are ancient cave drawings of UFOs as well. My news log contains these links for those interested. I think I posted them to you already. Thanks for all that you do. 16 Nov 2001 @ 09:32 by sea : Links from Kay Kay, Yes, I do have them and you will see some references in parts 2 & 3. I hate going to a web page that is too long, it gets to my patience trying to read & absorb it all. Because of that, I try to keep my articles to 600 words or less. With all the info I have been sent or researched on this, I will have to break it into sections or create a page that annoys me. :-) I do apologize, the second part should have been ready today & is not even started. My injury has been bothering me the last week or so, and has been ruining my concentration. I will be getting it up. :-) Thanks, Sea :-) 13 Nov 2007 @ 02:29 by Ron Kernodle Jr...........USAF Vet @ : Bronze Artifact............Atlantis When I was about 14 years old, in the 1970s, living in Hampton Virginia. There was a man living in our aparttment complex, that said he used to dive off the coast of Bahamas. He called it Bimini. He showed me an artifact that was made of what looked like bronze, or some type of metal. It looked like a "key" that could have been inserted into a slot. It has a raised Hump, like an eye looking device, then had 3 lines of symbols, with a map looking device. Which showed a spacecraft looking object, that was originating from a star looking universe. the symbols were weird looking, and i have never seen them again. I kept a drawing of this object for years, until later as an adult. I was in the US Air Force and kept this drawing until after I had received an Honorable Discharge. Several years after I had gotten my Discharge from the USAF, i started thinking about this drawing. I felt at the time, that it was some kind of evil thing, so i burned it on fire in my sink. I have never, seen another item like it, ot symbology that even resembled it. The only remembrance I have of this object, is now embeded in my mind. I can only remember a couple of the symbols, but i know it is in my mind. I am trying to recreate this image, but am having difficulty. I am a saved, Born Again Christian, so maybe this is why. Ron 13 Nov 2007 @ 03:24 by bushman : lol Yes after Antlantis and Lumeria were desroryed, all the survivors decided that all technologies were evil, so they baned them, this is why the Native Americans knew about the wheel but never made or used them. And so now in modern times evil abounds and Christians still think mankind and the Earth is only 6000 years old. And now in modern times people think global warming is caused by mans tech, and again the Earth will be destroyed by it. Its our Sun, this is why anciant peoples worshiped the Sun as thier God, but in this time man has become sheep to govs and religions that are a big lie, your bible tells you so, that in the end times everything will be backwards. Good will be bad and bad will be good. True evil is your own mind, too lazy to find the truth and putting your freewill into the hands of evil to make your decisions for you. 29 Feb 2008 @ 16:46 by Sirius @ : Atlantis My theory is Before Noah’s flood around 90,000-35,000 B.C.E., mankind lived to be nearly 1000 years old, and they had the intelligence much greater than our intelligence of today. They used 100% percent of their brains… Think what a person could accomplish under these conditions, having a useful life span of hundreds of years. Science and technology would advance very rapidly. Machines and other devices would rapidly become extremely sophisticated. All fields of science would progress with astonishing speed. In fact, we, today, are just now approaching the level of technology the people enjoyed before the flood. During these ancient times, there were mad scientists (angel-demons) and their children the (Giants) who cloned anything they wanted. - (Genesis 6) the mythological Greek-mythology animals were real; they were genetic experiments produced by these 200 annunaki and their children the giants. Just as men are doing today, before the flood the Giants of Genesis 6 were experimenting with DNA, genes, and genomes. They were trying to create life, to create clones, just as people are trying to do today. They were cloning and biologically engineering many of the life forms that Yahweh created, and they were very successful at it. They were successful at it because they were two thirds god and one thirds men. This is the term ‘When Knowledge of the Gods was lowered to earth’ the reason it was lowered was because ……... angels got earth woman pregnant’ below shows proof of this genetic hybrid race of giants.... There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. - Genesis 6:4 The ‘Giants’ forced the indigenous people out of their own establishments and forced them into total submission. They used the indigenous people for controlled experimentation of biological D.N.A. cross breeding manipulation. Perhaps some of this cloning and genetic engineering got a little out of hand, and creatures (hybrids) were produced that raised havoc with other on the adobe of the earth. The ‘Giants’ would take the D.N.A. of a human and mix it with the D.N.A. of an animal then they would genetically manipulate it. The Egyptians worshiped hybrid creations that these advanced giants who were advanced in technology created. Egyptian sun gods such as Ra, Thoth, Anibus, Sekhemet, Osiris and many other Egyptian sun gods were the result of some of this cloning between animals and man it was genetic engineering manipulating designed by these ‘Giants’ who were called ‘ The Gods’. This is the reason the flood came…….. Atlantis was Eden. Compare these two legends. Each was our mother-civilization or the place where we originated. Each was a Paradise. Each fell and mankind had to leave in disgrace. There was a Great Flood that covered all of the land. Sea shells were found on top of Mount Everest. There is water erosion on the Sphinx. All land is a sedimentary deposit. Many Noahs sailed during Water- world. The Chinese have their old stories of an Ark and a Great Deluge. Numerous Indian cultures have their legends of a Flood, a Noah and an Ark. Most people do not believe in the Biblical story of Noah because of a basic problem: How could a few people gather ALL the animals, feed and care for them on board a ship for months? The answer comes from...who controlled the Earth thousands of years ago? The angels (the humans with the technology) built the Arks, collected the animals and caused the rains. The chosen animals were probably the best examples of their specie and worthy of being saved. It is scientifically possible to place a life form in suspended animation reduced down to its DNA. This was the cargo within the Arks. The samples of DNA would be revived, later, after the waters receded. Nowhere in the Bible does it mention that Noah went out and gathered each animal. It only says Noah brought them into the Ark. If the 'life canisters' were all assembled for the Noahs by the gods and the simple people merely carried them in and secured them in place, then this does explain the Noah story. The world began again. In Genesis, it says that after the Flood: Noah went to live with the 'gods.' This was one of the few plural references that survived the editors of the Bible. The reference 'gods' was later changed to the singular 'God.' The simplified term was changed to accommodate a world that had become extremely simple. It is not far-fetched how the people of Earth could divide itself into two races; a simple one and a complex one. If a nuclear war happened today, the survivors would continue in tribal communities. After generations, they would forget what technology was. But, the few who knew of the coming nuclear devastation and even caused it...would have protected themselves and be the few who still possess advanced knowledge. These 'gods' could deal with the numerous primitives as they saw fit. This concept is ancient history. Civilization did not begin 5,000 BCE. That is way incomplete; Civilization for Homo sapiens began 10,000 BCE. Civilization for the offspring of the ‘gods’ the Anunnaki the men of renown began in 90,000 BCE. Utnapishtim/Noah sailed to the new world 13,600 years ago. The pyramids had to be built around 13,000 BCE. Enoch is said to have played a role of the building with the Anunnaki beings. Graham Hancock is the one who discovered that the pyramids line up with the constellation of Orion. As for the Anunnaki beings who came from above I honestly believe that civilization was created by them before the creation of Adam, some 400,000 or 500,000 years ago. The reason Atlantis had to exist is because as we read in the Epic of Gilgamesh he is stated that before he reached the city of the ‘gods’ he could see it shining before he even reached it. Ibid (Epic of Gilgamesh) -Epic of Gilgamesh The ‘Zep Tepi’ legend tales about how Enoch walked among the stars if Orion and out of the program dwelling with the gods. This same case is the reason Gilgamesh refused to die by him making a tower as a launch pad he wanted to become immortal just like Gilgamesh. The ancient ones who modified the pyramids were Giants from Lemuria and Atlantis 25,000 BCE and master ascended ones such as Enoch… They are the ones who modified the pyramids as a corridor for angelic gods who rode in spaceships. The capstone would glow into the constellation of Orion…, singling and directing where the gods could initiate to land in the Sinai space port… What if the constellation Orion was a sign to the Giants ……the good Giants who survived the flood…. Atlantis & Lemuria was civilizations before Adam & Eve was created some 400,000 BCE. These beings that created this civilization were the Anunnaki ‘Those from above who came down’’, When Yahweh and his group of intelligent beings created man, he was over twice as tall as he is today. “There were giants in the earth in those days;” (Genesis 6:4). Before Noah’s flood, mankind lived to be nearly 1000 years old, and he had intelligence much greater than our intelligence today. Think what a person could accomplish under these conditions, having a useful life span of hundreds of years. Science and technology would advance very rapidly. Machines and other devices would rapidly become extremely sophisticated. All fields of science would progress with astonishing speed. In fact, we, today, are just now approaching the level of technology the people enjoyed before the flood. The Bible says that at the end of our world, conditions will be just like they were before the world was destroyed by the flood. Most people do not believe in the Biblical story of Noah because of a basic problem: How could a few people gather ALL the animals, feed and care for them on board a ship for months? The answer comes from...who controlled the Earth thousands of years ago? The angels (the humans with the technology) built the Arks, collected the animals and caused the rains. The chosen animals were probably the best examples of their specie and worthy of being saved. It is scientifically possible to place a life form in suspended animation reduced down to its DNA. This was the cargo within the Arks. The samples of DNA would be revived, later, after the waters receded. Nowhere in the Bible does it mention that Noah went out and gathered each animal. It only says Noah brought them into the Ark. If the 'life canisters' were all assembled for the Noah’s by the gods and the simple people merely carried them in and secured them in place, then this does explain the Noah story. During these ancient times, there were mad scientists (angel-demons) who cloned anything they wanted. The mythological animals were real; they were genetic experiments. Also, wars of the gods occurred. Nuclear warfare was not beyond the capability of the angels. Robert Oppenheimer, creator of modern atomics and a student of early books of India knew that nuclear wars happened in the Old World. The deserts of today are the result of ancient, atomic wars. Assuming that these conclusions are true: The Great Flood was probably green-lighted by good gods who wanted to reduce high radiation levels. Also...the perverted creatures and their power-crazed, genetic engineers needed to be eliminated on a global scale. The Earth was a mess and needed to be wiped clean. There was a Great Flood that covered all of the land. Sea shells were found on top of Mount Everest. There is water erosion on the Sphinx. All land is a sedimentary deposit. Many Noah’s sailed during water-world. The Chinese have their old stories of an Ark and a Great Deluge. Numerous Indian cultures have their legends of a Flood, a Noah and an Ark. The world began again. In Genesis, it says that after the Flood: Noah went to live with the 'gods.' This was one of the few plural references that survived the editors of the Bible. The reference 'gods' was later changed to the singular 'God.' The simplified term was changed to accommodate a world that had become extremely simple. Atlantis was Eden. Compare these two legends. Each was our mother-civilization or the place where we originated. Each was a Paradise. Each fell and mankind had to leave in disgrace. 500,000 years ago beings from another star system came to our planet to create and civilization another race of beings. The name they would give these beings was ‘’mankind’’. These ancient tribes of the east were the eastern Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians and Hebrews. These civilizations civilized from over 12 to 5 thousand years ago or even older dates found on tablets that tell of tales hundreds of thousands years ago. Also how did this populated civilization just come about called ‘Sumer’ the first civilization of Hamites, Cushites and Shemites? Did these gods from the stars take them from another planet built them a civilization here on their new planet named ‘Mother Earth’ and then promised they would come back? They did because archeologists have found ancient artifacts all around Mesopotamia that go past human understanding, artifacts dating back over thousands of years when the Anunnaki meaning the ark angelic beings of God walked the earth. After they would finish in their laboratory they could have in fact dropped highly advanced technologically pieces of their temporary laboratory and not notice it, leaving the off spring of ancient ancestors discovering it millions of years later. Other civilizations flourished shortly after the Sumerian civilization. The most ancient tablet was found in UR a Sumerian Civilization that tell of gods who Rhode on the wings of the wind in spaceships as well as Egyptian hieroglyphics and Babylonian and Israel Phoenician Hebrew tablets hind on the same concept. Many ancient tablets written in Egyptian language and the Phoenician tell of alien beings that came from another planet and metallic spaceships. The east is the place where most of the sons of God or giants inhabited our ancient forefathers. Homo erectus and Homo sapiens (p) are remains of giant’s not Homo sapiens mankind now, God created a race of giants before he sent his angels to grand design the Homo sapiens race. The sons of God or giants built monuments in the creator’s name. 9 Mar 2008 @ 14:56 by rollo @ : atlantis is not so old have you ever heard that in ancient egypt priests used lunar calendar and not our solar? In lunar calendar one year means one month. So fact is that Atlantis was not destroyed in 9000 BC but in 1 200 BC. In this year flew comet Encke over the Earth and caused big catastrophe. Atlantis, Ugarit, Mycenas and many other towns were destroyed. So the story from Plato is true but it is not so old. 3 Apr 2008 @ 01:26 by Ron Kernodle Jr. @ : Aliens Here's the deal.......... Aliens are nothing more than satan's demons............occupying the 1st,2nd Heaven. GOD ALLMIGHTY occupies the 3rd heaven and HIS Angels. Any ufo's that supposedly exist, are only satan and his demons. They can't be included in the 3rd Heaven, so they are pissed.................knowing that they are going to burn in the LAKE OF FIRE. They are awaiting Judgement Day. As long as they can confound man, they will try to take YOU with them. Do you really want to follow them? 10 Apr 2008 @ 23:31 by Blanca @ : Hebrew Alphabet Does anyone have knowledge of books connecting UFO symbols to the hebrew alphabet. According to the hebrews they were given theire written letters by an angel (I'd say a good alien). 12 Apr 2008 @ 22:17 by Vibe @ : alphabet Angels and ETS are interdimensional beings - often different aspects and incarnations of ourselves. Angelic writing is a little different from Hebrew, but many ancient languages were shared by beings from off-planet. You might want to check out "The Keys of Enoch" by JJ Hurtok. 8 Jun 2008 @ 00:11 by Ron Kernodle jr @ : Only JESUS Saves UFO's are only a way of satan trying to dominate you. He was kicked out of Heaven, and now he's pissed. Only JESUS Saves. satan will ty to bullshit you in to thinking there are many ways to salvation. he is wrong. Only JESUS SAVES. satan is smart, but he will burn in the Lake Of Fire. Don't let him take you with him, trust in JESUS to Save you. Thanks...............Ron JESUS LOVES YOU! \ 7 Jul 2008 @ 18:41 by Vik @ : in freedom we trust And who does Jesus serves, and how do we know that HE is really GOOD? Who is right here and who is wrong, but Christians seems so brainwashed that only their God is really a good guy, who know what is right and what is wrong. What is right that we need to destroy all the weapons on planet and stop being so stupidly greedy and love each other, care about each other, help each other and share food and resources with each other. Stop the wars, stop the hate.. Stop following stupid religions and stupid world leaders and start living the true freedom that all of us humans have right to. 18 Sep 2008 @ 18:37 by Templar Mason @ : The Antichrist is from Atlantis See http://www.grailcode.net 21 Sep 2008 @ 01:12 by Apu @ : Atlantis true location in the East We have been looking for atlantis in the wrong direction, true atlantis is right next to Mu, the motherland of all mankind. follow the link http://www.atlan.org/articles/checklist/ 21 Sep 2008 @ 03:05 by APULU @ : True site of Atlantis, Sitchin is wrong True site of Atlantis, Sitchin is wrong We have been looking for atlantis in the wrong direction, true atlantis is right next to Mu, the motherland of all mankind. In his book lost realms, zecharia sitchin wrongly places these fabled lands: cattigara, el dorado, chreosonese or gold islands, blessed isles, isles of bliss, utopia, lands of mist, aviglone, tarshish and ophir, cassiteros, aztlan- motherland of the red race the mayans aztecs american indians, suvarnadvipa, serendip, land of punt- motherland of the ancient egyptians, troy-motherland of the greeks, lanka-motherland of the aryans and the dravidians, dilmun and edin - motherland of the sumerians. All of these should point to the location of Mu, the sunken continent of Sunda shelf, giving rise to the 7 subcontinents of Lemurian Atlantis The 7 Golden Cities of Cibola, the true eldorado, namely the Philippines, Sumatra, Celebes, New Guinea, Borneo, Java and Malay Peninsula- True site OF Paradise It is a sad Orwellian tragedy that we are being duped by this Big Brother of the world. Anyway their time is almost up and are in panic mode with the final collapse of The Global Financial System, and the ensuing World War III between NATO allies versus The Gog and Magog Muslim Middle Easterns-Iran allied with Russia and its allies like China and saving the world from inevitable collapse with the return to power of the Maharlikan Pinoys with the Philippine Gold and Deuterium-Cold Fusion, rising like the Phoenix just like in Ancient times The Sunken Mu, Lemuria, The Motherland, True Eden, The Rising Atlantis, Greater India, Suvarnadvipa, True site Of King Solomon's Mines, Blessed Isles, Chreosonese, Gold Islands, Zabag, Kingdom of Sapa/Savaiki/Hawaiiki-birthplace of the polynesians/True Java, true site of Sri Vijayan empire, Land of Punt-homeland of the Ancient Egyptians, Serendip, True Sri Lanka, Fusang island-homeland of the Chinese, true site of the homeland of the Aryans and the Dravidians, Kingdom of Prester John-Nestorian King The MahaRaja of Greater India, True site of Troy-birthplace of the Ancient Greeks, Lequios- birthplace of the Japanese, East Indies, Pearl of the Orient Seas, The Seven Golden Cities of Cibola -Java Sumatra Philippines New Guinea Borneo Celebes Malay Peninsula, true site of El Dorado, Aztlan- birthplace of the Aztecs Mayans and the American Indians, Shamballah, New Jerusalem, Tarshish and Ophir follow these links... http://asiapacificuniverse.com/pkm/szpintro.htm http://asiapacificuniverse.com/pkm/medie.htm http://raefdargon.mysticblogs.com/2008/03/02/philippines-from-a-cosmic-vantage-point-stargate-maharloka-planetary-chi/ http://www.atlan.org/articles/checklist/ http://www.atlan.org/articles/navajos/ http://asiapacificuniverse.com/pkm/shambhala.htm http://asiapacificuniverse.com/pkm/presterjohn.htm http://asiapacificuniverse.com/pkm/spiceroutes.htm http://asiapacificuniverse.com/pkm/sanfotsizabag.htm http://asiapacificuniverse.com/pkm/lockingdom.htm http://www.atlan.org/articles/true_history/ http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9845/austro.htm http://pl.net/~keithr/rfc2001113OriginsEden.html enjoy reading 20 Oct 2008 @ 07:15 by Chick @ : Atlantis and Eden and the Earth "Atlantis was a beautiful island utopia that sunk in the bottom of the sea" says Plato. Atlantis maybe Eden in reality or maybe the Earth is Eden or the Atlantis because Plato used legends as his teachings that describes a philosophical things so we should think of Atlantis , Eden , Earth as a single philosophical part of a philosophical dialogue. 6 May 2009 @ 04:00 by Andrew J.Bennett Jr. @ : Earth 360 degree turn The earth in the time of Atlantis was different from what it is today and Plato earth.The north polo was the south polo.The earth was one big land mass.West was east.If you turn a modern day globe upside down you will see the big picture.The main city of Atlantis is located in the Indian ocean. 28 May 2009 @ 15:29 by gemarr collier @ : ancient khemit and atlantis mystery Its truly sad to see how many people just say anything and give credit to anybody just as long as they dont give the africans credit.What is being done is racist and just plain stupid.there is no atlantis mystery atlantis was the minoan civilazation around crete and knossos that was destroyed by a volcano.it had island laid out in rings and the minoans had a fresca painting that was found by scientists that showed the rings the islands used to be in still preserved.The funny thing is the palace of knossos was built as an exact replica of memphis in egypt to honor the god ptah.Point one atlantis/crete is a younger civilaztion than ancient khemit/egypt.Point 2 THE EGYPTIANS ARE THE ONES WHO COLONIZED THE AREA AND INSTALLED THER BELIEF SYSTEM INTO THE MINON SOCITEY.THE KING WAS EVEN APPOINTED BY THE PHAROAHS.THE SYMBOLISM AND WRITINGS ON PALACES AND BUILDING SO THE PROOF PLUS THE EGYPTIANS KEPT RECORD ON CRETE WHICH YOU CAN READ FOR YOURSELF.ANCIENT KHEMIT WAS THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF CIVILIZATION EVER ACHIEVED.tHEY LIVED IN COMPLETE HARMONAY WITH NATURE AND THE UNIVERSE AND REACHED THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF SPRITUAL KNOWLEDGE WHICH IS WHY THEY WERE ABLE TO INVENT GEOMETRY CHEMISTY PSYCOLOGY WRITNG ATROLOGY AND GIVE RISE TO ALL CIVILAZATIONS. ALL THIS WAS TOUGHT IN THE KHEM MYSTERTY SCHOOLS.(KHEM+MYSTERY=CHEMISTRY)MOSES,JESUS(A TRUE GNOSTIC)AND ALL GREEK PHILOSIPHERS ALL ATTEND THE MYSTERY SCHOOLS TO RAISE THERE SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE TO UNDERSTAND THE WORLD.ALL RELIGONS ARE A CHEAP CLONE RIPPED WRITE OUT OF THE PYRAMID TEXT BUT THE RELIGONS YOU HAVE TODAY DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT GOD IS OUR HOW TO RAISE YOUR SPIRITUAL LEVELS.THE GARDEN OF EVE WAS NOT IN MESOPATAMIA(EASTERN ETHIOPIAN EMPIRE AT THE TIME)BUT IN THE WESTERN ETHIOPIAN EMPIRE.tHIS IS VERIFIED IN ALL THE OLDER BIBLES EXCEPT THE RACIST NEWEST AMERICAN VERSION WHICH HAS BEEN CHANGED FOR RACIST PURPOSES.ALL THE PROOF TO EVERYTHING i SAY IS OUT THERE THE EVIDENCE IS NOT LOST AS WESTERN SCIENTIST WILL HAVE YOU BELIVE.THE PURPOSE FOR ALL THESE LIES IS SO ALL THESE CHEAP CLONE SECRET SOCIETY CAN GO AROUND PRETENDING THEY KNOW SECRETS AND THAT THEY INVENTED MASONARY WHICH IS A LIE.MASONARY COME FROM AFRICA IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HYRAM ABIFF.THE FREEMASON TRY YO CLAIM DIRECT DESENT FROM EGYPT AND HAVE JUST GIVIN THEMSELVES THE THE TITLE PROTECTOR OF THE SECRETS AND THEY BUILD CHEAP RAGADY TEMPLES ALL OVER THE WORLD WITH HOPES OF RECREATING THE MYSTERY SCHOOL FROM ANCIENT KHEMIT.IF YOU DOUBT ANY OF THIS JUST LOOK AT THE WAY THE POPE DREES.LIKE A CHEAP CLONE OF A PHAROAH SPRAEDING A MESSAGE OF DEATH NOT UNITY.ISLAM,CHRISTIANITY,JUDISM, THE KABBALLAH, ARE ALL CLONES OF THE MYSTERY SCHOOLS.ITS A SHAME MOST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CANT SEE WRITE THROUGH ALL THIS BULLSHIT.ANYONE WHO WANTS PROOF TO ANYTHING I SAID LET ME KNOW I WILL PROVIDE THE PROOF."KNOW THY SELF"THERES A REASON THIS WAS ON ALL THE TEMPLES IN EGYPT WHAT HAS HAPPEND IS THE WEST HAS CREATED ALL THESE MYSTERIES TO LEAVE PEOPLE CONFUSED NEVER KNOWING WHO YOU TRULY ARE SO THEY CAN RAISE THERE SPIRITUAL LEVELS AND RULE THE WORLD AND LEAVE THE REST OF YOU BEHIND LIKE A BUNCH OF IDIOTS.I PERSONALLY KNOW ALL THE MEANINGS OF ALL THE SYMBOLS OF EVERY SECRET SOCIETY OUT TODAY AND MOST FROM THE PAST ONCE YOU KNOW THE TRUE MEANING OF THINGS AND GAIN REAL KNOWLEDG YOU DECODE ALL THIS BULLSHIT LIKE NOTHING 26 Mar 2010 @ 21:51 by TrueBeliever @ : Church is NOT the house of God @Ron Kernodle jr; only jesus saves? you even know what that means you stupid idiot? or are you just repeating what you hear in that stupid church you go to... dude stop telling lies in order to get people to go to stupid singleminded fear inducing *ucked up churches... you're so wrong. churches are wrong... the bible books are all edited by temple priests who wanted to stay in power... the original biblebooks were ALL destroyed long ago... if you keep telling these lies you might as well BE satan... churches put fear into man and that's satans tool... God is love, NOT fear ! trust in God and do as you wish as long as no harm is done, and for fuck sake keep an open mind you idiot. Don't shut your eyes out of fear to something you don't understand, like the churches want us to do. CHEERS :D 2 Apr 2011 @ 01:01 by mc @ : Request information to gain knowledge gemarr collier can you please send me the spiritual information so that I too may "know myslef"? Good health and may the truth continue to be with you. 8 Aug 2011 @ 01:26 by Aset @ : TrueBeliever @ You are so right, and my guess is, if Jesus really knows what has happened in His name and still happens, I don't believe one millisecond that he would agree of what the church is 'preaching' in his name, he would be mad, he is mad, who knows? Who kills in his name? Who burned people in his name? Christians did, they burned books and took us all back to the Dark Ages! Women were considered less than men all of a sudden, they found out Pagan medicine was better and it had to go! Women where highpriestesses long before all religions!!! There is a God, I have no doubts about that, as there is a Godess, because everything must be in balance! Ramesses the Great's doctor was Nefer, she was a woman! Mr Ron Kernodle jr, the Bible says thou shall not kill, your religion murdered 100,000's of people as do all religions, well the 'modern' ones at least! Your bible says, "thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live", WE SAY:" DO AS YOU WILL, BUT HARM NONE!" et the difference?!?! I know my angels are with me all the time and I don't have a church, because our mother Earth IS my church every day! God and Godess are the Universe, the All, the very essence of all that lives and breaths, it is always around us, and not sir, not in a church where you ask for forgiveness for your sins and go home afterwards all happy! Wake up!!!! In Jesus' name Wake up!!! I truely honestly believe that he is in pain by all that is done in His name! Wake up and smell the Universe mr. Ron Kernodle jr and followers!!! Thank you TrueBeliever for the words you wrote down a year ago, too bad people still don't get the point! O forgot to mention, I am a lightworker, a starchild/indigo and Pagan/Wiccan and proud of it! Blessed Be, to all mankind!!! CHEERS ;D 8 Aug 2011 @ 01:45 by Aset @ : Aset @ I forgot to mention that I am 40 years old and not a teenager with an attitude! I do believe however, since I was barely 10 years old that Lemuria and Atlantis where spaceships, and no one can convince me otherwise... Untill this day nobody knows how the big statues on Easterisland were build and where they came from, or build them, Stonehenge is for many scientists still a big mysterie to solve, although they will never admit it, as are the pyramids in Egypt and South America. Native Americans know about the Great Spirit and they are not referring to the Bible! When I was barely 10 years old my room was split into 2 separate parts, 1 part was Ancient Egypt, the second half of my room was the Galaxy, our Universe! and no Barbie Dolls! ;) explain that to me mr. Kernodle and others who are just too narrowminded to see the big picture! I've never felt at home on this planet, never will, but you are hurting our mother Earth, she is the one who provides us with the most essential "thing" possible! Life itself! For without air and food to eat, where would you be? In church? Wake up, please wake up! Blessed Be, all of you! 26 Jul 2012 @ 05:02 by obd2 scnner @ : obd2 scnner we offer products the main include: the mid of special car links cables, car diagnostic tools, OBDII auto harness, car fittings handle,Outillage de diagnostic, car maintenance equipment wiring, car audio harness, VOLVO VIDA DICE,computer decoder OBDII,TOYOTA Intelligent Tester2, connecting cables, Digimaster 3, autobossv30, Scanner OBD2 etc, if necessary, please click here. 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